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How To Turn a $2,000 bank Account Into a Nine-Figure Empire! with Pamly and Nancy Kitti

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Palmy and Nancy Kitti are a sister duo team obsessed with all things financial freedom, passive income, and apartment investing + apartment syndication, who turned a $2,000 bank account into a nine-figure empire! They are apartment syndication experts, entrepreneurs, real estate investors, fur auntie + fur mama, philanthropists, and unshackled optimists who are dedicated to helping other savvy souls. DITCH the 9–5 and live the most vibrant life possible! They are sisters and first-generation immigrants who've witnessed the hardships of working toward financial freedom. ​As children, they watched their parents struggle with long hours of work. When they grew up, they worked VERY HARD to justify their sacrifices and to avoid the situation they found themselves in when they first moved to this country: financial security They’ve been through it all. Long hours, increasing demands & responsibilities, and full-on BURN OUT! How they WISH they’d known then what they’re going to share with you NOW! However, their dedication paid off. By 2010, they were successful fashion manufacturers. They were doing quite well — really well, in fact. They were reliant on one income stream, however, with no safety net. It would only take one unpredictable event for it to all come crashing down. In 2017, their biggest client announced they were CLOSING all their stores. And just like that our income dried up. And they had no backup plan. It was at that moment they realized our sense of security was an ILLUSION. They were trading time for money and without any demand, our business became obsolete overnight. They had to act fast. This was their turning point. They immersed themselves in a WHOLE NEW WORLD through apartment syndication to free themselves from "the daily grind" and to give them stability, reliability, and scalability in their next venture. This allows them unlimited freedom to travel and (finally!) explore their dreams. And since beginning this journey, they’ve never had to put their lives on hold... or worse... AT RISK based on unpredictable events, outside of their control, ever again!

Timestamps: 00:01 - Fashion entrepreneurs transform small investments into empires. 05:09 - Immigrant entrepreneurs faced obstacles and lacked time for family. 07:46 - Initial skepticism towards real estate investment persists. 15:41 - Gurus' advice creates poor desperation in raising capital. 19:18 - Utilizing social media for targeted investor outreach. 20:27 - Authenticity and expertise are crucial in social media. 24:58 - A small following can effectively raise significant funds. 28:41 - Insights on securing private funding. 30:37 - Access free raising private money tips at

Have you read Jay’s new book: Where to Get The Money Now?

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What is Private Money? Real Estate Investing with Jay Conner

Jay Conner is a proven real estate investment leader. He maximizes creative methods to buy and sell properties with profits averaging $67,000 per deal without using his own money or credit.

What is Real Estate Investing? Live Private Money Academy Conference

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