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Wealth Building Secrets: Jay Conner's Blueprint for Financial Freedom In Real Estate

*** Guest Appearance

Credits to: 

“Jay Conner – Real Estate Investor and Author” 

In the realm of real estate investing, success stories are often woven with determination, strategic decisions, and a knack for seizing opportunities. One such luminary in the industry is Jay Conner, whose journey from humble beginnings to a seasoned real estate investor is both inspirational and instructive. Let’s delve into the wealth of knowledge shared by Jay Conner in a recent episode, exploring his pivotal moments, tactics, and insights that have shaped his thriving career.

From Mobile Homes to Single-Family Houses: A Transformational Shift

Jay’s entry into the world of real estate was preceded by his involvement in the mobile home business, a domain ingrained in his familial roots. Despite facing challenges in the industry’s decline, Jay transitioned to single-family houses in 2003 with resolute optimism. This shift marked a transformative phase in his career, where he embarked on a path that would redefine his success trajectory.

Navigating Financial Waters: The Power of Creative Funding

One of Jay’s standout strategies was utilizing an unsecured line of credit from a local bank to kickstart his real estate investing journey. This bold move underscored his belief in the power of creative funding and resourcefulness in overcoming financial hurdles. Jay’s ability to leverage unconventional financing sources showcases the ingenuity required to thrive in a competitive industry.

Cultivating Success: The Role of Mentors and Mastermind Groups

Central to Jay’s evolution as a successful real estate investor was his engagement with mentors and participation in mastermind groups. The significance of surrounding oneself with confident and like-minded individuals resonates throughout Jay’s narrative, emphasizing the transformative impact of mentorship and collaborative learning. By seeking guidance from experienced professionals and fostering a supportive network, Jay honed his skills and expanded his horizons in the realm of real estate.

The Art of Private Lending: Unlocking Opportunities Through Relationships

A defining moment in Jay’s journey was the shutdown of his line of credit during a financial crisis, prompting a strategic pivot towards private lending. Through innovative approaches such as teaching a private lending program and hosting a private lender luncheon, Jay raised substantial funds without direct solicitations. His emphasis on building relationships and offering value to potential lenders underscores the profound impact of trust and rapport in securing financial backing for real estate ventures.

Strategic Renovations and Market Resilience

Navigating the challenges of real estate renovation, Jay adopts a proactive approach by preparing for unexpected repairs and market fluctuations. His commitment to transparency and integrity shines through in ensuring that private lenders receive the promised returns. By adhering to a prudent borrowing threshold and diversifying his funding sources, Jay exemplifies resilience and foresight in mitigating risks and maximizing profitability in the ever-evolving real estate landscape.

Jay Conner’s journey in real estate investing illuminates the path to success through perseverance, strategic acumen, and a steadfast commitment to building meaningful relationships. His story serves as a testament to the transformative power of resilience, adaptability, and a relentless pursuit of excellence in the dynamic world of real estate. Aspiring investors can draw inspiration from Jay’s insights and experiences, charting their own course toward success in the competitive realm of real estate investing.

“The most important thing that I understand is every one of our private lenders, all 47 of them, have gotten 100% of every penny of interest that was promised to them.” – Jay Conner

10 Lessons Discussed in this Episode:

  1. Leveraging Private Money: 

Learn the essential tips and strategies on how to raise and use private money to maximize profits in real estate investing. Private funding can open doors to opportunities that traditional financing might not.

  1. Investing in Outlying Areas: 

Discover the advantages of investing in less competitive, outlying regions rather than crowded big cities. Jay’s success story shows that significant income and profit are achievable in smaller markets if you have funding ready to go.

  1. Road to Growth: 

Gain insights from successful entrepreneurs about the journey to success. This podcast episode highlights key entrepreneurial experiences and lessons learned that can help you carve your path forward.

  1. Small Town Investing: 

Understand the benefits and challenges of investing in a small town. Jay has rehabbed over 500 houses in a town of 40,000 people, proving that extensive success is possible even in smaller communities.

  1. Marketing Funnel Channels: 

Learn about the importance of using multiple marketing strategies to attract leads from motivated sellers and find off-market properties. Jay uses eight different channels to maintain a steady flow of opportunities.

  1. Local Market Dominance: 

Hear about the advantages of keeping operations within a close geographical radius. Jay prefers to invest within a 20-25 minute drive from his office, which helps him maintain strong control and market presence.

  1. Affiliation with Realtors: 

Discover the value of building long-term partnerships with realtors. Jay has worked with the same realtor for 19 years, relying on their expertise to make offers and pull comparable property data, which aids his investment decisions.

  1. Transition from Mobile Homes: 

Follow Jay’s journey from being born into the mobile home industry to transitioning to single-family house investments after facing industry challenges in the early 2000s. His background and adaptability played crucial roles in his shift.

  1. Building Shopping Centers: 

Understand Jay’s diversified investment strategy, which includes not just residential properties but also commercial developments like building shopping centers from the ground up. This underscores the importance of versatile investment approaches.

  1. The Influence of Background: 

Recognize the impact of one’s upbringing and background on their career path. Jay was raised in the mobile home industry, which laid the foundation for his real estate investing career, highlighting how early experiences can inform future success.

Fun facts that were revealed in the episode: 

  1. During the financial crisis in 2009, Jay Conner managed to raise a staggering $969,000 for his real estate ventures without directly soliciting money. He achieved this through effective networking, teaching a private lending program, and hosting a private lender luncheon.
  1. For those interested in being private lenders for Jay’s real estate deals, the minimum investment required is $50,000. Interestingly, he often uses multiple private lenders to fund a single property, ensuring diversification and security across his investment portfolio.
  1. Jay Conner’s journey in real estate investing began in an unconventional manner; he purchased his first house in 2003 for $50,000 using an unsecured line of credit from a bank. Despite initial challenges with selling the property, this marked the pivotal start to his highly successful career in real estate.


00:01 – Raising Private Money Without Asking For It

05:50 – A business decision to keep flipping close by.

10:08 – Profiting $30,000 in 90 days from homes.

13:38 – Positivity and acceptance drove my business transition.

15:39 – Seek education and mentorship for success in real estate.

19:21 – My banker abruptly shut down my credit line.

23:33 – The Good News Phonecall

27:21 – Expect the unexpected in project, finance management.

28:28 – Leverage private money for big real estate profits.

30:55 – Jay Conner’s Free Book:  

33:15 – Took a risk, invested, and faced challenges.

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Have you read Jay’s new book: Where to Get The Money Now?

It is available FREE (all you pay is the shipping and handling) at 

What is Private Money? Real Estate Investing with Jay Conner

Jay Conner is a proven real estate investment leader. He maximizes creative methods to buy and sell properties with profits averaging $67,000 per deal without using his money or credit.

What is Real Estate Investing? Live Private Money Academy Conference

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