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Securing Consistent High Return With Tax Liens and Tax Deeds Featuring Angela Duncan

Welcome to another enlightening episode of “Raising Private Money” with Jay Conner, also known as the Private Money Authority. In today’s episode, we have a special guest, Angela Duncan, an expert in tax lien investing and the host of the highly-rated podcast “Empower Her Money.” Angela shares her journey from poverty and abuse to achieving financial success and happiness. This blog post will delve into Angela’s strategies for raising private money, shifting mindsets, and generating consistent returns through tax lien investing.

From Adversity to Success: Angela’s Remarkable Journey

Angela Duncan’s journey is nothing short of inspiring. Born into a life of poverty and abuse, Angela moved out at 18 and worked three jobs to change her circumstances. Her initial drive to escape poverty led her to excel in banking, financial advising, and real estate. Today, she is dedicated to helping others create wealth through passive investing. Angela emphasizes that shifting one’s mindset is crucial. “Understand that you have the power to choose. Once you become aware of your limiting beliefs, you can replace them with empowering ones,” says Angela.


The Power of Writing It Down

Angela highlights the importance of writing down thoughts and goals as a fundamental method for mindset transformation. “Many years of studies have shown that writing something down makes it more likely to stay in your mind,” Angela explains. She recommends using visual aids like a large whiteboard to continuously remind oneself of their goals and progress. This practice helps in consistently working on shifting the money mindset from a scarcity perspective to one of abundance.


Understanding Tax Liens and Tax Deeds 

Angela chose tax liens as her focus in real estate investment due to their passive nature and reliability. A tax lien is essentially a lien on a property due to unpaid property taxes. Investors provide the needed tax amount to the government in exchange for interest when the property owner repays the tax. On the other hand, tax deeds involve buying the actual deed to the property, typically at auction, if the owner fails to pay the taxes. Both avenues offer lucrative opportunities for double-digit returns, but they come with different levels of risk and involvement.


Raising Private Money: The Strategy

Angela emphasizes that raising private money is not a sales process but a solution-providing one. Identifying the right target market is essential. For Angela, retirees looking for steady, conservative returns are ideal candidates. “Connect potential investors to the right vehicle to meet their financial needs,” she advises, underscoring the importance of education and understanding investors’ goals. By focusing on helping rather than selling, Angela successfully raised over $1,000,000 for her tax lien fund.


Achieving Consistent 22% Returns

One of the most compelling aspects of tax lien investing is the potential for high, consistent returns. In Florida, for example, tax liens can earn between 5% to 18%. Combining tax lien investments with tax deed investments can balance risk and reward, often leading to a blended, double-digit return on investment. “By diversifying among short-term notes and tax deeds, you can achieve higher returns while managing risk,” Angela suggests.


Creating Generational Wealth

Angela discusses how tax liens can be a vehicle for generational wealth, especially when combined with strategic life insurance planning. Flexible policies like Whole Life or Indexed Universal Life (IUL) can serve dual purposes. They provide life insurance while allowing investors to borrow against the policy for other high-return investments. “This strategy not only preserves capital for the next generation but also educates them on building and maintaining wealth,” Angela explains.


The Importance of Mentorship

Angela emphasizes the critical role of mentorship in achieving investment success. “Don’t be afraid to seek help or ask questions,” she advises. Mentors can provide invaluable insights and prevent costly mistakes. Jay Conner echoes this sentiment, sharing how a lack of mentorship led to significant losses early in his career. Both agree that the right guidance can fast-track your path to financial freedom.



Angela Duncan’s story and strategies underscore the transformative power of mindset, education, and strategic investing. She demonstrates that with the right tools and guidance, anyone can achieve financial independence and create lasting generational wealth. If you’re interested in learning more about tax lien investing, visit for a free eBook. Stay tuned for more insights and strategies from experts in the world of private money and real estate investing.


10 Lessons Learned in this Episode:

  1. Introduction and Host Overview

Jay Conner opens the episode by introducing the show’s focus on raising private money for real estate without direct solicitation. He highlights the expertise of the hosts, including Angela Duncan.


  1. Show Focus and Goals

The narrator explains the show’s purpose: teaching real estate investors how to raise and leverage private money to maximize profits on their deals without pitching directly.

  1. Angela Duncan’s Inspiring Journey

Angela Duncan shares her background of overcoming poverty and an abusive childhood, transforming her life through a mindset shift and effective investing strategies.


  1. Importance of Mindset Shifts

Angela discusses how her initial drive to escape poverty evolved into a mindset of deserving abundance, highlighting the importance of mindset in achieving financial success.


  1. Reframing Money Beliefs

Angela provides advice on identifying and changing the negative beliefs about money ingrained from childhood, emphasizing the importance of writing these down to effectively reframe them.


  1. Value of Writing Thoughts Down

Discusses the research-backed benefits of writing thoughts on paper versus digitally, which helps in visualizing, addressing, and shifting deep-seated beliefs about money.


  1. Beginning to Raise Private Money

Angela recounts her journey into raising over $1 million in private money for tax lien investments, detailing the motivation and needs that led her to this funding approach.


  1. Transitioning to Tax Lien Investing

Angela explains her shift from owning single-family properties to tax lien investing to achieve more passive and reliable returns without the hassles of property management.


  1. Understanding Tax Liens

A deep dive into tax liens, explaining that the government always seeks property taxes, securing the investments and ensuring the necessary funds are provided for public services.


  1. Finding and Working with Mentors

Angela emphasizes the necessity of partnering with experienced mentors and identifying the right target market to ensure successful investing and efficient capital raising.


Fun facts that were revealed in the episode: 


  1. Angela Duncan, often referred to as the “queen of passive investing,” has impressively raised over $1,000,000 for her tax lien investing business, showcasing her expertise and success in the field.


  1. Angela is the host of the highly popular podcast “Empower Her Money,” which boasts over 1205 star ratings, highlighting its impact and the valuable insights it provides to listeners.


  1. Jay Conner, also known as the Private Money Authority, transitioned to raising private money as a solution to overcome challenges he faced in his real estate investing career, illustrating the versatility and resilience required in the industry.


00:01 – Raising Private Money Without Asking For It.

06:01 – Addressing childhood beliefs and fears for success.

08:45 – Discussion on Raising Private Money and Investor Trends.

11:20 – The government relies on property tax for funding.

14:50 – Identify target market, match fund, and find connections.

17:48 – Explaining taxation and advising on investment vehicles.

22:03 – Life insurance advisor partnering to build wealth.

26:13 – Connect with Angela Duncan:

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What is Private Money? Real Estate Investing with Jay Conner

Jay Conner is a proven real estate investment leader. He maximizes creative methods to buy and sell properties with profits averaging $67,000 per deal without using his money or credit.

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