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How To Buy Houses With No Money Down - Free Coaching Friday

Join Jay Conner every Friday, live for Free Coaching Friday where he will teach you strategies that will help you take your real estate investing business to the next level.

In this video, Jay is going to share the 3 strategies on how you can buy houses without using your own money.

They are the following:

1. Seller-Financing

2. Subject-to the existing Note

3. Private Money

Jay Conner’s Facebook: 


0:01 – Get Ready To Be Plugged Into The Money – Free Coaching Friday!

5:24 – Who is Jay Conner?

6:56 – When do you use Private Money?

7:22 – Jay’s new book – “Where To Get The Money Now? –

11:48 – 3 strategies on how you can buy houses without using your own money

12:57 – Seller Financing, Subject-to the existing Note & Private Money

14:05 – Seller Financing

16:09 – Subject-to the existing Note

17:33 – Private Money

23:21 – – join the Private Money Academy

23:56 – – Live event on October 27, 28, 29, 2021 – Private Money Academy Conference

Private Money Academy Conference:

Have you read Jay’s new book: Where to Get The Money Now? It is available FREE (all you pay is the shipping and handling) at

What is Private Money? Real Estate Investing with Jay Conner

Join the Private Money Academy:

Jay Conner is a proven real estate investment leader. Without using his own money or credit, Jay maximizes creative methods to buy and sell properties with profits averaging $64,000 per deal.

What is Real Estate Investing? Live Private Money Academy Conference

YouTube Channel


Listen to our Podcast:

Real Estate Investing with Jay Conner

Jay Conner  (00:07):

Oh, my lands, here we are, live streaming from Ketchikan, Alaska, as I promised you I would, right here on Free Coaching Friday. I got 3 quick questions. Number 1, are you a real estate investor and you’re still struggling to get your first deal because you simply don’t have the funding for your deals? Or are you a wholesaler and you’ve got some assignment fees and that’s been great, but you’ve wanted to stay in some deals, but you didn’t have the funding to stay in the deals? Or are you a seasoned real estate investor and you’re just sick and tired of paying high interest rates or hard money loan rates and you just want to do more deals and get private money that’s a lot cheaper? Well, if you answered ‘yes’ to any of those 3 questions, don’t go anywhere because I’m getting ready to plug you into the money.

Jay Conner  (01:01):

Welcome to Free Coaching Friday. I’m Jay Conner, the Private Money Authority. And listen, I am so excited to have you join here. Oh my lands, good morning, Lori Ryan! Yes, I promised last night I’d be here doing Free Coaching Friday. But anyway, here on Free Coaching Friday, every Friday morning that’s possible, I go live here to teach you at least one strategy that will help take you to your next level in your real estate investing business. So what is today’s strategy that I’m going to teach you after I plug you into the money? The strategy is how to buy houses with no money down. In fact, 3 different strategies I’m going to share with you on how to buy houses with no money down. Absolutely no money out of your pocket. Before we start that, for those of you that are brand new here to Free Coaching Friday, who in the world is Jay Conner?

Jay Conner  (02:02):

And why should you listen to me? Before I answer that question, I need your help. So I always like to know who is tuning in here on Free Coaching Friday. Whether you’re watching on the live stream right now or if you are watching on the replay, I need you, everybody right now, to type in the comment bar your city and state that you’re tuning in from. What city and state are you tuning in from? I got Lori on here right now. I got quite a few others that are coming in. And by the way, I don’t have a voice this morning because it’s like six o’clock in the morning here in Ketchikan, Alaska.

Jay Conner  (02:53):

We typically do the Free Coaching Fridays at 10:00 AM Eastern Time. But anyway, we’re having an amazing trip here in Ketchikan. Carol Joy and I, this past Saturday, left Eastern North Carolina to fly to Anchorage, Alaska. And we got there this past Saturday night to visit with our nephew, Tyler, his wife, Kelsey, their little 7-month-old, Hunter. We had a fantastic time in Anchorage. And then just a couple of days ago, we flew from Anchorage on what they call The Milk Run at 1,266 miles from Anchorage down here to Ketchikan, Alaska. Oh my lands. So there is Jason. Jason says, “How do you get money that’s not from the banks?” I’m getting ready to tell you right now, Jason, in just a second. I’m going to plug you into the money to where you don’t have to rely on any banks, no hard money lenders, none of that stuff.

Jay Conner  (03:46):

So anyway, I flew down here to Ketchikan, Alaska. Yesterday, Carol Joy and I went out fishing for silver salmon. We got 19 silver salmon. We got 4 halibuts, fantastic! This right here behind me is Salmon Falls. So this is called the Salmon Falls Resort. We’re having a great time. All right. So, oh, by the way, if you like the looks of the falls or you don’t, I need your help. When you hear something that you like, or you love here on Free Coaching Friday, I need you to tap the like button, the blue thumbs up. So right now you see the waterfalls, everybody right now hit the thumbs up button right now. Give me lots of likes. I need a sea of likes coming across the screen right now. So give me a bunch of likes. Right after that, hit the heart button.

Jay Conner  (04:31):

I need a lot of love here on Free Coaching Friday. So send me a bunch of love. Lots of love, lots of love, lots of love. One last instruction before I plug you into the money and give you the 3 strategies on how to buy houses with no money down. Last instruction, and that is, I need your help. I’m going to be sharing some awesome real estate investing information right here in just a second. I need your help to get this information out to as many real estate investors as we can. So I need your help. Right now, everybody, whether you’re watching on the live stream or you’re watching on the replay, tap your share icon below the video. That’s right. Tap the share icon so we can get all this information out to as many real estate investors as we can.

Jay Conner  (05:19):

So I promised you that I was going to plug you into the money, right? If you’re brand new to Free Coaching Friday, who in the world is Jay Conner? And how is it that I’m qualified to share with you these strategies here today? Hello there, Dan Muhorner. So how in the world am I qualified to share with you about private money and getting you plugged into the funding and all that? Well, I can tell you. My wife, Carol Joy, and I started investing in single-family houses back in 2003 in Eastern North Carolina. Since that time we’ve rehabbed about 425 houses, right? And I’ve done many more deals than that, but that’s been the rehabs. Well from 2003 until 2009, those first 6 years, we relied on the local banks to fund our deals.

Jay Conner  (06:17):

Like the rest of the world, we lost our lines of credit in January 2009. And I had deals under contract but nobody to fund them. Well, I learned about private money. I’m not talking about hard money lenders. I’m not talking about institutional lenders. I’m talking about private money. Money from individuals using their investment capital, and/or their retirement accounts to fund our deals. And since I learned about it, in less than 90 days, I raised over $2,150,000 in private money. And since that time, I have not missed out on a deal because I didn’t have the funding. So private money has been the answer. When do you use private money? You use private money when the seller, regardless of whether they’re in the multiple listing service or they are a FSBO, as in off-market, you and the seller require all the money, all the cash when you buy it, that’s when you use private money.

Jay Conner  (07:15):

So, it’s been an amazing journey and we’re still on it. So I promised you, I was going to plug you into the money. I’ve got a free gift for you whether you’re on the live stream or you are watching the replay. And that is, I just released my new book very recently. And the new book is called, “Where To Get The Money Now.” Hello there and good morning, Jermaine. By the way, if you’re on the live stream, you’re watching the replay, and you haven’t done it yet, type in the comment bar right now, the city and state that you are tuning in from. The city and state, I want to know. Now this new book, “Where To Get The Money Now,” is all about getting private money.

Jay Conner  (08:01):

It’ll show you the steps, step by step, how to get funding very, very quickly from individuals that are funding deals for real estate investors. You can realistically get hundreds of thousands of dollars ready to fund your deals in just a matter of 2 or 3 weeks, following the steps in this book. Edenton, North Carolina. Hello, Dwayne. Welcome to Free Coaching Friday. Jermaine’s from Atlanta, Georgia. Welcome to Free Coaching Friday. So look, this book you can spend for it, 20 bucks on Amazon plus shipping. Or you can just let me give you the book for free! That’s right. I’m going to give you this book for free, just cover delivery. Here’s the URL where you can get the book for free and it’s

Jay Conner  (09:05):

That’s right, the day we’re on here, FRIDAY. So get the book for free at And I’ll get that right out to you. Hey, if you think it’s a pretty cool idea for you to get this book for free, that’s going to plug you into the money. Oh, thank you so much, I appreciate the shout out there on the good book. If you think this is going to plug into the money. And thank you, Diane, for the shoutout. Then give me a bunch of love right now. Send me a bunch of hearts, all that good stuff. I got to put my glasses so I can see all these awesome comments coming in. There is, oh, thank you, Dan, for putting the URL in the video.

Jay Conner  (09:52):

Hey, Erica, my lands! There is Erica, all the way from Mississippi. Erica is a platinum and mastermind member. It’s great to see you here, Erica. So here’s the deal, Erica is on here right now. They had not gotten their first all-cash deal. We’ve started working together and just in a matter of a very, very short time, her husband, Banjo, and Erica, they now have over $650,000. Erica, tell me if I’m right there in the comment bar, over $650,000, they’ve got in private money that they’re using for their deals. Let’s see here, Tammy in Newburn, is a wholesaler. We started working together and now due to her having all the private money available for her deals, she can stay in the deals that she wants to. And then there’s Stu and Harriet up in New York. Stuart, Harriet.

Jay Conner  (10:48):

We started working together a little while ago and they already had a hundred houses in their portfolio. And my lands, since we started working together on this private money thing, they now have an additional $1,650,000 in private funding. So, I think that’s pretty cool. Before I share the 3 strategies with you here in just a second, one more time, give me a bunch of love. And if you haven’t hit the share icon yet, I need your help. I need your help to get this information out and get this free book offered out to as many people as possible. Tap your share icon. That’s right. Tap your share icon right now, whether you’re watching the live stream right here from live on Ketchikan, Alaska or you are watching the replay.

Jay Conner  (11:38):

Okay, folks, here we go. 3 quick strategies on how to buy houses with no money down. Yes, Erica in the comment bar, she just confirmed. They have over $600,000 in private money that they’re using now for their all-cash deals. That’s awesome, Erica! Hey, it comes down to just taking action. Taking action on the strategies that we share on the private money. Right? It’s awesome. By the way, if you’re just tuning in to the live stream, you can get my book for free. Just cover delivery, getting plugged into the money, “Where To Get The Money Now: How and Where to Get Money for Your Real Estate Deals Without Relying on Traditional or Hard Money Lenders.”

Jay Conner  (12:32):

We’ll get that shipped out to you. 3 quick strategies here on how to buy houses with no money down. With no money out of your pocket. That’s right. So 3 strategies. How do you buy houses with no money out of your pocket? Here’s the 3 strategies and write them down because you’re going to want to have these strategies on the ready when you are visiting with a potential seller. Now, these strategies that I’m going to share with you have got nothing to do with buying houses out of the multiple listing service, okay? These strategies have got everything to do with when you are negotiating with what we call an off-market seller or a For Sale By Owner, all right? Here they are. Number 1: Seller financing. Number 2: Subject to the existing note.

Jay Conner  (13:36):

And Number 3: Private money. So these 3 strategies, I’m going to do a quick, quick dive into each of these. So again, the 3 strategies on how to buy houses with no money out of your pocket at all is, or no money down, right, is Number 1: Seller financing. Number 2: Subject to the existing note and Number 3: Private money. Let’s start with seller financing. So I want you to write this down – when you are visiting with a potential seller of a property and they are a For Sale By Owner, here’s the key – when you find out that they own the house free and clear, in other words, they don’t owe any mortgage on it, right?

Jay Conner  (14:42):

It’s free and clear. I want you to trigger that in your mind. I’m going to talk about seller financing. So what is seller financing? Seller financing means that the seller, the owner of the property that you are visiting with, the owner of that property will be willing to sell you their house. And you’re going to give them a mortgage or deed of trust, and you’re going to give them a promissory note and you’re going to agree to pay them so much per month, interest free. You never bring up interest. We never bring up interest when we’re talking about seller financing and you don’t bring up downpayment, right? Typically it’s not going to come up in conversation. So they’ll have to be a term to the note. So most of the time we negotiate that we’re going to buy the house, no down payment from the seller.

Jay Conner  (15:41):

They’re going to take a note back and you agree on a monthly payment, let’s say it’s $700 a month. So I agree to pay you $700 a month until paid. Write that down. So again, the trigger is when they own the house free and clear with no mortgage, then that’s going to trigger no down payment, seller financing, all right. Second strategy, and I’m just giving you the 30,000 foot view. The second strategy is Subject to the existing note. So again, this is when you’re talking with a FSBO, right? For sale by owner. Let’s say they still have a mortgage. They still owe money. And they’re making payments to a lender, right? A traditional lender. So that’s going to trigger when they have a mortgage, that’s going to trigger negotiating subject to the existing note.

Jay Conner  (16:39):

What does that mean? That means that the seller of the house will agree to sell you the house, transfer the deed of the title to the note. And they’re going to leave the mortgage in their name and you’re going to agree to make their payments. All right. That’s all that means. Now you say, well, who in the world would agree to do that? Well, a motivated seller, a seller that is looking for either debt relief or stress relief. Either they’re stressed out and have personal problems going on, or they can’t afford the payment anymore. So that is subject to the existing note. Again, you’re negotiating with a seller, they have a mortgage, you’re agreeing to make the payments. They’re going to leave the mortgage in their name until you find an end-user cash out buyer.

Jay Conner  (17:28):

And then that’s when their mortgage would get paid off. And then the third strategy to buy houses with no money down in your pocket is what? That’s right, it’s private money! So you say, “That’s the only two choices, Jay. They either have a mortgage or they don’t.” Well, here’s the deal. When the seller requires all the cash when you buy, which I’ve discovered, 87% of all sellers will not sell to me on terms. They want all the money, they need all the money. So you’re going to use the private money as a backup, right? You can use private money. If they won’t sell to you, it’s subject to the existing note. You’re going to use private money. If they won’t sell to you or seller financing and they won’t carry the note, then what are you going to do?

Jay Conner  (18:20):

You’re going to use private money. You say, “Jay, I don’t have any private money.” Well, how are you going to get private money? You’re going to get my book, right? My book is going to plug you into the money. It’s already a bestseller on Amazon, but why go over to Amazon and pay 20 bucks when you can get it for free? Just pay a couple of bucks for shipping and handling. We’ll get it shipped right out to you. So again, if you have not gotten my book ordered, it’s free. Just cover shipping and handling. “Where To Get The Money Now,” this will plug you into the money very, very fast on the funding for your deals. There you have it folks. Hey, look, if you think those strategies are pretty cool on buying houses with no money down. Dan Muhorner, I love you man.

Jay Conner  (19:07):

Want to know how to avoid missing out on deals, get the book! You got it, man. You can get the book, everybody, at and we’ll ship the book right out to you. So if you thought the strategies were pretty cool on no money down, no money out of your pocket to buy these houses right now, whether you’re watching on the live stream or you’re watching the replay, send me a ton of love coming across the screen. That’s right. I need lots of hearts. So lots of hearts, lots of hearts, lots of hearts. My lands. I am feeling the love here on Free Coaching Friday.

Jay Conner  (19:49):

By the way, I got to read a big shoutout right here behind the screen, here in Ketchikan, Alaska. Oh my lands, there is my sister-in-law, Lisa. “Every Friday should be set in front of a waterfall.” Lisa, is this waterfall here in Ketchikan, Alaska not absolutely beautiful? In fact, Lisa, I can’t wait. I think there are some plans in the works for you and like somebody else and somebody else for us to do like some mountain riding around. Anyway, good to see you, Lisa. Anyway, big shoutout here right behind the camera. I’ve got Nathan and Matthew that are traveling here. So you’re all good, Matthew. But traveling here and on this resort out here in Alaska, oh my lands. But anyway, it’s been fantastic.

Jay Conner  (20:41):

I see you, Lisa. So, yes, we are ready. Anyway, fantastic to be here with you on another Free Coaching Friday. Yep. We’ve been going here for about 22 minutes. So I’m about ready to call this a wrap. So one last thing and I’ll let you go. One last thing. I need your help. Whether you’re watching on the live stream right now, or you’re watching on the replay, I need your help to get this information out to as many real estate investors as possible. Whether you think you have friends that are interested in real estate or not, I want to send the book to anybody that wants it. Tap your share icon button right now below the video. And let’s get this information out. Well, there you have it, folks. I’m so glad to be here with you on another Free Coaching Friday.

Jay Conner  (21:31):

Lord willing, I’ll be right back here with you again on the next Free Coaching Friday. I’m Jay Conner, the Private Money Authority. And my lands, there’s Dwayne. Hello, Dwayne Renshaw. Hey, look, Dwayne, I’m gonna answer your question here in just a second. It’s “Jay, when is the next class you’re having?” I’m glad you asked, Dwayne. So, here’s the deal folks. Upcoming live event. In fact, Dwayne, you have just triggered me to give everybody another free gift. So whether you’re watching the live stream or you are watching the replay, I now have almost 300 Private Money Academy members. And I mean, the Academy is amazing. In fact, we just had like 60 more members come in a week before last. What happens on the Private Money Academy membership? So of course, you’ve got the membership area that gives you a ton of training on private money, finding deals, selling deals, rehabbing, wholesaling, land deals, self storage, all that stuff.

Jay Conner  (22:36):

But the focus is private money in the Private Money Academy membership. But I go live on Zoom twice a month with the Private Money Academy members. And on that Zoom call, it’s the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month, 4:00 PM Eastern Time. And I answer the Academy members’ challenges. What are the real estate investing challenges that the real estate investors are going through? And so this past Wednesday we had, there were over 60 people live on the Private Money Academy Zoom. There’s a ton of training in the membership area. Here’s the URL that will give you access for 4 weeks in the Private Money Academy for free.

Jay Conner  (23:30):

So you go to And look, if you like the Academy, and you’re getting a bunch of benefits, it’s amazingly 37 bucks a month. If you want to stay in after that, up to you, but come check it out and hang out with us, that’s All right. So Dwayne just asked the question, “When is the next upcoming live event?” Well, it’s going to be the last week of October. Yep. I can’t remember the dates. I think it’s the 26th, 27th, and 28th. Anyway, it’s the last Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday in October. And that event is the Private Money Academy Conference.

Jay Conner  (24:26):

So if you want private money for your deals, you need to get to this upcoming Private Money Academy Conference. So here’s where you can go check it out. It’s Thank you, Dan, for putting that up there. Okay. So it’s the 27th, 28th, and 29th. I couldn’t remember the exact dates. I know it’s the last Wednesday, Thursday and Friday in October, right around the corner. And, guess what? The URL that I just gave out to you, you get to come to this $3,000 live event for free! Yes, because you’re watching here on the live stream. You get to come to the event for free.

Jay Conner  (25:17):

Again, that’s All right, folks. I promise you, I will let you go. So I am going to finally let you go. I’m Jay Conner, the Private Money Authority wishing you all the best. Here’s to taking your real estate investing business to the next level. And we’ll see you right here on the next Free Coaching Friday, but it won’t be from Ketchikan, Alaska. Love you, guys. Catch you later and thank you, Dwayne. “Yes, thanks, Jay. Looking forward to meeting you and implementing your strategies to get more private money.” Y’all have a great one. See you on the next Free Coaching Friday.


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