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Profiting from Dead Leads: Chris Craddock and Jay Conner's REI Revive System

In today’s episode of Raising Private Money Podcast let us look back to when Jay Conner and Chris Craddock shared invaluable insights on reviving dead leads, securing private money for deals, and building a thriving real estate business. 
Discover expert tips on prequalifying leads, leveraging the REI Revive System, and navigating the changing real estate landscape. Don’t miss out on this game-changing information!

Here are some highlights from the episode:

  1. Prequalifying Leads: Understand the vital importance of prequalifying leads and focusing on properties where there is a genuine need, ensuring your time and resources are maximized for success.
  2. Building Your Team: Learn the traits of happy, hungry, humble, and smart in potential team members and discover how to find investor-friendly real estate agents through social media and investor group Facebook networks.
  3. Business Growth & Responsibility: Gain insight into the critical factors for growing a business responsibly, avoiding overexpansion, and understanding the criteria and red flags for sustainable growth.

Chris Craddock, a successful real estate professional, closing between 30-65 deals a month and consistently bringing in up to $10,000,000 in revenue, is the creator of the REI Revive system. This system helps real estate investors monetize dead leads and make more profit without spending additional marketing dollars.

In addition to this wealth of information, Craddock also discusses the increasing trend of states requiring wholesalers to get a real estate license and offers valuable advice on personal development and continuous skill improvement.

Make sure to tune in to the episode for in-depth insights and actionable tips from these seasoned real estate professionals!


0:01 – Raising Private Money Without Asking For It

0:16 – Today’s guest: Chris Craddock

1:46 – The REI Revive System

3:26 – How Chris Craddock got into the real estate business.

5:52 – How Chris achieved his success quickly.

8:22 – Chris’ early struggles in real estate and how he overcame them.

11:30 – Jay’s Free Private Money Guide: 

12:50 – What would you do differently in your real estate business?

14:15 – How to revive your dead leads.

17:57 – Happy, Hungry, Humble & Smart Real Estate Agents

21:15 –  Connect with Chris Craddock: 

22:50 – Where do you find your Happy, Hungry, Humble & Smart Real Estate Agents?

25:50 – What strategy are you using today to find motivated seller leads?

28:32 –  Work hard but work smarter

30:33 – Chris Craddock’s parting comments: “Every day do your work and get better at what you are doing.”

33:20 – Raw and Real with Jay Conner

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What is Private Money? Real Estate Investing with Jay Conner

Jay Conner is a proven real estate investment leader. He maximizes creative methods to buy and sell properties with profits averaging $67,000 per deal without using his money or credit.

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