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Balancing Family, Life & Real Estate Business | Brett Snodgrass & Jay Conner

What is the key to balancing family, life, and your business?

A simple answer, know your priorities.

Watch this short video and find out Brett Snodgrass’ answer to this question.

Brett Snodgrass is CEO of Simple Wholesaling and has been a full-time real estate investor for 10+ years. He specializes in wholesaling, wholetailing, creative financing, and scaling a business from a one-man-band to an amazing full team running 100s of deals per year.

Brett’s amazing team buys and sells 300+ properties per year and builds passive streams of income by creating 50+ creative financing deals per year. In a five-year timespan, Brett has gone from a one-person team to a full-time staff of 10+ team members and has tripled his deal flow.

For more valuable information click on this link and watch the complete episode: – “Finding Purpose And Success with Brett Snodgrass & Jay Conner”

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Jay Conner is a proven real estate investment leader. Without using his own money or credit, Jay maximizes creative methods to buy and sell properties with profits averaging $64,000 per deal.

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Jay Conner:

From your experience, you have figured it out, but you may not have it figured out all the time in the past. What is the key to balancing family and business? How do you balance the chaos of having four kids running around and your relationship with your wife and running a crazy business?

Brett Snodgrass:

I’ll tell you, Jay, it’s hard. I mean, any entrepreneur will tell you that balancing family and your business is very hard and I have not done it super well, especially when I’m scaling and building a business in the early years. Now I’m in a stage in a season where I can step out a little bit and just look at my priorities sometimes when you’re just in it. And you’re grinding out every single day and you can’t hardly breathe because you’re just constantly in the middle of it all and all of the minutia and you can’t be present with your family, you can’t be present with your kids. I see that all the time with entrepreneurs, and that’s why I talk about on the podcast. People don’t really talk about that much because they’re always talking about their business success, but people don’t talk a lot about their family success or their marriage success or what they’re doing in their faith.

So that’s what I love to talk about how do you balance it. I think is really just taking a step back and trying to just do a priority board, right. and just start listing, like what’s really important to you. And when I took a step back, I started to ask myself some really hard questions because whatever decision that you make, you’re going to sacrifice something. And I’m sure all the listeners, a lot of listeners out there, they know like when you’re scaling and building a business, you can say, and give a little bit of a lip service to this and say, “Hey, I’m doing this so that one day I can spend time with my family and I’m trying to give them the things that I never had.” And you can say all that, but during doing it all, I think that you’re sacrificing a lot of those special moments, those magic moments with your family.

When I took a step back a year ago out of my business, I said, “Okay, I can maybe build another business.” I can do all of that, but it really going to help my family to make another X amount of dollars. Let’s say a million dollars easy, would it really helped my family to make that, or would it help them more if I was here and I was available and I got to spend the magic moments with them, and I got to pour into them rather than trying to juggle at a hundred miles an hour all the time. That’s the season that I’m in. And I would just encourage every entrepreneur out there just to start asking yourself those hard questions and start to put your priorities in check. And I was talking to one entrepreneur one time, and this really stuck with me because he was pretty successful.

I saw him interact with his family and I was like, “How do you do that? How are you pretty successful? And then you have this amazing family over here too. Like, how do you do that? And he said, “Well, you know, I could always be more successful in business, but I will not sacrifice my family to do that.” And that really stuck with me. And so that I had asked, tell myself that, like I could do all these things and I would like to do all these things. And this is one of the things I tell entrepreneurs all the time. Like I would love to speak and travel and do all these crazy things and to build businesses and do it all and be an amazing dad too, and being an amazing husband. But I will tell you, I can’t. I have to pick, and I have to choose depending on the season that I’m in. Right now I’m choosing my family during this season.


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