Jay Drexel, guest of Jay Conner discuss which states in the U.S. offer tax deed or tax liens. He also enumerates some of the states that offer both.
Over 10 years ago, Jay Drexel discovered Tax Default Property Investing. Today he owns over 700 Tax Default Investments and buys a couple every single week from his home office.
These investments are in multiple states, they are making anywhere from 10% to 25% ROI. He’s a full-time investor and educator teaching students all over the country about how with the right education, technology, and coaching, you can invest safely and successfully in tax liens from the comfort of home.
For more valuable information click on this link and watch the complete episode: – https://youtu.be/rbrwXPwusDU “Tax-Defaulted Properties with Jay Drexel & Jay Conner”
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Jay Conner is a proven real estate investment leader. Without using his own money or credit, Jay maximizes creative methods to buy and sell properties with profits averaging $64,000 per deal.
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Jay Conner:
Do some states offer both tax liens and tax or tax liens tax deeds, or does the state do it just one way or the other?
Jay Drexel:
It’s based state to state, but there are some states do both. What you’re going to see a lot of times is that a lot of states will say that they’re just tax lien certificate states, but they tend to have some type of deed sell. Also in there’s so much, it gets really confusing in a sense because every single area is different. It’s not really, everybody talks about a state to state, but in reality, it’s by local jurisdiction. So it’s cities, counties, townships, municipalities, parishes, wards districts, and they can all have their own cells. So Florida is kind of the, the most buyer friendly state that we find for liens and deeds. So they do offer both. So you’ll find some states that are tax liens. Some of are deeds, some do both. And there are some, that’s a variation called a redemption deed. It’s kind of a hybrid of a tax lien and tax deed together. And that’s what you’ll see in places like Texas and Rhode Island and Hawaii.