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Why Robert Syfert Created the Touch Software (CRM) with Jay Conner, The Private Money Authority

Robert creates software, tools, and services that enable real estate investors to do things better and faster.

He’s passionate about being part of the solution and finding answers to the problems that hold real estate investors back from growing and scaling their businesses.

He has sold and managed hundreds of investment properties with well over a decade of experience in the industry and has built three successful startups from the ground up.

Robert’s a family man who believes that every real estate investor can achieve success and financial security in this industry—without compromising their free time… They just need the right tools to get there.

For more valuable information click on this link and watch the complete episode: – “Creating Time In Real Estate Through Automation with Robert Syfert and Jay Conner”

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Real Estate Investing With Jay Conner, The Private Money Authority

Jay Conner:

How did you get into software development? My guess is you had a problem that needed fixing?

Robert Syfert:

Well, you’re a very smart wizard. Yeah. I had a problem in scaling my business and it was all over boards and sheets and people, right? And it was just a mess. How are we going to go into 10 more states like this? And so we started looking at software options and there weren’t any that did exactly what we did. So we built it and we solved our own problem. And in solving our problem, we found all these different ways and technology that were out there to automate a whole bunch of stuff we were doing. So we eliminated things like we had VA running comps on every deal before a salesperson looked at it. We had VAs doing all of the follow-ups in between someone saying, “Maybe not now, etc.” And we automated all that.

Robert Syfert:

So I literally saved like $4,000 a month in overhead by shifting it all to software. And it took me over a year to do that and build that and tens of thousands of dollars. And then we walked into a private mastermind in a coaching session, shared one of the pieces we automated and the impact it had on our business in a huge way positively. And the whole room was like, “So I want that. How do we get it?” Like, I built the software for me. I don’t have an answer to that question. And then obviously that turned into all right, I guess I’m going to be in the software business now because there’s a massive need. And I flew out, met some people, hired a mentor, and launched the software business several years ago. And it’s been a big thing for us since then.

Jay Conner:

So, give us an overview. Like you made that presentation to your mastermind group and they were like salivating saying, “I want that. I want that.” So give us a 30,000-foot view. What different types of tasks, etc. does this software do for us?

Robert Syfert:

Yeah. The main thing is keeping you organized, stacking your list, and compiling it all in one place. So it’s clean and simple, so you’re organized first and foremost and you know what to do every day. Then the base core of what made it so sexy back then to everyone is we were the first to start doing tons of automated follow-up and changing it based on where the person was in the pipeline. They just contacted you, their lead you spoke with, you made an offer to write it. So the way the system talked through emails and text messages and voicemails from you or someone on your team and even one-off postcards, thank you cards, etc. were all automatically and precisely timed to just go out of the system. So that in and of itself was the biggest game-changer of the system.

Robert Syfert:

And then it automated like, “Oh, this lead has an appointment.” So it assigns it automatically to the person that runs your appointments or it’s, “We got to go inspect it.” so it automatically assigns it to the person that’s supposed to inspect it so they can go take photos and do their job. “Oh, it’s ready to be under contract,” so it automatically assigns it to the person, you, or the person on your team that’s responsible for getting it closed. It makes it super simple with a click of a button to do every single thing that you’re going to do in your business, from marketing to people all the way to closing your deals. And if you’re a wholesaler, even the push-button markets it out to all your buyers, while at the same time, the automation is really cool about being able to continue to foster your relationships with your buyers or sellers or private lenders. Your agents may work with your contractors, etc. and it gives one place where everything is centralized. So you don’t have to log into five different systems, go to 10 different whiteboards, etc.

Jay Conner:

So, let’s say that there’s a real estate investor listening here to the show and they go, “I’m just not tech-savvy. I’m not like a computer kind of guy.” So how user-friendly is this for someone that isn’t used to having all that stuff organized?

Robert Syfert:

Super user-friendly. That was exactly why we designed it the way we did so there is flexibility and customization capability for the tech-friendly guy that wants to go in and play and configure and move stuff around. But we built it so that the day you sign up, there’s everything I just mentioned. It already does all that. You don’t go do anything. It literally just has a blinking light. You click the blinking light, which is pretty obvious, too. It’s a blinking red light so it stands out. And when you click it, you’ll see a big, huge button that says “Call” or “Text”, you call your person. And then there’s a button that asks you, “Did you make an offer?” “Do you need to call them back?” “Did you make an appointment?” You click that simple thing and it’s all on one screen. You’re not changing things. We continue to, by the way, take user feedback from the thousands of members we have and continue to refine it if there’s any way that we can make it even simpler. Can we make it where your 102-year-old grandma comes in ready? And she doesn’t even need to know real estate to know how to use the system.

Jay Conner:

I got you. So what year did you come out with the software?

Robert Syfert:

So we built it for ourselves to solve our problem in 2016, late 2015, throughout 2016 when we were really scaling up and moved. And then January 2017 we went into development, full bore for people. And so late 2017 is when we started taking on actual users once we finished building it.


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