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How To Build Wealth and Freedom In Real Estate with Ryan Pineda & Jay Conner

In today’s episode of Real Estate Investing with Jay Conner, Ryan Pineda joins Jay to share his mission of helping other people become wealthy without sacrificing everything.

For Ryan, you don’t need to work 80 hours a week losing precious family time to build a better future. Your fitness, family, and faith should NEVER suffer in pursuing financial freedom.

Ryan Pineda has been in the real estate industry since 2010. He began his career as Realtor and soon realized that wasn’t the path he wanted to continue on.

In 2015 with only $10,000 in the bank, he began flipping houses. Since then he has flipped hundreds of homes, purchased hundreds of rentals, and opened other multi-million dollar businesses.

He has amassed over a million followers on social media where he teaches others how to build wealth and freedom

Ryan has proven that it’s possible to nurture and enjoy all aspects of life while building massive wealth. He works less than 30 hours a week running six separate businesses that generate tens of millions in revenue.

Through automating each company’s operations, he is able to spend his time on the things that are most important to him.

Now, Ryan wants to share everything he learned so that you can have the same freedom!

He encourages you to use all the resources he is offering on his website and social media to start growing in all aspects of your life.


0:01 – Get Ready To Be Plugged Into The Money

0:53 – Today’s guest: Ryan Pineda

4:28 – How To Become A Ryan Pineda

7:34 – Ryan Pineda’s Special Attributes That Land Him To His Success

11:12 – Ryan Pineda, The Anti-Planner

15:21 – Enough Is Never Enough When It’s Not About Me – Jay Conner

17:54 – Why Ryan Pineda Is Not An Advocate Of Retirement

19:26 – Ryan Pineda’s Daily Habits

23:07 – Jay Conner’s Definition of Coincidence

25:20 – How To Find And Raise Private Money

31:09 – Ryan Pineda’s Fund:

34:48 – Ryan Pineda’s Advice To A New Real Estate Investor


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How To Build Wealth and Freedom In Real Estate with Ryan Pineda & Jay Conner

Jay Conner


All my lands, my friend, have I got an amazing guest, an amazing show for you today. If you’re brand new, you’re gonna be blown away. If you’ve been tuning into the show, you’re gonna be blown away because my guest today has got a story to share about success in real estate. I investing that very, very few real estate investors have. And I tell you what, in this show, you are gonna learn a ton about raising private money for your real estate investing deals. Well, I’m Jay Conner, the private money authority, also the host of this show. And I’m so glad you decided to join us. Now, why in the world am I called the private money authority? Well, I’ve been doing this thing since 2003 and have raised millions and millions of dollars, just like my guest today, and wow. You’re in the right place at the right time.

Jay Conner


So just a quick little overview of my guest, and then we’re gonna dive right in. First of all, he’s been in the real estate industry since 2010, which means he was about 10 years old when he started. But anyway, I’m just kidding. He began his career as a realtor, but he quickly learned, that he just didn’t want to be in real estate to earn tips. He actually wanted to make some real money. So his story really began in, in 2015, not many years ago, and he only had $10,000 in the bank, but my land did, he have a vision in his head. He started flipping houses with only $10,000 in the bank back in 2010. But since that time he has flipped hundreds and hundreds of homes. He’s purchased hundreds and hundreds of rentals. And in addition to that, he’s also opened up other multimillion-dollar businesses.

Jay Conner


And he’s amassed, check this out over a million followers on social media. And it’s on that social media where my guest actually teaches others like you, how to build wealth and how to really enjoy and get freedom, which is, you know, what you really want. And on top of that, what he’s an expert at is helping you become wealthy without sacrificing everything. In other words, you don’t have to work 60, 80, or a hundred hours a week in this kind of business and lose all really what you want. And that is spending, you know, valuable time with your family to actually build a better future. So, I mean, you know, your fitness, your health, your family, your faith, people, you love things you love to do should never, never suffer when you are in the pursuit of financial freedom. And my guest has figured out exactly how to do it himself.

Jay Conner


And he is ready to share it with you. You see, he works less than 30 hours a week running how many, six separate businesses that generate tens of millions of dollars in revenue. And again, check this out just seven years ago, he only had $10,000 in the bank. So how did he do it? We’re gonna ask him that question as well. Well, of course, a big part of that is automation. We’re gonna talk about automation, how for you to run your business and not let it run you. And my guess like you want is able to spend time on the things that are the most important to him. And with that introduction, my fellow mastermind member and friend, welcome to the show. Ryan Pineda. Hello, Ryan, welcome to the show,

Ryan Pineda


Jay. That was the most epic intro I’ve ever seen in my life. Holy crap. I, I feel like man, just give, tell me that when I wake up every morning and I’ll be good.

Jay Conner


Well, well you see, since we are recording this episode, I’ll send it to you from my voice memo and you can just play it in your earbud.

Ryan Pineda


There we go.

Jay Conner


But Ryan, I tell you what you are a rockstar. I’m just honored to be one of the masterminds with you that we share together. You know, collective genius, Jason medley, one of my heroes as well. And, and I tell you, Ryan, you’ve got so much knowledge. You’ve got so much experience. You’ve got so much to share that you have learned in such a short period of time in seven years. So let me first, just start with this. I wanna cut the BS question of how did you get started in real estate? Cause really nobody cares. I’m gonna go ahead and just get straight to the first question. And that is how does a guy like yourself? I mean, how old are you now, Ryan? How old are you now?

Ryan Pineda



Jay Conner


You’re 33. Okay. I wanna throw up. So you’re 33 years old. That’s a compliment by the way. Yeah. At 33 years old, you didn’t start in real estate until a short seven years ago when you were whatever that is 26 years old, right? How does a 26-year-old with $10,000 in the bank go from there to where you are today? Generating millions of dollars in revenue, six different businesses, you know, spending time, the way you wanna spend time, how does a guide figure that out and do it? What are the key elements?

Ryan Pineda


You know, it’s funny, man. I never wanted to have all these businesses, you know, for me it was always just about figuring out one way to do something really well. And fortunately, I got pretty good at flipping houses, and that kind of parlayed into everything else I did. You know, I remember I made my first million dollars doing that and it was crazy, especially considering how fast it happened within three years of starting flipping as you had mentioned, but from there, you know, a lot of people wanted to know how I did it, right? So we started an education company and then, you know, that becomes a pretty big deal. Then people wanted to know who’s my accountant. And so, you know him and I start our own company and I, I learn him away from his company and we, we do our own thing. So then that becomes another business and then people want to invest with me. So we start a fund and you know, then pan capital is born and it just keeps going on and on and on. And my most recent company, I actually just launched last week for an NFT project that I’m doing for real estate called tykes. And you know, at that launch in the last week, we made 1.7 million in NFT sales. So my, my point is,

Jay Conner


Tell our listener what an NFT is.

Ryan Pineda


Yeah. An NFT is a nonfungible token. It’s one of those, you know, people make fun of ’em. They’re like the JPEGs that people are paying all this money for, but they’re, they’re much more than that. You know, I, I’ve been really a big advocate of crypto and real estate and why I think that it’s going to completely change the game. I think that real estate’s gonna be on the blockchain for a chain of titles. I think funds are going to be tokenized and they’re gonna become much more liquid than they are today. And that’s what Tyke’s all about. And so, yeah, it’s, it’s, it’s exciting, man. I, I don’t plan to start any of these things. That’s kind of my point. I just am very visionary and I kind of see where things are going. And instead of just kind of saying, oh, you know, I think it’s gonna be there one day. I actually do something about it.

Jay Conner


What are your personal attributes that lend to your success? I mean, before you answer the question, there are just not many Ryan Pines walking around on the planet, but there could be a lot more Ryan Pines walking around with the planet when someone understands, what are those personal attributes? What are those personal disciplines? You know, what is it that really lends to that level of success?

Ryan Pineda


You know, I would say for those who don’t know, I used to play pro baseball. So I got drafted by the Oakland a, in 2010. And so growing up my entire life, I was very dedicated to sports and really anything I did, right? Like I took that kind of work ethic and discipline in sports, especially for what it takes to become a pro athlete. You know, obviously, not many people do that. And it was just very natural for me. Like when I came into a business that, yeah, you take that same approach. Like you’ve gotta put in the work, you’ve gotta get repetitions. It takes a ton of time. You need great mentors and coaches to get to the next level and you know, you’ve gotta be good under pressure. And so sure enough, you know, by the time I had retired from baseball in 2017, I had built all of these skills and habits and this discipline that was kind of, I would say stronger than everyone else.

Ryan Pineda


And just kind of my ability to focus on whatever task is at hand. I, I pretty much learned all of that from baseball, and I, I never would’ve like figured that out in business, like you just, I even in business today, I’ve yet to really meet anybody that understands unless they played sports at a really high level that it really is different. And so when I go on stage or I start a new product, or, you know, I, I do a podcast or I do a social, a piece of social media content. Like I am a hundred percent focused on it and like I’m giving it everything I’ve got. And then once it’s over, it’s gone, I’ve already forgotten about it. And I’m onto the next task. And then I’m focused on that. And I think a lot of people don’t really have that ability. They kind of dwell on a lot of things going on in their life. You know, they let stress and anxiety, and these things affect what it is they’re doing at hand. And so I think you gotta learn to com compartmentalize and separate all the tasks and the things that you’ve got going on in your life and really learn to focus and have the discipline

Jay Conner


A dear friend of mine to compliment what you just said. A dear friend of mine told me a phrase or told me a sentence or a definition last week. I never heard. And you’re gonna love it because it compliments exactly what you said. And that is being focused on the moment. He said, Jay, do you want to know what the definition of heaven on earth is? I said, yeah, man, what’s the definition of heaven on earth. He said, the definition of heaven on earth is living in the present and totally in the present, as opposed to, he says, you wanna know what hell on earth is? Yeah. Tell me what hell on earth. He said, living in your imagination and worrying about what may happen in the future and or dwelling in the past and living in the past. I said, man, I don’t wanna be hell on earth.

Jay Conner


A lot of people are sort of doing that, but you’re right. Right. And I couldn’t agree with you even more, as you just said, being totally focused on what’s going on right now. It’s done. And then you move on. So yeah. I mean, you being, a pro baseball player, no doubt. The disciplines that you had in place for that, as you just said, have carried over in the business, what daily habits do you have that you will not let go of? Because you know, if you let go of these daily habits that you’re about to share, it would, it would affect your performance.

Ryan Pineda


Yeah. A hundred percent. I’ve got a few daily habits, but one thing I’ll say too to conclude that point is a lot of entrepreneurs want to really like focus on the future and plan and do all this stuff. And I’ve very much been an anti-planner. In fact, I do not let people schedule anything with me beyond like a month. I won’t schedule anything period, because I just don’t like planning my life out. I like living in the moment and I like being flexible and kind of taking advantage of the best opportunity that’s in front of me, you know, case in point yet asked me to be on the show. I think it was last week. Right. And so for most really busy people, they’re like, oh yeah, you know, let’s schedule it. You know, a few months from now, my, my schedule’s packed and whatever.

Ryan Pineda


And I’m like, yep. All right, let’s do it next week. Whatever. Like, we’ll get it done because my schedule is open. It just gets filled with like, whatever the opportunity is for that week. I was in Florida yesterday. I just came back into town and I was filming with Patrick’s bed. David, if anyone knows who is a really big entrepreneur and social media guy. And it was great. But it was funny because when I got the, like, when I was gonna go there, we had booked it like a week in advance. You know, we had just heard from his team like, yeah, you can come Monday. And we’re like, great. We’ll do it. Right. My, schedule, wasn’t too busy to prevent me from a big opportunity. And the day before, right. I’m thinking, okay, like where how’s this gonna play out? Like, I’m preparing for it mentally.

Ryan Pineda


And I’m like, oh crap. I didn’t even book a hotel or anything yet. Do you know? And so it’s just like, I’m always so focused on whatever it is that day that I just worry about the next day when it comes, you know? And a lot of people get scared about that because they want to be super prepared. But I actually enjoy adapting to the moment, you know? And that’s very much like it is in baseball. You know, you, you just don’t know what you’re gonna get until that day. You don’t know what picture you’re gonna face. You don’t know how you’re gonna feel. You don’t know any of that, that stuff. And so you gotta just be prepared all the time. So I, I like living like that. It’s not for everybody, but I think it’s why I’ve been able to move and pivot so quickly because I’m not tied into a specific strategy or thing.

Jay Conner


Well, you know, Ryan, before you, before you answer that daily habit question, you are living, you’re living out exactly what Jesus Christ said. When he said to be anxious for nothing. Tomorrow has got enough worries of its own life today. And of course, I’m paraphrasing scripture. Yep. But you’re living it out. I mean, you know, Christ himself said, don’t think about tomorrow. It’s got enough worry, worries of its own when it gets here.

Ryan Pineda


Yeah. And to finish that verse, I’m a devout Christian, you know, he talks about how the birds don’t clothe themselves. Do you see them worrying about where they’re gonna eat the next day or how they’re going to be fed no birds? Don’t worry about that. They know that they’re gonna be fed and you know, and the paraphrase, you know, he says, well, how much more is your heavenly father gonna bless you than the birds? Right. So I’m with you man. And that that’s for me anyway. And like, I don’t know how faith-filled your audience is, but for me, faith plays a huge role in why I live that way. 

Jay Conner


I, well, I can tell you, Ryan, the listener is faith-filled. And I can tell you why. I believe that we attract people into our lives that are like ourselves. I tell you, I don’t know Ryan who came up with the phrase. Obviously, it’s a track. That’s stupid. I wanna hang around people that are like me. Right. And so I talk about my faith all the time. And so since my audience hears me talk about it all the time, I’ve already run a bunch of people off and they’re not here anyway. Perfect.

Ryan Pineda


Perfect. I could talk about anything. So one concept that your audience will resonate with then, and I, I don’t get to talk about this a lot, depending on the podcast I’m on, but it’s like, look, if we are trying to really live the way God intended us to live, we don’t wanna make our plans and our will, you know, we wanna submit to whatever God has in store for us. And we can’t really do that. If it’s just me, me, me, this is what I want to do. This is my life. It’s like, no, dude, you know, every morning I pray and I’m like, God, however, you want to use me, use me and put me in whatever situation or opportunity that you see fit. And you know, just let the holy spirit guide me for that day. And that’s it. It’s literally that simple.

Jay Conner


Yeah. Well, I’m with you man, because you know, I’ve got a dear friend that asked me this question that I’m gonna say, and this plays into what you just said. And she asked me this question about three years ago, I’m 61 years old now. And I just love work. I don’t even view my work as work because it’s just what I do, you know? And she says, Jay, when is enough? And I said, what do you mean? She says, why are you still working? You know, the way you work. And you’re so passionate about it when you don’t have to when is enough and Ryan, you know what my answer was. I said, Mary enough is never enough because it’s not about me. If it was about me enough, would’ve been enough years ago. Right? I could, I could sit on the sofa all day long, eating Cheetos, watching, you know, Andy Griffith if I wanted to. Yep. But enough is never enough when it’s not about me. And I tell you, you know, I tell, I tell, I tell my friends and audience all the time that you know, every time and thank God, and that’s not a curse. That’s a genuine phrase. Thank God that I matured out of this problem decades ago. But every time I got involved in an opportunity to make money, the only reason I was involved was to make money. I never made any money.

Ryan Pineda


It never worked out. 

Jay Conner


I never made any money. Right? Yep. But when the, but when the, when the reason was bigger and I was passionate about it and it was, and I could really move forward with a servant’s heart, it always worked out. And I know you can relate to that.

Ryan Pineda


Yeah. And I’ll say this too, you know, I do a ton of advertising on social media for my various companies and stuff. You know, I get almost over a million views a day on social media, across everything. And one of the things you’ll never hear me talk about, which is so counterintuitive to almost every other real estate investor is retirement. A lot of investors and, and gurus and everyone else, their biggest sales pitches, Hey, retire early, you know, get financial freedom and all this. And you’ll never hear me talk about that because it’s not really biblical, you know, nowhere in the Bible, does it talk about, Hey, you know, your work is done and then you chill. The rest of your life is like, no, dude, Paul says you run the race until you die. And that’s how it goes. 

Jay Conner


And my land! Moses was 600 years old when he built the arc.

Ryan Pineda


Yeah. And so you’ll never hear me talk about retirement and you’ll never hear me say I’m done because I’m, I’m never gonna, I’m gonna die. And that’s when I’m done.

Jay Conner


Exactly. You know, I tell people, I said, you know, I’m passionate about my real estate investing business. I mean, but you know, thank the Lord for years. I’m in it five hours a week maybe, and the team runs it, my passion, you know, like you yourself, I’m passionate about coaching and training. That’s where I spend most of my time. And I said you know what? I see myself on a stage or a platform or on zoom or whatever, sharing with other people. What I know until I just can’t talk anymore because I mean, my lands, that’s what, that’s the juice that gets me going back to the question 10 minutes ago, daily habits that you wouldn’t let go of.

Ryan Pineda


Yeah, yeah. Yeah. So, I mean, it goes along with faith. So I’ve been doing this routine literally for the last seven years. And I don’t think it’s a coincidence that you know, in the last seven years I’ve had a ton of success. So I’ve got a morning routine. That basically is an hour long. I read my Bible, I pray, and I journal. And then I’ve got a planner. I actually have a planner that I created my software and the tech team built it out and we give it to people for free. You can get it at And so it teaches people how to utilize it like a planner in a journal every day. So everything’s built-in with the software. It’s super cool. You guys will love it. So I do that for an hour. Along with that, you know, I work out every morning and go to the gym for about an hour long.

Ryan Pineda


I’ve always done that just from being an athlete. And I just can’t stop. I, I wouldn’t know, life without working out. I’m not one of those people that has to like, think about it, or be like, ah, I dunno if I’m gonna work out today. It’s just like, it is what it is like, this is what I do. This is how I live. So I do those things. But one thing I actually have added to my routine. Now I actually wake up an hour earlier and I do that to go golf. So I picked up golf last year and I’m really passionate about it as an athlete. And I kind of have this weird goal for no reason that maybe one day I could become a pro at golf, even though it’s like so far-fetched, but you know, let’s see how it goes.

Ryan Pineda


So I practice golf for an hour every day. I go to the course and I practice where I go play around a couple of times a week. And like, literally from, I wake up at five, I knock out all that stuff from five to 10, for five hours. I’m just doing me. I’m spending time with God. I’m working out, I’m playing golf, I’m having fun. And by the time I get to the office at 10:00 AM, like, I’ve already accomplished more than everybody. And I’m just like, I’ve my Spirit’s filled, my health is filled. I’m feeling good. I had fun. And then I come to the office and I deal with all the crap that you do in business, right? Like business, just a bunch of problem-solving. And that’s all it is. Right. So then I come to the office and whatever I got that day from 10 to five, that’s what I got.

Ryan Pineda


And I leave the office every day at five. That’s it? I will not work past five. If I didn’t get everything done, that’s on me for not being as efficient as I should have been and, or hiring enough people, right? Like there’s a way to do it. You just gotta hire and delegate more. So, you know, I get home, I get done at five, go eat dinner with the family. We just recently hired a private chef. So that’s been pretty sweet. The dinner is served at five 30. So when, when I leave that office, I better get home. Or I’m missing dinner from the private chef, which my wife will kill me if I do. So I do that, you know, hang out with the kids, put ’em to bed, hang with the wife and wake up and do it again. And so I do that every weekday, actually, I take that back.

Ryan Pineda


I don’t do that. Every weekday. I do that Monday to Thursday, Friday, I don’t go to the office anymore. I just play golf. So I do that same thing in the morning, play golf. And then Saturday, Saturday, and Sunday with the weekends, I don’t go to the office at all. I don’t work out either. Just kind of relax, let my body heal, hang with the family, and go to church. And pretty much just do that every week. And I’ve done that for the last, well, golf is new, but everything else has been the same. I haven’t worked weekends in seven years. I, I work out every morning. I do all that stuff. And it’s why today at 33, I’m literally the same weight and strength and everything that I was when I was 21. When I got drafted nothing changed,

Jay Conner


Man. When I grow up, I wanna be like you Ryan. I’ll tell you. You said something at the beginning of your story a moment ago, a few minutes ago, talking about your daily habits. Oh, by the way, what time do you go to bed?

Ryan Pineda


I don’t sleep that much. I usually go to bed at about 11 wake, go to bed at 11, and wake up at five. I usually get about six hours of sleep. Give or

Jay Conner


Take. All right. I got you. You said something a few minutes ago, as you were talking about your daily habits and et cetera. And that is, you said, you said, I don’t believe it’s a coincidence that you’ve enjoyed the success that you have because your routine, your morning routine, and your daily habits have been virtually the same for the past seven years since you started in real estate. So I got to share this with you, man. The audience has heard this, but, they won’t mind hearing it again. My favorite definition of coincidence, and you’re gonna, you’re gonna use this, Ryan. You’re gonna love it. Cuz you’re faith-based. My definition of coincidence is God’s way of staying anonymous.

Ryan Pineda



Jay Conner


God’s. Way of staying anonymous God’s way of staying anonymous. So now we promised the listener that we were gonna talk about private money. So we better hurry up.

Ryan Pineda


Yes. They’re like, what are we talking about?

Jay Conner


But you know, but you know what, what we’ve been talking about, we quite honestly have, could be talking. Couldn’t have been talking about anything more important because what we’re talking about is foundational principles that the rest of our life, I mean, it’s built on for like, you know, strategies, resources, the way you do real estate investing, the way you raise private money, the way you negotiate deals, the way you find people for your team, all that stuff is great. But it doesn’t matter unless you have built yourself personally on a foundation, that’s not on sand, but on rock. And so we’re talking rock, we’re talking rock kind of stuff. We’re talking rock principles. And unless someone has what, we’re the kind of stuff we’re talking about. All the other stuff we could talk about doesn’t matter. Cause that ain’t gonna happen. Yep. You know, so let’s talk about private money. So I like you, you like me, and both of us have raised a lot of private money for our deals. And so I’m gonna ask you a few questions that people always ask me when I’m a guest on their podcast when it comes to private money. So first of all, tell everybody first, what are we talking about? When do we say private money? Are we talking about hard money? Are we talking institutional money? Are we talking about any kind of bank? What do we mean when we say private money for the first-time listener?

Ryan Pineda


Yeah. So for me, private money would be friends, family, you know, people who might follow you on social media. You know, that’s how I define it. We’ve raised a lot of private money for our house slips for our apartment deals. And we’re constantly raising money. In fact, I was talking to some people today about a deal. We got closing here in a week that we got are still raising money for. So I’m constantly hitting people up. I want your money.

Jay Conner


All right. So when it comes to raising private money, there are tons of questions and we don’t have much time left. So I’ll just sort of dive into it. So you sort of touched on it. I mean, where do you find them, where do you find these people? Where do you find these private lenders? You just answered it. It’s relationship money. Do you raise more money from your own relationships or do you raise more money from existing private lenders? In other words, in my world, I’m just curious about your world as compared to my world in my world of private money, not one of my private lenders. First of all, had never even heard of private money. They didn’t even know why private money was. They’d never heard of self-directed IRAs. They didn’t know that they didn’t know how to use retirement accounts and, move money over to a self-directed IRA.

Jay Conner


Is that your same experience? I mean, it’s like I have attracted millions and millions and millions of dollars by being a teacher and I’ve never chased money. You know, Ryan I’ve never asked anybody for money. I’ve never asked anybody for money. Yeah. I’ve just taught ’em right about what it is. They tell me how much they got. Maybe I gotta introduce ’em to myself, ed the IRA representative, and get money moved over. I’ve never pitched a deal. I’ve never pitched a deal in my life. It’s like, yeah, they got money. They got money sitting on the shelf. They’re waiting for the phone call that says, I got great news. I can now put your money to work. And they say, okay, when do you need it? And when do I wire it does any of that sound familiar in your experience?

Ryan Pineda


Yeah, a hundred percent. So, you know, I started raising private money back at 26. When was it? 2017 was the first year I ever got a private lender. You know, the first two years, two years I flipped houses. It was strictly hard money lenders and my credit cards really. That was how I funded up. And then I remember, you know, a guy from my Bible study goes back to faith and definitely not a coincidence. You know, I knew he was well off. He was, you know, retired and, and doing a lot of, you know, work for the church and everything else. That was the next phase of his life. And you know, he reached out to me and said, Hey man, you know, I know you’re flipping houses and everything. I wanna fund some of your deals. And I said, great. You know, here’s kind of what I’m looking for.

Ryan Pineda


I just need somebody that could fund a full deal and give me deferred payments. You know, cuz like right now I’m, I’m strapped for cash. And so if, if I didn’t have to make monthly payments and you could fund a hundred percent of it, I could do a lot of flips and sure enough, it was him that took that first bet on me. You know, he, he did one deal, it was like 250 grand. Then he upped it to half a million, then a million. Then he started telling his buddies about me and it just kind of all allowed me to go from, you know, 20 flips my second year to 50, my third year to 150, my fourth year from his one, you know, shot. He took on me. And so during that time, I mean I made my investors millions of dollars, just turning it over, flip after flip after the flip.

Ryan Pineda


But you know, something interesting happened for me as time went on, you know, I started getting pretty big on social media and this was in 2021. You know, at that point I had over a million followers I think, and a buddy of mine who’s in collective genius too. Tim bros said, Hey bro, you need to start a fund. Like you could raise a ton of money. And I was like, eh, I don’t really know how, you know, what, what’s the deal like what, how does it all work? And so he brought me under his wing and, and showed me exactly how to start a fund. He hooked me up with his lawyers and everyone else. We actually did our very first deal together as co-GPS. He had the deal, we raised the money, and he’s managing it. And you know, first deal, we raised $6 million to buy a 20 million apartment, you know, not bad for a first raise.

Ryan Pineda


And my, my approach is very different than most because I do have a social media following, you know, I literally just make videos and I’m like, here’s the deal we got. If you wanna invest, go to Panada And that’s how we raise money. You know, I don’t, I don’t network with others or I, I don’t like call people that like I know cuz they already know at this point and they’re probably already investors with me. You know, the only reason I would call is if like we’re in the position we’re in right now where we have to close in the next week. And like I don’t have time to be lenient. I gotta go and like make something happen. So yeah man, it’s my, my approach is very different, but it, it works great because we’re always getting new investors to our pool every day and you know, the existing investors who’ve been with me for years, they’ll continue to invest cuz we’ve done a good job and we’ve been good shepherds of their money.

Jay Conner


Yeah. So I want, I want, I want to share again, verbally your capital fund because I know there are people listening right now that want to invest with you. They’ve got, they wanna be passive. They don’t want to, you know, like my private lenders, my private lenders, they don’t wanna negotiate deals. They don’t wanna find deals. They don’t want to rehab deals. All they wanna do is sit back and make money and do nothing. So I wanna share your website with someone that wants to be passively making a great return, go to www dot Pineda, That’s P as in Paul, I N E D a and, and check out what Ryan has for offer Ryan. Why do your investors like to invest in your Panda capital fund?

Ryan Pineda


Yeah, so I think for us, we actually have two different types of funds. So, you know, we’ve got Panda capital, which is very much value add and you know, a lot of them, the apartments need a lot of work and we go into, ’em pretty much like a house slip. Like we know that they’re not gonna make money right away. We’ve gotta do a lot of rehabs and get ’em going. But you know, in the long haul they’re gonna get stabilized. They’re gonna be just fantastic deals for the long term. Then we have another fund that we run where it’s more stabilized assets, right? These ones are already good. They’re cash flowing. You know, we’re gonna obviously do a little bit of value add, but they’re a lot safer deals with less upside. So yeah, I think it just kind of depends on what you’re looking for.

Ryan Pineda


But I would say the difference between us is a few things. Number one, we do get better deals than most people because of the network I have with collective genius, you know, getting access to all these deals from all these guys, with my social media, following people know that I’m buying and they know I’ll buy in multiple markets. So we get sent deals every day from operators who are looking for funding. And the third thing is just transparency. You know, I post our deals on social media, like me walking through the apartments and showcasing what’s going on and just talking about it. And so I think it’s, it’s pretty cool to see that way. So we also had, a golf tournament about a month ago where I invited investors to come to hang out and network. So it’s, it’s more like a mastermind than anything, you know, where we all make money together. It’s pretty cool.

Jay Conner


Yeah. Well you and Tim bros, I’ve had Tim on my show more than once. He’s a great guy. The two of you have got a lot in common and I can see how you all are so well enjoying each other in business together and doing deals together. I knew you and I had a lot in common, but I didn’t know we had this in common. Yeah. My very first private lender was from church and he started at $250,000. Ooh,

Ryan Pineda


Not a coincidence.

Jay Conner


Not a coincidence, man. You do remember the Def you do never remember the definition, right? 

Ryan Pineda


It’s God trying to stay anonymous.

Jay Conner


You got it, man. Well, I tell you what I have a question for you. Would you join me again on a future episode of this show?

Ryan Pineda


Absolutely. Man, this has been fun. I, you know, we’re gonna have to give the audience, maybe something, something new. Maybe give him some tactical things about how to use social media to raise money. But yeah, I think there’s a lot we can still talk about.

Jay Conner


Absolutely. I look forward to seeing you at our next upcoming Collective Genius mastermind. Hopefully, you’ll be there and I as well. So, Ryan, I’m gonna put you on the spot before we, before we shut down. And that is, what’s the best advice that you would want to share with new real estate investors still looking to do their first deal.

Ryan Pineda


Mm. And that’s a tough one. You know, it kind of depends on what you want to do in real estate. I mean, obviously, we’re talking about syndications and apartments right now, but ma’am, my advice is probably advice that other people have said multiple times. And I mean, that is just getting a mentor like trying to do your first deal on your own is so difficult, and very few are successful in doing it. And even if they are, it typically took them a long time. You know, for me, you had mentioned right in the beginning when you gave that epic intro for me, that I started in 2010 as a realtor. Right. And it wasn’t 2015. Then I finally flipped my first house. It took me five years. And like, you don’t think during that time I wanted to flip like I knew I could get good deals.

Ryan Pineda


I just didn’t know the steps. I didn’t know what private money was. I didn’t know what hard money was. I didn’t know anything. And so I had this vision that I wanted to do it. I just didn’t know how. And the problem for me was I wasn’t smart enough to go get a mentor. I just was too stubborn. And I just had these false beliefs about myself and you know, it wasn’t until five years later that I took action. And you know, now you’re seeing the results. So I would say for anybody who wants to get into real estate, join a coaching program that you know is doing what you want to do. You know, if you wanna get into apartments and syndication, there are some great ones out there for that. Like Tim, as we mentioned, if you wanna flip houses or wholesale or buy rentals, I would say, join mine, you know, feature That’s what we teach over there. But if you’re looking to become a great realtor or something else, or you, you want private money go with Jay, right? There are a lot of great coaches and mentors out there, but don’t do it on your own. That’s the worst thing you can do. So yeah, go get a mentor.

Jay Conner


Well, you and I have got something else in common, when I’m a guest on somebody else’s podcast. That’s my advice because I tell you what I screwed up the first six years, I was in this business since 2003. I didn’t go to my first real estate investing actual conference and seminar until 2009. And the reason I went was that I lost all my funding at the bank and I didn’t know what to do,

Ryan Pineda


Not a necessity,

Jay Conner


But you know what? Growth always takes place in the valley. Doesn’t it, my friend?

Ryan Pineda


It does a hundred percent. So sometimes you gotta go through some stuff to realize what you need.

Jay Conner


Exactly. Ryan. I promised the audience, you were gonna be amazing and you have not let me down. And I’m so blessed to have you here on the show, blessed to be in the mastermind with you, and blessed to call you my friend. Thank you so much for joining me.

Ryan Pineda


Yeah. Thanks for having me, Jay. It’s been great.

Jay Conner


All right, there, you have it. My friend, another amazing show. I’m Jay Connor, the private money authority. And I need your help. Yes. I need your help. You probably know someone that would really benefit, be inspired, be motivated, be picked up and lift up, lifted up by just listening to this show. So if you would share this show with someone in your network and, and you know, it’s gonna make a difference in their life as it has yours. I really appreciate all the likes, the shares, the subscribes, the ratings, the five stars, all that good stuff. And if you happen to be watching on YouTube, be sure and click that bell, and tap it. So you don’t miss out on any more of the upcoming amazing shows. And again, you just don’t know when Ryan Pineda is gonna be here the next time. So, you know, you don’t wanna miss that. Here’s to taking your business to the next level and I’ll see you right here on the next show.


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