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What's Going On in California? with Nathaniel Getzels & Jay Conner

In today’s episode of Real Estate Investing with Jay Conner, Nathaniel Getzels joins Jay to share his greatest secrets on how to use the newest and most outstanding marketing techniques that will help elevate your real estate business.

Nathaniel Pitchon-Getzels is a Top Ranking real estate professional in California and has run a group of agents for over a decade.

Founder of Getzels Homes now part of Compass specializing in selling luxury properties.

Los Angeles County is his specialty area. Westlake Village and Ventura Counties are also within Nathanial’s area of expertise. Horse properties and dream estates are a part of the properties he delivers.

Client Testimonial:

“Nathaniel has a great attitude and is always looking to include people and be helpful. This is a quality that is rare amongst people in my experience.-Nathan Always posts great interesting things…Great listings…!” – Sharon


0:01 – Get Ready To Be Plugged Into The Money

0:14 – What is Private Money and How To Raise Private Money

2:52 – Jay’s Free Private Money Guide:

3:40 – Today’s guest: Nathaniel Pitchon-Getzels

5:09 – Why Nathaniel Getzels Chose To Enter The World Of Real Estate

8:57 – Where Does The Real Estate Market Going?

17:53 – Rental Rates Might Go Up The Ceiling

21:14 – Connect with Nathaniel through Instagram: @GetzelsGroup

22:27 – Ways On How To Identify Good Market To Invest In

26:01 – How To Identify Relevant Institutional Investors Buyers

27:54 – Best Advice To A New Real Investor Who Wants to Invest In Short-Term Rentals

30:02 – Do We Opportunities in Short Sales?

32:22 – Nathaniel’s Parting Comments: The Winners In Real Estate Hate Failure But The Losers In Real Estate Fear Failure And Run From It


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What’s Going On in California? with Nathaniel Getzels & Jay Conner

Jay Conner


Well, hello and welcome to another episode. My name is Jay Connor, also known as the private money authority. I’m the host of this show and I’m just so glad you decided to join in if you’re brand new to the show and you’ve never tuned in, we talk a lot about private money on this show. We’ve even been called the private money academy podcast. For real estate investors, we talk a lot about how to get funding for your deals without relying on the banks, without relying on mortgage companies, and without relying on hard money. Because when we talk private money, we’re not talking hard money, we’re talking private money, but what in the world is private money? Well, private money is when a real estate investor such as yourself, borrows money from an individual, a human being either from their investment capital or their retirement funds.

Jay Conner


Did you know, there’s a way that private lenders can use their retirement funds to earn unlimited income, either tax-deferred or tax-free. So we talk a lot about private money. I’ve been full-time in real estate investing since 2003 here in Eastern North Carolina. And my first six years in the business, I relied on local banks, but then I lost my line of credit with no notice in 2009. And I learned very, very quickly about private money. In fact, my definition of coincidence is God’s way of staying anonymous. And I learned about private money. This is the world where you make the rules, not the lender, not the banks. And so you get to set the interest rate and you get to set the terms. And we always bring home a big check. Every time we buy a property, private money works for single-family houses.

Jay Conner


It also works for commercial properties as well. So I’m so excited about private money. I’ve got a little over $8 million in private money that we use from property to property. And I tell you, if you do not have private money, you’re missing out on most of the deals because quite frankly, most sellers require all the cash. As a matter of fact, my guest on today’s show is going to be able to confirm that because he is one of the top producers out there in California. Nonetheless, I’ll get him introduced here in just a moment, but, and this is for private money, I’ve never missed that on a deal for not having the funding. Thanks to private money, lots of good reasons to use it. You set the rules, and you always bring home a big check. You never take any of your own money to the closing.

Jay Conner


When you buy a property, your credit’s got nothing to do with how much money you get. Your verification of incomes got nothing to do. So here’s the bottom line. If you want to get a lot of private money and a lot of funding for your deals very, very quickly. I’m so excited. I just finished writing my brand new private money guide, and it’s called seven reasons. Private money will skyrocket your real estate business and help you build incredible wealth. This will get you on the fast track to private money and it is free. You can download it at That’s Get the guide and you’ll be on your fast track to never missing out on a real estate deal for not having the funding.

Jay Conner


What I’m so excited to introduce my guest today, you are going to love this amazing show, and here’s why, first of all, my guest is a top-ranking real estate professional in the big state of California. And he’s run a group of agents actually for over a decade. He specializes in luxury properties. In addition to that, he actually specializes in horse properties and dream estates. Can you believe well, what he does is he uses the newest and the most outstanding marketing techniques because after all if you’re selling a house, I mean, it’s important to get noticed when it comes to buyers and agents and all that type of thing? Well, in addition to that, he is a short sales expert. So if you are a real estate investor or you want to be a real estate investor, or you are a realtor, we’re gonna talk about short sales and how they are coming back in the market. He’s also an expert in the world of short-term rentals or Airbnbs also about how to work auctions. So he has got a plethora of information that you’re just gonna love. And so with that, I’m so excited to introduce you as my guest on today’s show, Nathaniel Getzels! Nathaniel, and welcome to the show!

Nathaniel Getzels


Thank you. It’s a pleasure to be here.

Jay Conner


Absolutely Nathaniel. Well, first of all, I’m interested in hearing your backstory of how in the world did you get involved in real estate and get interested in it, to begin with?

Nathaniel Getzels


Absolutely. So years ago I was finishing my master’s degree. And at that point, I taught at just about every level of school from the preschool administrator to college professor. And, you know, I had realized at that point I was getting offered all these jobs and education and all these things. And at that point, basically everything education, the education system teaches us is the antithesis of being a successful entrepreneur. And so I could not imagine doing any of these jobs anymore and being in that field. So I had to sit back and go, okay, well, what are all the things? What, what could I picture myself doing and not wanting to, you know, be dead instead of working? So what, what got me excited, right? What, not just, what are you passionate about? Because when you’re passionate only without operational tactics, you’re just like a drunk person, right?

Nathaniel Getzels


Basically, if you’re only acting on passion, it’s all just, it’s the same as if you’re drunk. But if you take what you’re passionate about and you systemize it, then you could do something really special. So I studied the way people work, people move, why they move, where they move, how cities grow, why cities grow, and how to predict where they grow. And then I had a, a dirty little secret, which was at night when I was in college, I’d go and I’d pop, open my computer. And I’d, I’d surf the web for, for, for houses and look at Zillow all night. So, you know, I, I was doing that. So I was like, okay, I had to kind of figure out how to combine all the things I was passionate about. And then, oh yeah, because my passion was always in the helping profession and the whole basis of everything I do is how, what can I bring to the table?

Nathaniel Getzels


Not what can I take from it? So I figured out how I could help people with one of the largest financial choices of their life that could actually literally guide them and generations ahead, on a great positive path. So I thought, okay, how do I combine one and help people at the highest level, even if it’s not their, biggest financial choice, it’s a big guiding factor. Right? So what I did is I took, how could I help people at the highest level? How can I still incorporate all of the things I was passionate about and the psychology of real estate and the psychology aspect and put it together into something that made money, I literally dropped what I was doing as I was finishing my thesis, went headfirst into real estate. And haven’t looked back in the last 13 years,

Jay Conner


Man. That’s exciting. Did I hear you say you were a professor at a college or university at one time?

Nathaniel Getzels


Yeah. I taught as a grad student at two colleges. I was a behavior therapist for children with disabilities that were in inclusive environments. I was a certified preschool administrator. I taught in high school and junior high school. I ran the gambit pretty much of the educational span if you will.

Jay Conner


Well, it sounds like for the past 13 years you have found your passion and you are following your passion. One of the most common questions I get these days on this side of COVID is where’s the real estate market going. And, you know, I know that is somewhat market specific. I mean, for example, you know, some folks that I interview here on the show recently say, oh, we’re going into a real estate recession. Some say we’re going into a recession, but, not a real estate recession here in my small market in Eastern North Carolina. We’re not going into a real estate recession anytime soon because there’s no inventory and there’s like nothing being built. And so, you know, when I put a house on the market here in my local area, in Eastern North Carolina, within 24 hours, we have, you know, in the teens of showings, you know, multiple offers are written, you know, over the, you know, over asking price. But you, I, I think you may have a tendency to geek out a little bit is a little, a little thing up, which is a good thing by the way. But I think, I think you’ve probably got a strong opinion based on facts and statistics as to what you think the real estate market is gonna do in the big picture. So what does Nathaniel Getzels’ crystal ball say today?

Nathaniel Getzels


Well, I think the big thing to understand first is what’s the difference between deceleration and decline, right? So I, I, I explained it like this, you know, last year the, the real estate market went up overall about over 20%, right. Which is, is unsustainable. So if you think about it like a car you’re driving down the highway and we were driving, you know, 110 miles per hour, but you know, there’s a, there’s a speed trap coming up, right. So you’re not, you’re not gonna be able to get away with that for too much longer. So you slow back down to 70 miles an hour. Well, you’re still flying. You’re still going 70 miles an hour, which is still faster than normal. You’re still getting where you need to go. You know, you’re not sitting in traffic, but it feels like you’re crawling now because you know, you’re not going 110 anymore, but it’s actually sustainable. And you can do that much longer term with a lot less danger of a crash, literally a crash. See what I did there. I did geek out on that one.

Jay Conner


Actually, that was pretty good.

Nathaniel Getzels


Thank you.

Jay Conner


I’m like gonna ask you if it was intentional,

Nathaniel Getzels


We’ll just pretend it was.

Nathaniel Getzels


But what’s happening is we’re kind of getting back what it feels like in most places to a normal market and, you know, interest rates have, have gone back up to a little bit higher than where they were, but probably where they would’ve been, if the pandemic hadn’t happened. And you know, there are some markets that are bubbly like Austin, Texas, and a few places. There’s a bunch in Florida. There are actually some in your home state there are more in North Carolina than in South Carolina. And there, there there’s some bubbly cities, right. And that’s just what I mean by that the cost of housing has far outpaced the wages and inflation. So there’s nothing to support those values. It’s just emotion. And once people kind of come to their senses, if you will overall as a society, I think those, those places you’ll have some problems, especially if you bought within the last year, just because the prices went up so, so fast and so, so high.

Nathaniel Getzels


But overall I think what we’ll see probably as a country over the next year is you’ll still see gains, there’ll be a lot slower, right? So maybe instead of 20% gains, you’ll see between five to 8% gains, which is still above normal, normal in the, in, in real estate, it’s three and a half, 4%. So you’re still making money, but it’s, it’s a different, the frenzy, some of the frenzy and, and a lot of them, the markets is, is, is dampened. If you will now in LA and the top markets if you have a good house, it’s still gonna sell very quickly and you’re gonna sell it for a lot of money and it’s a great time to sell it. But, you know, maybe if you have a fixer, instead of just throwing it on the market, when it was on fire, literally you could sell it.

Nathaniel Getzels


Then now maybe you have to do some of the fixings to get your top dollar, you know? So it’s just, I think it’s actually what we’re doing is we’re, we’re pivoting into a much healthier market. So what, one of the other things you’re gonna see is a lot of these agents who’ve gotten in the market the last few years, they’re gonna be out because they don’t know what to do. But as far as investing goes, you have to be a lot smarter and take a lot better, better advice and do your homework. Because if you previously, you could just throw something up there. You’re probably gonna make money in, in, you know, a relatively decent amount of time. But, and I mean, a relatively quick amount of time. Now, if you buy the wrong thing, there’s a higher possibility that you get stuck in it, right?

Nathaniel Getzels


So that’s gonna be a big difference. The market’s still good. People are still making money. You know, inventory is low across the board. Prices are still going up right now. Keep an eye out for stagflation that will the people to keep an eye out for that the most though are new time. First-time home buyers, that’s gonna affect them the most. I mean, you know, a huge percentage of the properties across the country are being bought by institutional investors. And I don’t know about you, but I know one of the ways that I cheat when I know where, where, where I look where to invest, cause I invest all over the world. I’ve, I’ve invested in countries I’ve never even been to and I’m making money in places I’ve never been. And so one of the things I do is I look who else is investing there, right?

Nathaniel Getzels


Like where, you know, these big companies, they spend hundreds of millions of dollars, billions of dollars sometimes to figure out where to invest and how, and, and why. So I’ll do my own investigations. Absolutely. And I’ll, I’ll figure out, you know, everything I can see right on the data I have access to. But I also look at what the big companies are doing. You know, back in the day, they always say, well, look where they’re putting us Starbucks and you’ll know where the market’s going. You know, if it’s a good market or not look where there’s a whole food, you know, who’s gonna pay $20 for strawberries, right? Like these companies, they do their homework. Right. So one of the things I did is I went, okay, well, the thing I see, which is the biggest change that’s coming, that I don’t think people realize yet is rents are going to go so far up.

Nathaniel Getzels


They’re actually, it’s housed in general are changing as an asset class and rents are gonna go up. People are gonna be spending far more than before, as far as the percentage of their income on rents. And that’s where the big institutional investors are also investing in. You know, they’re buying a whole city in, in Florida, they’re buying 50, 60 homes in, in Augusta. They’re buying, you know, it’s, it’s not one or two homes. It’s, let’s control the markets. And because they can see that interest rates will go up and that does lower the number of people in the buyer pool, which means those rentals are gonna go up in value because the fewer people that can buy, the more people that have to rent and people just because they can’t buy doesn’t mean they’re not actually making money or don’t wanna live in a nice place. So they’re still gonna be spending money to rent and have the lifestyle that they feel is right. Still, we go back to the feelings in people’s emotions that they feel they deserve, which will drive up rents for everybody.

Jay Conner


So to recap, I love your analogy by the way of, you know, the real estate market for the last couple of years. I mean, who would’ve guessed what real estate values have done since COVID and during COVID. I mean, my crystal ball shirt didn’t see that.

Nathaniel Getzels


Yeah. And, and it’s because we didn’t see COVID right. And, and those pressures, but everything that was happening was already in action, in movement. Right. It was in action. It was happening. It was just happening really slowly. So it’s kind of like, you know, we are on a normal path and someone poured gasoline on the fire and it just, whew, you know, just blew up, literally just, you know, all the prices went up, the demand went up the supply, which you could think of as the wood went down, cuz it got burned and there wasn’t, there’s not, you can’t put new logs on there. Fast enough. So yeah. You know,

Jay Conner


And so your prediction on rental rates going out the ceiling makes a lot of sense to me, it comes back to supply and demand. And I really like your insight on what’s gonna be driving the supply and demand or driving those rental rates is there’s gonna be a much greater as you said, demand for rentals because people that would ordinarily be buying a home are not gonna be able to buy it, but they still want to live in a nice home. And as a result, the rental rates going, are gonna be higher, which makes a case for real estate investors to hold on to a percentage of their portfolio. And if you’re a flipper, don’t flip everything you got. Right.

Nathaniel Getzels


That’s absolutely right. In fact, and I’m sure that, that you and, and your you’ve talked about this before, but the way to win in real estate is to hold on. You will build the most wealth by holding on. If it’s, you know, if you’re, if you’re a borrower, you need to make sure that you can maintain your debt, right. Service your debt. And if you’re a lender, you know, you wanna lend that out as much as can too, to all these people who need to service their debt. Right? Because the only way you lose in real estate is if you stop right, once I have nothing to buy or sell or I’m outta money, then I stop. And then I really lose. Otherwise, if I have a loss here, I can take it out of a gain there. If I have a gain there, I can take it out a loss over there.

Nathaniel Getzels


So that part’s fine. Just have to keep going. So right now I see a lot of people selling, which only makes sense to me. If you’re investing that money in something that’s going to be a higher yield property. Right. And you know, with inflation going up so fast, it’s great to leverage your money because you know, if I’m borrowing at today’s expensive dollars and I’m paying back at tomorrow’s deflated dollars, it’s great, it’s a great strategy, right? I’m literally hedging from inflation just by owning a property and, and paying a mortgage with a fixed rate. Does that make sense? Exactly.

Jay Conner


Makes a lot of sense. Just to make, go ahead, Nathan, go ahead.

Nathaniel Getzels


I was gonna, I was just wanna finish that point is yeah. Holding is great. As long as you can service the debt that you have on the, whatever the property is because it’s going to go up so much and these big companies are hoarding properties. And then, the other thing to remember about when, when properties going to the portfolio, they’re gone, they’re not coming back. Nobody’s gonna go, oh, I’m gonna go break up my portfolio and sell one at a time. Even when these institutions, for the most part, there are, there are exceptions, but for the most part, when they go and sell these, these properties, they’re gonna sell ’em as a portfolio to another institutional investor. They’re these properties are off the market kind of forever, if you could think of it that way.

Jay Conner


That makes sense. So I, I don’t want to close down the show yet cause I got a couple more important questions I want to ask, but for those, but for anyone that’s needing to jump off, I want Nathaniel for you to go ahead and give out your contact information and why it is that someone may want to connect with you.

Nathaniel Getzels


Sure. Well, you could connect for any number of reasons. Obviously, if you have any real estate needs here in California or you know, anywhere else, I have networks of people all over the place, but here in California, you can connect with me on that. I am also on my Instagram, which is @GetzelsGroup. I post valuable videos about the real estate market every week, several times a week. And then I also, you can also DM me with any questions you have there also feel free to call me. My phone number is (818) 535-5337. You can text call if you go to my Instagram though, it has my phone number, my email, my blood type, my hair, and my fingerprints. I mean, I think it even has a heel print in there so you can get everything you need right there, but you know, happy to help. I love to connect and, you know, talk to people about the market.

Jay Conner


That’s awesome. Thank you for sharing that. Nathaniel, you already alluded to this, but I want to drill down on the ways that you have discovered to really identify new secret spots to invest in.

Nathaniel Getzels


Oh yeah. Well, it’s a combination of, of different things, but I mean the first one which is tried and true and I recommend for everyone is definitely depend on experts. You can call people in, in the markets you’re interested in and kind of drill down on, on the details, but initially just figure out a formula and, and know what you’re looking for. For most people in real estate, their biggest mistake is they don’t really have a plan. They think they do, but there’s no actual plan. They just think, oh, I get a property. You know, they plan to buy it. They plan on how to get the mortgage they plan, to purchase. And then we, I rich somehow, but, but there’s no, there’s no, you know, operation plan after that, there’s no exit plan. There’s no strategy on that. So what you have to do is like, I have a formula.

Nathaniel Getzels


So I, one of the things I like to invest in is, is developing markets in, in the world. Right? And one of the reasons I like to, I like to invest in developing markets. Like us has ups and downs and bigger, bigger, more established markets have up and downs. But some of these developing markets, haven’t had a recession in 20, 25 years because they have so much to grow. It’s all just growth, growth, growth. Right? So for that, like I have a formula. Is it open for international investing? How long has it been open for international investing? Is it, is there a global attraction? What’s the attraction of that area? What the been the last five years of growth. What’s the future projected growth. Right? And then I always have three scenarios. What do I know is gonna happen? What do I think’s gonna happen?

Nathaniel Getzels


And what do I wish is gonna happen? Right. So the wish is kind of like the lottery. Like if everything goes just right like you go to the store, you get the right lottery ticket, you come home, you win, you get all the money. You don’t die the next day. And everything’s good, right. That’s the third option. But so I need my first option, which is, this is what I know pretty, like, I’m pretty sure is gonna happen just based on hard facts that are not emotional or, or, or very volatile. And then number two, I figure out, okay, this is like a good case scenario. What has a high likelihood of happening? And then obviously if the lottery’s always a good thing, but if all three of those are like acceptable and things I would go for, then that’s, that’s one of the that’s, that’s one of like the ways I go.

Nathaniel Getzels


Okay. So, and what, so what I do is I build an outline and a model, and I just find places that fit that model and plug in the parts. So over time you go, okay, you don’t even have to think about it. You go, okay, well, this is an international, for example, this is an international location. This has international appeal. It has the gains. I want it at the price point. I’m interested in it somewhere. I, you know, understand the government enough to know it’s volatile or not volatile. You know, if it fits my, my, my structure. And then after it fits the structure, I can go in and really analyze all the numbers and see if, if everything equals out. Does that make sense?

Jay Conner


It does make sense. Who is, which one of the institutional buyers do you follow as an indicator that wherever they’re buying, that’s probably a good place to invest.

Nathaniel Getzels


Well, for the institutional investors, I look at how much they’re buying first, right? Because, so in an area that like, they just bought a whole city, for example, in one of ’em just bought a whole city in, in, in Florida. Now I don’t have that kind of capital. Right. I’m not buying, I’m not myself gonna go and buy a whole city, but I look at what the formula or what the reason is that they bought there. Right. So does that mean I’m gonna go next door to that city and necessarily buy? No, but I’m gonna look at what was the formula, what’s the purpose, right? Why are they buying that? And I go, okay, so like a Blackstone or Lehman brothers, right. They’re, they’re two of the biggest ones I follow right now. And I look at what they’re buying and why they’re buying it. Not as much the location, because they’re so spread out. But I look at the type of market. So is it, a market? Is it a B market? Is it higher end? Is it lower end? Is it who lives in that market? Right? Is it, is it families? Is it a transient market?

Nathaniel Getzels


So I look at the type of market and what they’re gonna do with it if I can figure it out, which they usually will tell you ahead of time. So it’s very easy to figure out, but so, and then I go, okay, well, how can I replicate that model? How can I take like the things they’re gonna do, the type of neighborhood and buy something that fits the model that will make money for me, that’s still a safe investment.

Jay Conner


Makes sense. Well, I did promise that we would talk a little bit about short-term rentals and short sales, but since we’re running out of time, I’ve just got one question for each. Okay. Given your experience with short-term rentals, what’s your best advice to a new real estate investor? That’s never invested in a short-term rental best advice,

Nathaniel Getzels


Best advice. Short-term rental. Okay. Get a good formula. So get a good management company. The secret’s still in the buy guys. It’s all in the buy. I would use an AI tool to project as much as humanly possible, what my income’s gonna be and still buy low.

Jay Conner


And what is an AI tool?

Nathaniel Getzels


Well, so like, I was just put on the board of directors for a company called Howlet and they have an investment call arm called Gato. And they will, if you partner with them, they will analyze all your short-term rentals and tell you, you know, as you could look at air DNA. For example, air DNA is a great tool. You can go in, it will tell you what it’ll project, what the income on that property is gonna be. And there are other factors, but doing that and then adjusting your price daily. Use a tool like air DNA or another tool to adjust your price daily. So if you buy it right, and you adjust your price per the market, those are the two biggest mistakes I see people make they either buy wrong or they buy where short-term rentals aren’t actually allowed. And then they have the wrong price. So check out, you’re allowed to buy there, make sure you buy at the right price, and build a good team who is experienced with short-term rentals. If you’re gonna use an agent, make sure they’re experienced with short-term rentals. A lot of agents are not in experience with short-term rentals, and they’ll just tell you to buy whatever and you’ll be stuck in it. To adjust the price regularly, use AI to project your income and buy the right thing.

Jay Conner


Awesome. And then short sales. So given the market, do you see short sales increasing? Do you see short sales declining? I mean, you know, I’ve heard a lot of opinions out there, you know, with the rise in prices that we’ve seen and may still see, there may not be as much opportunity for a real estate investor to take care of or to take advantage and buy at a short sale price because of inflated values. What’s your opinion?

Nathaniel Getzels


So overall, we’re not gonna see a big jump in short sales, but you are gonna see a small increase. So equity is in most markets in us specifically, but us and the UK, both equity is at an all-time high in most markets. So there’s not going to be a huge driver of people selling distressed. Now that doesn’t mean that there isn’t gonna be any driver. There are small drivers, especially for people who bought in the last year or two. Right? And then let’s say, let’s say I put 20% down on a house and you know, it’s a dual income house and now interest rates go up and one income goes away for whatever reason, lose your job, lost, you know, injury, death, who knows whatever it is. Well, now those people will be, could be upside down on their house because maybe their, their values, you know, they haven’t been going up as fast and, you know, the interest is front-loaded on mortgages.

Nathaniel Getzels


So they’ve really just been paying interest at that point. And then those are the groups of people that will be in for, for a short sale. But overall, there aren’t any big factors that show there’s going to be a huge increase in short sales. However, they’re gonna go up a little bit because of these kinds of situations that will become more prevalent. And because prices aren’t going up 20% a year, you can’t just turn around and sell it for way over what you bought it for, right. That it’s a healthier market, but for people who run into a problem, there are some, a little more, a few more pitfalls for them.

Jay Conner


Very good. Well, Nathaniel, we’re now to the part of the show to where you get to give the parting and final comments.

Nathaniel Getzels


Oh, wow. Well, my, what I would leave you with is the difference between someone who wins in real estate and loses in real estate is the winners in real estate hate failure, but the losers in real estate, fear, failure, and run from it.

Jay Conner


Now that is some wise advice right there. Nathaniel, thank you so much for taking the time to join us one more time. Let’s share Nathaniel’s best way to connect with him. And that is his Instagram. And that is @GetzelsGroup and Nathaniel, from what I can understand and take away from you, you are glad to take on questions and direct messaging on your Instagram, right?

Nathaniel Getzels


I absolutely am. Yep.

Jay Conner


Nathaniel, thank you so much for joining me. I appreciate you, man.

Nathaniel Getzels


My pleasure

Jay Conner


There, you have it, my friend, another episode, another show I’m Jay Connor, the private money authority, and I really need your help. If you know, someone that you think would really enjoy and benefit from watching or tuning in to listen to this show, share this episode with them. If you would. I also really appreciate the lights and the shares. If you’re watching us on YouTube, be sure and click that bell. So you don’t miss out on any of the upcoming amazing episodes that we have here. I’m wishing you all the best here to take your real estate investing business to the next level. And we’ll see you right here on the next show.


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