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Massive Passive Cashflow! with Gary Wilson & Jay Conner

In today’s episode of Real Estate Investing with Jay Conner, Gary Wilson joins Jay to share his secret on how was he able to complete over 100 real estate transactions per year consistently every year without a sales team or assistant, with virtually no marketing costs.

Gary Wilson is the Founder/Owner of My Investment Services.

At age 40 he retired as Corporate Vice-President, Mergers & Acquisitions in National Banking.

He traded over 5, 000 Investment properties in less than 5 years; Developed five real estate holding companies, owning more than 250 Rental Units.

Gary is a self-made multi-millionaire. He built a real estate enterprise, including brokerage, rental management, investment, settlement, and appraisal services.

An award winner and accepted into the Andron Apiphenon Order of Excellence for Real Estate.

Gary is also the author of seven Real Estate Investment books:

1. Rental Profits Without The Pain

2. Flipping For Profits Without The Risk

3. Turning Rental Problems into Real Estate Profits

4. Wholesaling For Profits so Everybody Wins

5. Investor Agent, Make More Money Not More Work

6. The Massive Passive Cashflow Method

7. Real Estate Reality, The Truth Behind No Money Down Investing

He is the Founder, Trainer, and Coach of the Path to Profit System which teaches more than 20,000 Agents and Investors and has nearly 1,000 speaking engagements.

In addition to that, Gary appeared on over 100 national and local media outlets including CBS, FOX News, NBC, ABC, Business Week, and iTunes.


0:01 – Get Ready To Be Plugged Into The Money

0:19 – Today’s guest: Gary Wilson

2:17 – The Real Estate Beginning Of Gary Wilson.

4:02 – How To Automate Your Real Estate Business Effectively.

7:57 – The Global Investor Agent Team –

12:18 – Why Join The Global Investor Agent Team.

15:14 – Key Components You Need To Learned As A Real Estate Agent.

21:46 – Best Strategies For Direct Letter Marketing.

22:36 – Personal Habit Of Successful People.

25:27 – Connect with Gary Wilson:


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Massive Passive Cashflow! with Gary Wilson & Jay Conner

Jay Conner


Well, here we are with another episode and show for you today. Welcome, especially if this is your first time tuning in, we talk about private money. I have good friends on here that are very, very successful real estate investors from all over the country. And if you’ve been tuning in, you know, I have amazing guests. And today is another example of that. My guest at the early age of only 40 years old, actually retired as a corporate vice president for mergers and acquisitions and national banking. He’s completed over 100 transactions per year in real estate consistently every year. And that’s without a sales team or an assistant and virtually no marketing costs. So I know you want to hear how in the world he does that. Well, he’s traded over 5,000 investment properties in less than five years. He’s developed five real estate holding companies and owns more than 250 rental units.

Jay Conner


Well, man, if he is not a multi-multi millionaire over more than one time, he built a real estate enterprise, including a brokerage rental management investment settlement and appraisal services. In addition to all that, and if that’s not impressive enough, he’s also got seven books that he’s authored. One is called rental profits without the pain of flipping for profits, without the risk of turning rental problems into real estate profits, wholesaling for profits. So everybody wins investor agents make more money, not more work, the massive passive cash flow method. And then in addition to that, in his seventh book real estate Realty, the truth behind no money down investing well, he’s the founder, he’s the trainer, he’s the coach of the path to the profit system and he’s taught and his system has taught more than 20,000 agents and investors alike. And he’s had almost 1000 speaking engagements. So put on your seatbelt for an amazing show as we bring on my good friend and guest, Mr. Gary Wilson. Hello, Gary. And welcome to the show.

Gary Wilson


Hi Jay. Thank you very much to thank you for that very gracious introduction. I feel like I need to squeeze my head back down and, and get back on screen here.

Jay Conner


That is amazing. Well, you know, you’ve been involved in so many different aspects of real estate. Let’s go back to the beginning and let’s hear your story on how you even got into real estate.

Gary Wilson


Sure. Well, it's actually just a lucky break. I mean, ever since I was a kid, I would design houses. I mean, when I was eight years old, my grandfather taught me how to use the right terms and methodology to design floor plans made that was kind of freaky for an eight-year-old kid, but I just, what I did and I always wanted to be in, I always wanted to build houses, buy houses, look at houses, any case college, freshman year roommates named Socrates. His dad was a Greek immigrant and a big investor in Richmond, Virginia. And he, when we graduated, he told us, he said, your boys, aren’t gonna rent. You’re gonna buy. And so we put an offer on a property. It ended up being a, a, basically a fun house by the beach, not to make money.

Gary Wilson


And he, he, we, we call them and he called us back and said, get out of that deal. Your idiots, I’m gonna come down and show you what to do. So, he helped us get a four-bedroom, two-bathroom rancher in Virginia Beach for 63,000 bucks. So we rented out the other two bedrooms to two other guys whose rent pretty much covered all of our costs. We had three mortgages on this. Jay, we assumed the first mortgage, which was a VA mortgage refinanced, the owner’s second. And then we gave him a third note for the remaining equity. And, and that was big, that said the rest of the city is history. That’s how we got started. You know.

Jay Conner


And what year was that?

Gary Wilson


January in 1986.

Jay Conner


Woo mercy. Yeah. You started before I did. I didn’t start till 2003.

Jay Conner


So anyway, well, what an amazing journey. So, I mean, you got all these businesses and you’ve got it automated where, you know, you’re not spending, you know, every waking moment of your life in the businesses, what are some of the secrets to being able to automate have so many businesses and have it run the way you do?

Gary Wilson


Yeah, well, really the key is the people. And I learned this through the school of hard knocks. So I, this is I’m on my seventh business. So some of them I’ve sold some I merged and one, the appraisal would actually shut down because of the, when, when the new laws came out in 2009, 10 and 11 from Congress about how loans would be made and how appraisals would be done. You know, I was, we, we knew the writing was on the wall. We didn’t, it wasn’t, you know, had zero value at that point. So we knew to shut that one down, but the rest of ’em I made money on and I learned each step of the way, the biggest lesson guys, for everybody listening here is as the people that you hire, that’s the key, there’s plenty of systems and structures and books you can read in courses you can take, and they’re all good.

Gary Wilson


I’ve taken, you know, probably over a million dollars worth of training in my lifetime. But the key thing is, is you gotta really get good at interviewing people and hiring the right people and putting ’em in the right position. So you’re the bus driver and you gotta get the right people on the right seats on the right bus in order to make that thing go. Because if you don’t, you’ll find yourself not only trying to drive the bus but also trying to be the people in the seats at the same time, as you can imagine, that doesn’t work too well. So remember this, if I can give you one piece of advice, it’s first, defines the role you want to fill and then find the right person with the right character, trait, and personality to fill that role. And now sounds simple. I’m simplifying it, but there are systems and tools to allow you to do that.

Jay Conner


What are some of the tips you’ve learned over the years of how do you, once you’ve defined that role and you wanna fill it in today’s market, what’s your favorite way or ways to find someone to fill that role?

Gary Wilson


Well, I’m actually pretty lucky now because I have a team of what we call investor agents all over the country. And I  coach them personally, one on one, it’s not like a typical brokerage user is not your typical agent. They’re investors or agents trying to be investors. And we teach them. So what I get, what gives me, Jay, is it gives me a group of people, you know, 140, some odd people that I get to know personally and see how they operate in good times and bad. How do they react emotionally to challenges? Do they see and seize opportunities? So I get to pick from those people and promote and develop from within. In the old days, I would literally just put the word out on the street. I’m looking for somebody and we use, everybody can have access to this, by the way, it’s called a DISC profile.

Gary Wilson


D. I. S. C. too much for the go into a podcast. But just remember, you can Google that DISC profile, it’ll help you identify people’s tendencies. There are certain people that are more likely to be accountants. There are certain people that are more likely to be leaders. There are certain people that are more likely to be salespeople, right? There are certain people that are more likely to be admin and support type people. So you get you’ll, you get good at identifying those traits by having simple conversations. And you’ll know if you have them if you need a bookkeeper, you look for somebody who’s more of a CS type C being they’re analytical and S being they’re supportive, you know, so that it’s, you get better at it. Just like math or riding a bike. You’ve gotta start right now is a good time to start by the way, if you haven’t started yet, just follow that model and you get better and better as time goes on, you know,

Jay Conner


Makes a lot of sense. Well, you started, you started this group of people and you call it the global investor agent team, global investor agent team. So let’s talk about that. What is it? And how’s it work? And, and I mean, what is it?

Gary Wilson


Yeah, well, actually it all started off almost purely the accident. So, you know, been the old days back before the year 2000, all of the realtors came around these big giant books with all the listings. And I wasn’t an agent back then, but I used agents, to do my investing. And I used to get, I always give them get ’em to give me the last month’s book, cuz they would get a brand new book every month. So I said, just gimme the last book, you know, and I would scour through the properties, looking the ones that look promising, and what I realized was most of the agents were not trained to help me as an investor, wonderful people when they’re all trained to help you. And I buy our own homes to live in, but not invested properties. So in frustration, I decided, well, I’m gonna get my license and I’m gonna solve that problem.

Gary Wilson


I’ll have access to the MLS because, in early 2000, most parts of the country took their MLS, and their listings, and put ’em online on these what’s called multiple listing services MLS’s. So literally the year I got my license cuz the year our area went on the online MLS and a lot of the agents were afraid they’re gonna lose their jobs, blah, blah, blah. And I said, no, you’re not gonna lose your jobs. This is gonna make your job easier. Okay. So lo and behold, I’m training investors on how to invest. And I, and by the way, Jay, I wasn’t, I wasn’t running around the country, jumping on different stages. I literally taught in classrooms on Saturdays, a couple of Saturdays a month. That’s how I taught people locally. And it was usually, you know, 20, 24,000 people over the years. But in those classes turns out some of the people like me had their licenses.

Gary Wilson


Okay. And, but the ones that didn’t, they all wanted to use me as their agent, I would say, no, I don’t do that. And then after about a hundred times, I’m thinking, well, God’s trying to hit me over the head with a four-by-four. And what’s been to say yes. So one day I wouldn’t have class. I said, look, I can take out two of you is clients. And each course there are 25 people in the class. So what happens when you tell a group of 25 people that only two of them can do the thing they want to do? Well, they all wanna be those two people. So I learned my first marketing lessons lesson, which was scarcity and urgency. I was scarce and those people felt it was urgent for them to come to approach me right away. Well, what I thought was I need to teach other agents how to do what I’m doing, cuz I can’t take everybody on.

Gary Wilson


So I built a brokerage company and the, it was called win Realty advisors by the way. And it was a fastest-growing brokerage in that region, you know, three, three years running. We literally grew sixfold. We doubled three years in a row. Well, I taught the agents how to do what I had already learned to do, which was work with investors. And I created a program around that. That was pure by the way, the first training program was how to buy rentals. The second one was how to work with investors. And that was pure because I realized I gotta teach the agents how to do this. Purely just a need. It was a need that had to be served locally. And Jay that’s the thing that took off. So, that little program right there is what got me to eventually travel around the country.

Gary Wilson


Like, like some of the other folks you’re, you’re familiar with you and Ron and Dwan and you know, all the other, you know, the, all the greats, you know, and teach people about investing. So I was running around the country, teaching agents, how to work with investors. And I realized after a couple of years, I’m thinking, well, that’s been fun. I love seeing nice hotels and eating at nice restaurants every day, but the human body can only take that for so long. So I decided I need to go online. And that was right when the pandemic hit. And I thought, well if I’m gonna go online and everybody else was online, I’m gonna build a team of these agents around the country. And that’s exactly what I did. And it far more than exceeded my expectations. I mean, we’ve got agents in over half the states. We’ve only been doing it for two years in tremendous results, obviously because we work with investors, we’re out producing the what’s called the national association of realtors in our, they produce numbers, the volume, how many agents? Yeah. How many transactions? We’re, we’re double that on the team, you know? And it’s because we worked with investors, you know?

Jay Conner


So why would a real estate agent want to become part of this team?

Gary Wilson


Well, initially it was, it would, I would say it was for agents who have an interest in investing or they’re already investors and they like me guys are license. Right. But now what I would tell people, you know, we’re pretty sure the fact that we’re not only pretty sure we know for a fact mathematically statistically, the market is changing. You know, you, when you Jack up prices like what’s going on for the last five years. And then all of a sudden you Jack up the cost of borrowing money, you know, interest rates have gone up, it pulls people out of the market. Okay. And so that Seasaw of supply and demand, demand starts to drop, right? It automatically supplies start to increase. So what that means is investors are waiting and ready for that to happen. And it’s already turning to happen. That Seesaw is turning where there’s more supply than the man.

Gary Wilson


And when that happens, all their traditional agents that are not used to working with investors, don’t know the last market, the last recession, and half the agents left the business. So what I’m telling people now is if you’re an agent and you wanna not just survive with thriving, you have got to take this seriously. You know you don’t wait around and see what’s gonna happen. Tho those are the agents that are gonna unfortunately not be around in a couple of years. So whether you go to you, go to the website, just click on a little button that says, learn more. That’s all you gotta do. But no matter will you do, even if you don’t work with me, I’m not here to sell you anything. I’m just here to tell you, that this is the gospel truth. I’ve been through five recessions. Okay. And every time there are different circumstances, but the fundamentals are always the same supply and demand are like the sun rising in the east and setting in the west. You know, it’s gonna be there every single day. Same, same thing with supply demand. It’s that Seasaw and if you’re an agent and you’re not seeing what’s going on, or you’re not sure, or you’re just scared go to the website, click the button and have a conversation. Especially if you have an interest in investing that that’s really, if you’re interested in investing, you’re who we wanna talk to. If you’re not, you know, we’ll pray for you. Okay.

Jay Conner


So what is that website? Gary

Gary Wilson


It’s global investor global investor Yep. It’s really plain and simple to TJ. We didn’t, we didn’t bog it down with all kinds of details and 5,000 buttons you could push. We just say, look, this is what it is. This is how it is. And this is where it is. And click here to learn more. We made it about as simple as you can possibly get and oh, get this. We also put all the other investor agents on there, names, numbers, and emails. So you can look ’em up. Talk to ’em. You can talk to the people actually doing it, you know, look at their testimonials. You know, we, we, we literally made it just plain as plain, as simple as we possibly could. You know,

Jay Conner


What are some of the key components or what are some of the key strategies that a, that a, a trained real estate agent by yourself? What are the key things for them to learn, to know how to do that? Makes them a good realtor to work with an investor. Well, and I know that’s different from them, cause you’re, you’re trying, ’em how to be an investor as, and you know, as a real estate agent, but you mentioned a few moments ago that you just couldn’t find a realtor that really knew how to help you as an investor. So what are, what are some of the key practices that they need to know how to do?

Gary Wilson


Great question. So, we have, a mantra on our team, which is a success is a formula with three parts, three variables, and equal success. One is you gotta have the right education guys. Okay. You know, if you’re not, if you’re not learning how to invest, you gotta work with somebody who’s gonna teach. You can teach yourself how to invest. And the next thing is the right information. And the cool thing about the right education is that teaches you how to get and use the right information. And the third step is the right action. And those three things, the right education, right information, and the right action equals the right results. So here’s, here’s what I mean by these practical terms, guys. Okay. We first teach you how to invest the terminology, the methodology, you know, not just learning, but we call it learning and earning.

Gary Wilson


You’re going to learn and you’re going to implement while it’s guided training, it’s free. You don’t have to pay for it. And that’s the good thing. The reason I built this way is most agents are broke. So I thought, well, how can I do this? So they don’t have to pay money upfront. Well, you, you don’t, you come outta your, a small team today or commission. So we teach you how to invest and you’re gonna implement what you learn in the field. The best way to learn this business is to just do it, study it with the training, and implement it with your coach. And I coach everybody directly one on one. Now you’re learning how to do it with real properties and real people and real money. That’s gonna be the best way to learn. That’s how you have to learn.

Gary Wilson


Okay? So you have to first learn, learn how to invest yourself, right? Learn the terminology and methodology. Then you have to gather the correct information. So I’m gonna give you a, a big tip here. There are lots of systems out there that allow you to access property and people, and data all over the world. But in most cases let’s just say right here in a good old us, every county, there’s 3,144 counties in a country and all, but a small handful is online. You can go all onto your county’s property database and find out who owns any property, and how long they own it. If they’re currently on their property taxes, if it’s in an LLC, you can find out the name of the LLC and then go Google the LLC. It is just the states bureau of incorporation. See who set it up? Okay. Then you can skip and trace them. 

Gary Wilson


There’s a there are companies that will you feed them a name and an address. They’ll go out and get the phone numbers and emails. So that information is vital and what we do, Jay, we’re strategic with what we do. So we don’t just broadcast thousands of postcards that do work by the way. It’s just very time-consuming, very expensive in time, energy, and money. And it’s also very inefficient. So what we do is we do have access, by the way, the bankruptcy, foreclosure, and probate. We get, everybody can get that. But what we do is we look for stuff that other people aren’t looking at. We look to find people, for example, who’s owned the property for 25 years or more. It will not pay this year’s property taxes. Would you say that person Jay is probably slightly motivated to maybe want to, or need to sell?

Jay Conner


Sure. That sounds like it.

Gary Wilson


Yep. So then we have a, we have 50, some odd letters we can use, but one of, in particular, we call the team letter and it out produces all the other letters. It’s one I wrote probably 12 years ago, short seven sentences, no letterhead. Okay. And nothing about me. I don’t put it in there. I’m number one, I’m ABR. I’m Sierra stuff that investors and consumers don’t even know what it is. Anyways. We just talk about them. We used the word you, or your 10 times in seven sentences, right? So that’s where you get, you get the education, you get the information, then you target your audience and approach them correctly with the right kind of letter with a handwritten envelope, by the way. And then you follow up with a phone call a week later. And that, that, that percentage of what we call the conversion rate is the highest I’ve seen in any marketing campaign, in any company, anywhere, nobody even comes close to it. And by the way, we’ve got 20 campaigns just like that.

Jay Conner


Right? So that letter, it sounds like, is, I mean, or is the letter direct in saying that you are an agent and you are interested in or asking if they are interested in listing or selling their house?

Gary Wilson


Exactly. Actually, that letter was when I used myself as an investor years ago to be profitable. And I would tell ’em, so you’ve seen the letter. I wanna buy your house. Now let’s face it. I know some people will respond to that, but most people are thinking, well, how do you know? I never met you? Have you seen my house? How did you see my house? Cause I’m living here. So here’s my letter. I’ll just give it to everybody. If you wanna try to remember this. It’s dear Jay, I run to about your property located at 1 23 main street. I’m not suggesting you sell your property if you don’t want to. However, inventory is tight right now. And I have clients like Mr. Wilson, who wanna buy a property, just like yours in your area. So even if you’re just curious about what your property would sell for, please let me know, be happy to give you a free evaluation.

Gary Wilson


Then below that, we identify ourselves as real estate agents. You have to by law. But see if you put a letterhead out there or Jay up top, most people won’t get past the letter. Oh no, they’re one of those guys. And they throw it away. We named the recipient personally, and then we named her property. Personally, we use you or your 10 times, and we used the short two-word phrase, sell what your house would sell for twice in that letter, it’s called an embedded command and we’ve had mailings. So we’ve had as many as, as you know, 24% response rate, one, one neighborhood, literally half, half the recipients responded to, to the letter, you know, never saw that before. That was so that’s one of our famous favorite techniques to get properties for ourselves as investors and change the wording a little bit to get properties for our clients who are investors, you know?

Jay Conner


Yeah. Well, and you bring up a really important point and that is, you know, in marketing, the more one-to-one that you can be and not business-to-one, the better your response is gonna be. I mean, it’s like you say, they see letterhead and chunk that’s going in the trashcan, right?

Gary Wilson



Jay Conner


So you’ve got it written. Like it’s a personal letter and

Gary Wilson


I tell people, it’s just like, when you’re running marketing, I tell people right. As if you’re running to one person who you already know, it’s a big, that’s not a secret, but it’s hard to do because our brain’s telling us we’re running into a thousand people. So we’re gonna say, dear neighbor, dear friend, you know, all of you all you guys don’t do that. It’s one on one.

Jay Conner


I love it. Well, Gary, you’ve just been so successful. What is one personal habit you’ve got of yours that you just say really lends itself to you being so successful?

Gary Wilson


Well, I’ll tell you what, over the years, some of these character traits I was born with semi I developed, but being persistent, resilient, consistent discipline, all those things that have nothing to do with how smart my brain is or how, you know, I’m, I’m probably average and best looking. I wasn’t born with a silver spoon, my mouth. Those are the character traits that will help you work a little bit harder than the guy next to it. Now for me personally, what allows me to do that over all these years is every morning, I’m up before five, I spend about two, two, and a half hours, prayer, meditation exercise. Then I eat healthily, right? So proper diet, proper diet, I’m sorry, proper exercise, proper diet, and good sleep when I start to deal off that way. And so my mindset I’m, I’m connected. I’m grounded. You know, I’m, I’m, I’m already well ahead of everybody else.

Gary Wilson


As far as being a positive thinking person, even so even stuff still happens. You, I get flat tires, just like anybody else. I got children that get sick. Parents fall down. All those things happen, but they don’t derail me. What I do is I address that whatever is that you address it directly, you know, hit it head-on, take care of it. And then when you get back to, to your day, you’ll get, you’ll get back to where you were. You knew where you were, cuz you, the other thing I do is I’m an excellent planner. Like I create a vision each year. I do this vision goal, and actions plan. Then, I do an action database before I plan and then execute my plan. And it’s half of it’s in pencil, cuz I know half my time’s God’s gonna reserve for his things and I need to be, be open and ready for that.

Gary Wilson


So, what that allows me to do is because I don’t plan an entire day only plan half a day. I can absorb the things that come up on the fly and get back to my plan. And I’ll tell you this guys, everybody listening, I know you got problems, you know, and I know you got through ’em because you’re here listening to this podcast. I can tell you if you can get through a crisis mode in, you know, times of crisis take action and times of crisis, why not take action, meaningful, directed action in good times, not just in times of crisis, you know, do it every single day, you know, live with that sense of urgency. Okay. And at the end of the day, if you get derailed, just tell yourself I’m not going to bed till I do one more thing. You know, five more minutes, five more minutes. You know, Jay, if you did five more minutes a day, you would have 30 plus hours in a year, more than the guy next to you in 30 hours, we can accomplish all kinds of things. Would you agree?

Jay Conner


Absolutely. Well, I tell you what, let’s one more time Gary. Let’s give out your website and, and why people should go to your website.

Gary Wilson


Sure. It’s and it’s a really simple website. You go in there, and you can click on a button that says learn more. That’s all you gotta do. But if you wanna scroll down, you can, you can click on all the testimonials. Totally unsolicited, never ask for a single one of ’em hundreds of them. You can look at the agents on there, contact the agents on the team down below ill, and give four little videos in one minute. Each tells you why you should do this. Why you need an automated lead-generating system, whether you’re an investor or an agent, why you need the correct marketing, you know why you need to be on a team of other people doing what you’re doing. That’s we didn’t even talk about that, Jay, but boy is that critical. You know you can anybody and here’s, here’s an old secret. You can go faster by yourself, but you can go further with a team. Okay. And, and if finally, you know, being able to invest for yourself, isn’t that what this is all about for all you agents that are listening don’t you want to invest yourself, get some, a passive income coming in. Can you imagine having 10 paid off properties when you’re 60 years old, in addition to all the other income you hope you have to come in that what this is all about, you know?

Jay Conner


Absolutely. Gary, thank you so much for taking the time to come on the show with me. This has been fantastic.

Gary Wilson


You’re welcome, Jay was good seeing you again, man. I appreciate the opportunity to do this. And I, I hope that what I’ve said and shared will, will help a number of people for you, you know?

Jay Conner


Absolutely. Well, there you have it, folks. In another amazing episode of the show, I’m Jay Conner, The Private Money Authority, and I really need your help. I really appreciate the likes, the shares, the subscribes, the five-star ratings, and the reviews. And if you’re watching on YouTube, be sure and click that bell. So you don’t miss out on any of our upcoming episodes. Well, I’m Jay Conner with the private money authority, wishing you all the best. Here to take your business to the next level. And we’ll see you right here on the next show.


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Conservative Strategies for Real Estate Wealth: Advice from Jay Conner Are you ready to unlock the keys to real estate success? Today,  Jay Conner, The Private Money Authority joins Jake Wiley on   The Limited Partner Podcast   and is here to help you transform the way you think about property investment. Jay Conner’s story begins with a crisis that became a catalyst for change. After unexpectedly losing his line of credit, Jay was propelled into the world of Private Money and private lending. His response was remarkable; he raised over $2 million within 90 days, pivoting from conventional banking to building a network of private investors. This turn of events not only salvaged his immediate transactions but also tripled his business by tapping into the surge of foreclosures that marked the period. Adapting to Market Shifts Jake Wiley and Jay Conner delve into the importance of flexibility in the face of market fluctuations. T...

Helping People Getting Through Foreclosures with Jay Conner & Dwan Bent-Twyford

Private Money Academy Conference: Free Report: Join the Private Money Academy: When you hear the word foreclosures do your ears perk up? They should because there is going to be a massive opportunity to help a lot of people and profit from the coming avalanche of foreclosures. Another thing, have you ever dreamed of owning your business and being financially free? If you are this episode is just right for you! Today’s guest is America’s Most Sought-After Real Estate Investor, Dawn Bent-Twyford. Dwan started as a broke, single mom who had been fired from Denny’s! Having nowhere to go but up, she started rehabbing foreclosures. Fast forward 30 years to NOW. Dwan’s insane amount of investing knowledge and her unique, open-style, and down-to-earth personality make her a highly sought-after podcast guest. She is responsible for making tons of financially free students along t...

Secrets to Getting Direct Short-Term Rental Bookings While You Sleep, Revealed!

Private Money Academy Conference: Free Report: Join the Private Money Academy: Jenn Boyles is the founder and CEO of Direct Booking Success – the podcast | the summit | the program. Her mission is to help vacation/short-term rental property managers and owners increase their direct bookings with organic marketing. She is also a property manager and owner herself, managing her own award-winning properties since 2013. Finding herself with a property in an OTA over-saturated area was what initially led her down the direct booking path. She is the host of the Direct Booking Success Podcast which is produced weekly with a mix of educational solo episodes and interviews with Hospitality and Accommodation professionals along with fellow property managers and owners. Jenn is also the founder of the annual Direct Booking Success Summit. This event is a FREE marketing and hospitality edu...