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How Chip Cross Raised $300,000 of Private Money in 17 Months | Raising Private Money with Jay Conner

“In The World Of Private Money, You Don’t Chase The Money, The Private Lenders Chase You” 

– Jay Conner

If you are a real estate investor wondering how to raise and leverage private money to make more profit on every deal then you’re in the right place.

On Raising Private Money we’ll speak with new and seasoned investors to dissect their deals and extract the best tips and strategies to help you get the money!

Today, we have Chip Cross, a successful real estate investor who is willing to share his amazing story of how he was able to raise Millions of dollars of private money to date.

Chip is a great friend of Jay’s for almost 10 years now. And just like Jay, prior to him using private money, he borrowed money for his real estate deals from his local bank. His banker at that time made the rules, but now he makes the rules. He sets the interest rate. He sets the term. He sets the frequency of payments and not the bank.

“ My Story In Using Private Money Is Something That Cost Me Nothing Ended Up Worth A Million Dollars ” – Chip Cross


0:01 – Raising Private Money

1:07 – Today’s Guest: Chip Cross

4:09 – From 30,000 to 300,000 Of Private Money

7:25 – Earn The Trust Of Your Private Lenders

9:48 – The Power Of Cash vs. Traditional Lending

12:03 – How Using Private Money Will Transform Your Real Estate Business

14:10 – You Don’t Chase The Money, The Private Lenders Chase You

17:32 – Mobile Homes and Private Money

19:16 – The Infinite Rate Of Return

22:38 – You Raise More Money By Teaching Other People About Private Money

25:07 – How I Raise Private Money? I Put On My Teacher’s Hat – Jay Conner

30:00 – Protect Your Private Lenders

31:06 – Jay’s Free Private Money Guide:

32:01 – How Much Minimum Amount To Accept From A Private Lender

33:25 – Connect with Chip Cross: Tel# 828-317-9522 or send him an email at

34:46 – Best Advise For Someone That’s New In Raising Private Money


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How Chip Cross Raised $300,000 of Private Money in 17 Months | Raising Private Money with Jay Conner

Jay Conner


Well, Chip how much private money have you raised?

Chip Cross


Thank you, Jay. It’s been a million dollars total, and I can tell you how I got there if that would be okay.

Jay Conner


Absolutely. Tell, tell us how you started from the very beginning and, and how you went from no private money to a million dollars in private money for your real estate deals.

Chip Cross


Okay. Jay, a banker friend of mine referred me to one of his friends, clients who had some money in the bank. Wasn’t happy with the return he was getting. He did not want to go into the volatility of the stock market. So he started me off with $30,000 and his rule was if we can fi you know, that I’ll have to need to find a property. That’s 50% of the value. So one of the things I didn’t realize Jay was the power of buying with cash. So basically we were able to find something worth about 60,000 and bought it for 30,000. And so I was working with him over about a year’s time to buy about 10 properties. Basically, the formula was, they were worth 60,000. We were buying them for 30,000. And then I heard about you living in Marion, North Carolina in the mountains of Western North Carolina, between Asheville and Hickory.

Chip Cross


And you were gonna be at the Charlotte real estate investors association. I wasn’t able to go, but I went to one of your live events down in Atlanta and found out that you would help people raise private money. And that at that time, Jay, I wasn’t skilled at raising private money. It kind of fell into my lap. So, I got with you and you introduced me to some more private lenders. And the one thing that I did try to do was to give good customer service to the lenders that we had. And then through the contacts that you gave me, ended up being an additional 700,000.

Jay Conner


Gotcha. Well, you know, you said something there a moment ago, chip, you said your very first private lender, the first note or the first loan they gave you was $30,000, right? Yes. But you said that relationship or that private lender grew from them loaning you 30,000 to where they had $300,000 that they loaned out to you. And that was over a course of how long from the time they went from 30,000 to 300,000.

Chip Cross


That was within two years. It probably about a year and a half.

Jay Conner


Okay. Well, there’s a big lesson right there. So what’s your takeaway, what’s the lesson that you’re hearing? I know the lesson that I’m hearing from someone that starts at 30,000 and then ends up at 300,000. What’s the takeaway from that story?

Chip Cross


That’s a great question, Jay. They have more money to lend. Probably we have to earn their trust. We have to give them good customer service. And if we’ll do that, one of the best ways to grow our, business, and our private lenders is through our current private lenders.

Jay Conner


Yeah. Yeah. And in fact, you said that that very first private lender that you had was actually referred to you by a mutual connection was referred to you by your banker, right?

Chip Cross


Yes, that’s right, Jay.

Jay Conner


So, so let me ask you this. So, you know, we started working together years ago, you know, you had a million dollars in private money that, you know, you were using on your real estate deals. And so I can’t remember. I need you to remind me, did you end up raising any private money, like totally on your own after you learned the way that I do it?

Chip Cross


Well, well, again, most, most of mine were contacts that you introduced me to Jay, and then through those contacts, they ended up giving more private funds as well.

Jay Conner


So they all had more money than they told you originally

Chip Cross


That they did, they did. And one thing that I would stress to anyone listening to this podcast is to earn their trust, take care of them, keep them secure, pay them on time, and do what you’re going to do because I was, I was completely amazed at how many private lenders you had. And I was so impressed that you were able to develop relationships with that many people. But I guess part of my story is Jay. It doesn’t take a whole lot of people. I mean, I’m gonna say at, I’m gonna say total, I’ve had seven private lenders in that million dollars and the bulk of that has come from maybe five people. So I mean, that doesn’t take a whole lot of people.

Jay Conner


Absolutely you’re right. I mean, I’ve got 44 private lenders right now and right at eight and a half million dollars in private money that we’re, you know, moving from projects to projects, to projects, but you know, you don’t need 44 private lenders, you know, as you say, two or three get, you started really, really good. And so you said a moment ago, chip, that it’s really important for you to earn the trust, earn the, you know, the relationship customer service take care of your private lenders from your experience. How do you do that? I mean, what do you do in the relationship with a private lender that quote-unquote gives customer service? How do you earn their trust? You know, what, what do you do?

Chip Cross


That’s a great question, Jay. One thing that’s very important is that we communicate, we don’t have to tell them everything, but we can tell them where we are at various stages of the project rehabbing. One, very simple thing here is paying on time. And one thing that I do is that I have a report that my major one, I, and I, by the way, I still have him, I’m still using him. And so my major one, I do a report on, you know, how much is owed, how much the interest rate is, what his interest to date is. And then I, most of the time he’s moved out of town. Now he’s moved from North Carolina to Florida. And so 80% of the time I go put the money in the bank for him and send him a receipt.

Jay Conner


Oh, nice.

Chip Cross


So he has made and, oh, Jay, I, I need to tell you another story,

Jay Conner


Please do.

Chip Cross


Recently I’ve been rolling some of these sales of these properties into another project. Moving from our, from, from real estate. That’s peaking in value to real estate, that’s undervalued. And one time I wasn’t sure that the timing was gonna work for me to do the 10 31 exchange. And my son was aware of what I was doing. Some different friends. Well, I made two phone calls. One of ’em gave $200,000. One of ’em gave $100,000 course. I told my son, I said, that took a lot of years to earn that level of trust, to be able to make two phone calls and raised $300,000. I ended up not needing it, but it was there in case the timing didn’t work out. And I had to have it to invest in, in what I was rolling it into.

Jay Conner


Did you do any type of real estate investing deals prior to starting to use private money?

Chip Cross


That’s a great question, Jay. I did. I used traditional bank financing and I actually got up to the limit of how far I could go. So at that time, they started limiting it. And here’s another great point I would like to make, I didn’t realize the power of being able to buy with cash, right? So I never got as good a deal when I was using traditional financing as I did with my private lenders. But in total over about 22 years, I’ve owned 35 properties, which is about 55 units because some of them are apartment buildings. Multi-unit. So now I’m in the process of trying to sell these while the market’s strong and I’m down to about, let’s see I’m down to about eight properties and about 15 units because I’ve been selling these while the market’s strength.

Jay Conner


Right? Right. Well, you know, you, and I’ve got something in common there chip, and that is your story’s the same as mine prior to the world of private money and private money transformed big time, my real estate investing business. I mean, nothing else, no other strategy, no other way. I do real estate investing had a bigger impact on my business than using private money for my deals. So just like you, for the first six years that I was in the business from 2003 to 2009, investing in single-family houses here in Eastern North Carolina, those first six years I relied on the bank. I mean, that’s the only thing that I knew to do until I was forced to find a better way, quicker way to fund my deals. And, you know, that’s when the bank shut me down and I didn’t have, I didn’t have my line of credit anymore. And my definition of coincidence is God’s way thing anonymous. And so I would learn about private money night, right after losing, you know, my line of credit. Now, one thing you said a moment ago that transformed your business. Once you started using private money, and that was you, you said you had a limit to the amount of money that you could borrow at the local bank, but that’s not the case with private lenders, right?

Chip Cross


That’s right, exactly. Right, Jay.

Jay Conner


So tell me the different ways that private money really transformed your business when you started using it versus, you know, relying on the local bank, what changed? What made your business so much better? What do you like about private money on the list as long? I know, but what do you like about private money better than using, you know, traditional institutional money?

Chip Cross


You’re right, Jay, the list is really long. Number one is the power of buying with cash because you can buy properties at a discount. When you show that you can close with cash. Number two is it doesn’t affect your credit score. It doesn’t affect your debt ratio. Number three, the focus is more on the value of the deal, than on the person who is borrowing the money. So if it’s a really good deal and you can buy it with equity in it already, then you know, it’s gonna be a good deal for everybody. I guess, number four, I should have written these down. Number four is that you’re giving a good return to your private lender. You’re keeping them safe and secure. So you’re providing good customer service to them. And I guess number five, Jay, I know I could go longer, but number five would be, you’re what you just said. You’re not limited by any type of debt-to-equity ratio or anything like that. As long as you can find a deal, that’s good that it’s a win-win for everybody. You’ll be able to make it happen

Jay Conner


Well, you’re exactly right. And, and, you know, we’re, there’s sort of an umbrella statement that covers all those reasons you were naming. And that is you as the real estate investor, you make the rules. You know, when we were borrowing money from the banks, the banks made the rules, the bank made the interest, set, the interest rate. You know, you set the interest rate, and the borrower, set the maximum loan to value, not the bank. And so it just puts you in the driver’s seat and gives you all this control, you know, for your, and it fixes your cash flow problems. You know, we can always, I mean, there’s one big one, here’s a big one. And that is we can borrow always more money than we need to purchase the property, which means we always bring home a big check when we buy, I mean, who doesn’t wanna get paid to buy properties, right?

Jay Conner


And in the world of traditional lending, we always have to have what they call quote-unquote skin in the game. We always gotta bring our own money, some of our own money to the closing table. And you know, when I first learned about private money in 2009, that was such a, just a dichotomy, an opposite direction of thinking. And you know, another big reason that comes to my mind chip is when you’re borrowing money from the bank, you’re chasing the money. You’re, it’s like, you’re having to put on your seller’s at, and you feel like you’ve gotta like sell Mr. Banker or miss banker to approving your loan. And in this world of private money, have you discovered the same thing I have, and that is we don’t chase the money. The private lenders are chasing us. How about you?

Chip Cross


You’re right, Jay. And again, my hats off to you for all the relationships, that you have developed. And when you were saying, I’m gonna skip just a minute before I answer your question directly, but you probably encountered real estate investors. Like I have, they cannot make the mind shift. They think that they have to make a down payment. I have someone who’s been in it. I mean, I’ve been in it over 20 years, you know, 22, 23 years, I’ve got a good friend. Who’s been doing it that long too? And every time he says, I’ve gotta come up with money down payment. And I always say, I don’t make a down payment. You know, my private lenders make the down payment. You know, again, it’s years ago, it was kind of unlimited the amount of money that you could make if you could raise the money.

Chip Cross


And that’s why I came to you because that was my constraint. I mean, I was actually buying it at 33 to 50% of the value. I was buying double-wide manufacturing homes on their own land for on average, about $25,000 that were worth $75,000. So the bank had these everywhere. Now you cannot find them now. But so Jay, my constraint was, you know, I thought I can buy one of these every day. If I can write if I can raise the money for it. And that’s your expertise, that’s where you came in. So I wanna thank you for that.

Jay Conner


Absolutely. Now, as you just mentioned, one of your, or, actually expertise was finding manufactured homes that were affixed to the land. So we call ’em land home deals, you know, but there’s one particular mobile home story that you tell that you were talking about actually earlier today. So tell your mobile home story. I want to hear it.

Chip Cross


Okay. Thank you, Jay. Well, this particular mobile home was, I think it was $22,000. Well, I was going along borrowing 30,000. If I bought a home for 25,000 and I didn’t spend a whole lot fixing these up either, but let’s say on each home, let’s, let’s make the numbers round. Let’s say I bought five homes and I ended up with 5,000 extra on each home. Well, I ended up with 25,000 extra dollars. So with that 25,000, I bought a separate mobile home. So it was like buying. It was like buying it for free. And I actually gave my private lender a lean on that home, even though I didn’t have to, to try to earn his trust even more because it was worth 75 at the time. Well, I, you know, the story’s not perfect because I rented it for several a few years and they tore it up pretty bad.

Chip Cross


So when the market got strong, I rehabbed it so I could sell it. So I spent 40,000 to rehab it, which is more than I had in it. But then I sold it for 140,000. So I made a hundred thousand dollars off that deal. And I actually rolled it into something through a 10 31 exchange without going into all the details that time will tell, but I fully believed it was 10 cents on the dollar. So I rolled it through their tax-free. And so my story is, is that something that cost me, nothing ended up being worth a million dollars?

Jay Conner


You know, they, they call that an infinite rate of return. Cause when you take zero and you take zero and you get any kind of return on it, then you can’t calculate it. That’s

Chip Cross



Jay Conner


You know, there’s there. And there’s another way that works. So I teach my students all the time. These days using a strategy that’s called arbitrage also called leveraging an asset. So, you know, you can be talking to a potential private lender, you know, somebody you got a relationship with, and let’s say they don’t have any liquid funds right now. Well, part of the conversation can go like this. I can ask them, do you have equity in real estate? Do you have equity in your primary residents? You know, equity in any kind of real estate. If they do now follow this strategy, they can go to their local bank. They can open up an equity line of credit. If they don’t have one and that equity line of credit, they can now loan that money out to me, the borrower, the real estate investor, and the interest rate and the, and the money they’re gonna pay out to their bank, to where they borrowed it is gonna be much less per month than what I will pay them.

Jay Conner


So guess what they get to do? What the banks call pocketing, the spread. They get to pocket the spread every month. And the rate of return for them is infinity. And here’s why they’re loaning money out to me. That’s not their money. They’re loaning out the bank’s money, right? Exactly. By leveraging that asset that they have another way, there are two other ways that a private lender can do that. They can go to if they have stocks and they like their stocks and they don’t wanna sell their stocks and they wanna keep their stocks, their mutual funds, they can go to their stock brokerage and say, Hey, I wanna open ’em up. What’s called a portfolio loan? And which is a line of credit. Well, that’s not even credit score driven. They can leverage the asset of their stocks, and open up a portfolio loan account.

Jay Conner


They can borrow up to 50% of the face value of their stocks. And now they can loan that money out to me. They’re gonna pay their stock brokerage a much lower interest rate than the higher rate I’m going to pay. They get to pocket the spread again. That is you can’t calculate it. Cause they’re loan money out to me from their stock brokerage, they still own their stocks. And then there’s still a third way to do what’s called arbitrage. If they have a whole life insurance policy policy, they can go borrow against that whole life insurance policy and loan me the money. I’ll pay them a higher rate than they’re having to pay out again, arbitrage living an asset, it’s called an infinite rate of return. So, you know, the possibilities are just endless when it comes to working with other private lenders and et cetera, chip, would you say that when you are out there raising private money or say advice to a new real estate investor, would you say that typically you’re gonna raise more money through the relationships that you have by teaching people about what private money is or trying to go get private money, you know, from an existing private lender?

Jay Conner


Did you get any thoughts on that?

Chip Cross


Well, yes I do. Jade. I wanna say one thing about what you just said. I have one of my private lenders who has a home equity line each time that he loaned it to me. We wrote the note for $10,000 more than he loaned me. He let me pay the low-interest rate, which at that time was three and a half, 4%. So each time I sold it, so long story short, I’ve put $50,000 in the pocket that he made off of his home equity line.

Jay Conner


So in other words, he liked to leverage his equity line of credit for you to like, quote-unquote, use it. And then he got paid because he had that asset to like back you up.

Chip Cross


Yes, yes. And see borrowing power is an asset. A lot of people don’t realize that. But to go back to answer your question again, you are so good at it. I don’t feel like I’m. I actually don’t feel like I’m that good at it, but I will say that probably two, two approaches, number one is giving great customer service to the ones that you have trying to keep them happy because they usually have more money. And number two, just like you said, Jay, I really believe it’s an educational process because a lot of people just don’t grasp the assets that they have. Just like you said, let’s say their home is paid for. See, for instance, I have a $250,000 line of credit on my house. Well, I’ve been able to go in and out and use that. And so I recommend to anybody to get a line of credit if they’ve got the, because that’s an asset, you know, that that line of credit is an asset. And so many people have stocks as you said, they have lines of credit. So it’s, it’s more educating them. And, of course, Jay, you know, this comes from the book, how to win friends and influence people. It is teaching them what you can do for them.

Jay Conner


Absolutely. Well, you know, you’re saying that word education reminds me, you know, chip, I have never asked anybody for money. I’ve never asked a private lender to loan me money. And people ask me all the time and I say, well, Jay, how in the world have you got eight and a half million dollars in private money? You never ask anybody for money. And the answer’s simple. I put on my teacher hat and I teach people that I’ve got a relationship with. Maybe they’re on my cell phone. Maybe they’re on my email list. Maybe they’re Facebook friends, maybe, you know, I go to the rotary club with ’em. I go to church with ’em, you know, all these different connections. And so I teach people about private money. They learn how they can earn high rates of returns safely and securely. And when, and when they learn about the program, I’m not even asking ’em for money.

Jay Conner


They’re asking me, well, what do I do, Jay? Do I write you a check? How do I get started? And the answer’s no, you’re not writing me any check. When I have a deal for you to participate in, then you can participate. And at that point in time, you can invest and you know, we’ll get you started. And that in that, in and of itself right there, chip reminds me, you know, I hear other real estate investing gurus. If you will. I don’t consider myself a guru. I just teach other people how to do what I do. But I hear people out there saying, oh, just go get the, go, get the property under contract. The money will show up and I’m going, what, where’s it going to show up from? Is it going like, you know, fall out of the clouds or something I would much rather, and I know you as well, chip I’d much rather network get, you know, get money.

Jay Conner


What I call pledged from, you know, a private lender. And then I go get them to fund a deal. And, you know, along with that, as far as chasing money, I don’t chase the money. But, and here’s another example of how I don’t, I’ve never done. What’s called pitched a deal. I’ve never pitched a deal. And here’s why I got the private lender has pledged whatever X number of dollars, a hundred thousand, 250,000, whatever. And they’re waiting for my phone call, by the way, I still have landlines here in Morehead, city, North Carolina. And so I call ’em up and I don’t call ’em up asking if they want to do the deal. That’s the most stupid thing in the world I could ask. Of course, they want to do the deal. They’re waiting for the phone call. Cause they’ve told me they got X number of dollars in either investment capital or X number of dollars in retirement funds, ready to put to work.

Jay Conner


And so when I call ’em up and I, I mean, here’s exactly what I tell ’em. I say, let’s say chip, let’s say chip. You’re me you’re one of my private lenders. And I know you got $250,000 burning a hole in your pocket and you want to, you know, get that minute to work. I’ll call you up. And after we have a little chit-chat, I’ll say, chip, I got great news for you. I can now put your $250,000 to work. And then I’ll tell you where the home is located. That is gonna be funded by your funds when closing is and the amount needed, I already know how much you got. And I just give them the facts, those four things, where’s it located how much the after repaired value is the funding required. And when you need to wire your funds to my real estate attorney, end the conversation. I didn’t ask you if you wanted to do it. I know you want to do it. Cause you’re waiting on the phone call and isn’t that, and that isn’t that 180 degrees different than getting a deal, the contract, and then trying to chase money to get it funded? I don’t wanna stress out like that. How about you,

Chip Cross


Jay? I agree with you a hundred percent and I think what’s so wonderful about the way you do it is you’re not communicating urgency. You’re not communicating desperation, you know, because it, to me, if you get the deal first and then you call if I communicate that urgency that makes people wanna run. And it’s almost like you said, you’re in the position. You, you, well, number one, you’ve done your homework, you’ve done your preparation. They know what to expect. And then when you get the deal, they’re ready to move on it. And it’s almost like I hate to put it this way, but we’ve almost said this. It’s almost like at that point, they need you worse than you need them.

Jay Conner


Well, that’s true. And you know why? Because there’s so much, there’s so many, there’s so much money on the street. Now people don’t know what to do with it. They sure don’t want to put it in the local bank and earn a quarter of a percent per year. You know, I come along or you come along and pay ’em 8%. That’s 32 times more money than they can get in the local bank.

Chip Cross


Yes, Jay. That’s

Jay Conner


Great. So that’s giving them a higher rate of return. So chip, how do you protect your private lenders? So instead of them loaning you money unsecured, what kinda security do you give to where they can like sleep at night knowing that their money is protected?

Chip Cross


Great question, Jay as you know, the way we do it is that I never get the money at closing. It goes to the real estate attorney. They’re protected in North Carolina by Deda trust. I try to make sure there’s always equity in the property. So, you know, if anything, and if anything did happen and for, and for years, I tried to do it at 50% loan to value. Now recently with the market going up, some of ’em have been at, at, you know, two-thirds of value. But if, if anything happens to the deal, they’re gonna be able to sell that property and actually probably make more money than that. So, yeah, it’s just keeping them protected, with equity in the property.

Jay Conner


Well, chip, you know, the stuff we’ve been talking about, I’ve got it all lined out. I’m so excited about this new private money guide that I’ve just written it’s called seven reasons why private money will skyrocket your real estate business and help you build incredible wealth. So this private money guide will get you on the fast track to getting private money and experiencing the same thing that chip and I have. And that is never miss out on another real estate deal because you did not have the funding for the deal. You can download this private money guide step by step on how to get it, and where to get it at Again, you can download this absolutely free at, Chip. When you are visiting with a new potential private lender, you’ve taught ’em about private money. Typically what’s the minimum amount that you’re willing to accept from a private lender to make it worthwhile for you to do business with them?

Chip Cross


Well, Jay, you know, I was probably working with lower amounts than some people were because I was working with, you know, the double-wide manufacturer home. So I guess the market’s changed a lot since then, and I’ve been more in the selling, but you know, I would still do it in the 30 to $50,000 range if, if, if I found something in that, in that category.

Jay Conner


Sure. Well, the reason I asked the question is that you know, since we, the real estate investor make the rules, we’re teaching people about private money, we’re attracting the money to us. That’s gonna be one of the first questions that they ask us is, well, what is your minimum amount? Again? They always got more than they tell you, but since they’re gonna ask that question, we need to be prepared to answer that question. What is the minimum amount? I know you’ve been asked that question over the years, but what’s your minimum chip, right?

Chip Cross


Yes, you’re right, Jay.

Jay Conner


So, and, and it, and it is gonna be market specific. So, you know, we wanna be prepared to answer that question chip, you know, someone may just be interested in doing business with you and in your business or continuing the conversation with you. How can people, how can someone reach out to you and, and get in contact with you?

Chip Cross


Well, thank you, Jay. I’ll give you my phone number here.

Jay Conner


You’re actually gonna, you’re actually a real person with a real telephone number.

Chip Cross


Well, I guess I don’t have as much maybe some of the other technology, but, and I, and I see us up on the screen here, 8 2 8 3 1 7 9 5 2 2. Or my email is pretty easy to remember that if anyone from this podcast contacts me, I will, I will make sure to, to give him a callback. And I, and I’ll certainly appreciate hearing from anybody,

Jay Conner


Right? So we’ll have Chip’s information in the show notes, his email, and his telephone number. But again, Chip’s personal number is area code 8 2 8 3 1 7 9 5 2 2. Again, that’s 8 2 8 3 1 7 9 5 2 2. And it can be reached easily at his email chip, So chip for someone that is just starting out, wanting to raise private money and they haven’t yet before, but maybe they’re a wholesaler. They wanna stay in some deals. Maybe they’re a new real estate investor looking or doing their first deal. Maybe someone’s been like you and me. They’ve been borrowing money from the bank for their deals, but they want to like start making the rules and get in control. What advice would you give someone that’s new to raising private money?

Chip Cross


Well, Jay, you mentioned a word earlier and I’m gonna say networking. I’m also in the rotary club. We have a great rotary club and our hometown with 80 members, and there are just a lot of opportunities out there with the chamber of commerce, but it, for each person out there, if they would just write down the people that they know, I, I think that they would be surprised, very much surprised at how much money would be available to them. And then, so I would, I would concentrate on my networking. I would, I would invest in Jay. I would get Jay’s information because Jay’s the master. So I would, you know, having a mentor have I, I would invest in my education because that can save you years of trying to do it on your own. So Jay, I would ho hardly recommend that they work with you. I mean, how that can save 10 years of learning how to do it right

Jay Conner


Now. Chip, did I ask you to say that? No, you

Chip Cross


Didn’t. No, you didn’t, but, but let me say this, that’s what I did.

Chip Cross


I’m just telling people what I did because my first one fell in my lap. I knew how valuable it was, but I didn’t know how to do it. So I came to you, right? I mean, I recognized that. So I came to you. So networking, investing in your education, also learned about how to buy properties at, at, with some equity in ’em. So you’re keeping your private lenders protected. And then I guess the fourth part that I would put in here, Jay, is to always give great customer service. Once you get a private lender, you may be able to grow your business through your current private lenders.

Jay Conner


Absolutely chip. Thank you so much for taking a few minutes here with me to hang out on the podcast, raising private money, man. I appreciate you so much, and I still congratulate you on your phenomenal success.

Chip Cross


Well, thank you, Jay. It’s been an honor to be with you and I wanna thank you for what you’ve done for me and for what you’ve done for others in the real estate industry, teaching them about private lending.

Jay Conner


Thank you so much, chip God, bless you. A bless you there. You have it. My friend, another episode of raising private money. I’m Jay Conner, the private money authority, and I need your help. Yes, your help. I really appreciate you going over there to iTunes or on Spotify and giving me five stars also take a moment just to write a quick one-sentence or two-sentence review on this show. And in addition to that, I would love for you to share this episode with someone, family, or friend that you believe could have an impact, and they would enjoy this show as well. Be sure to like and subscribe if you happen to be watching on YouTube, and be sure and click that bell. So you don’t miss out on any more episodes from this phenomenal, amazing podcast. I’m Jay Conner wishing you all the best here to take your real estate investing business to the next level. And I’ll see you right here on the next raising private money.


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