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Single Mom Raises $900K Of Private Money? | Raising Private Money

"Attend Real Estate Events And Talk To People. Take Interest With Other People And Let Them Know What You Are Doing. Private Money Is A Win For Everyone” – Carly Mannino

Carly Mannino is Jay Conner’s student, she took one of Jay’s courses and has had exceptional success!

Tune in to hear how she raised $900K of Private Money for her real estate investments!

Carly hails from a little town called Lisbon, in the state of Ohio. There she graduated from Kent State University with a degree in both Business Management And Computer Science Technology.

After 2008 she decided to move herself and her two sons, Frankie and Anthony, to North Carolina where she is determined to no longer sit at a desk and start her own business as a Real Estate Investor.

After investing in her education from great teachers, such as Jay Conner, Ron LeGrand, Larry Goins, Vena Cox Jones, and more, she learned the many facets of real estate investing and was able to see her business grow.

She continued her education, became a Master’s student with Ron Legrand, and received mentoring with Aaron and Andrew Schlag, setting her business on a path to unbelievable success.

But it all started with her very first teacher Jay Conner, that taught her the significant step of how to raise private money. This is where the story begins.


0:01 – Raising Private Money With Jay Conner

1:22 – Today’s Guest: Carly Mannino

3:18 – Carly’s Real Estate Business Before Using Private Money

5:06 – Private Lender vs. Hard Money Lender

5:41 – Where Do You Find Private Lenders?

7:05 – Private Money First Before Finding Real Estate Deals

8:53 – Combining Multiple Strategies In Doing Real Estate Deals

9:45 – How To Raise $900K Of Private Money.

13:10 – Never Introduce A Deal And Ask For Private Money At The Same Time

15:20 – Networking Is A Tool In Finding Private Money

17:17 – When You Finally Realized That Private Is What You Need In Your Real Estate Business

20:38 – Using Private Money In A Lease Options Deal

22:10 – How Do You Put Money In Your Bank Account By Using Private Money?

23:12 – How To Get Paid Three Times From Your Real Estate Deal.

24:58 – Your Networking Ability Is Directly Correlated To Your Net Worth – Jay Conner

27:00 – Jay’s Free Private Money Guide:

28:12 -Connect with Carly Mannino: Tel # 919-964-0264

30:05 – Carly Mannino’s Advise For New Real Estate Investors: Attend Real Estate Events And Talk To People. Take Interest With Other People And Let Them Know What You Are Doing. Private Money Is A Win For Everyone.


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Single Mom Raises $900K Of Private Money? | Raising Private Money

Jay Conner


Well, hello and welcome to another amazing episode. I’m Jay Conner, the private money authority, also the host of today’s show. And I’m so excited. I am a mover and shaker real estate investor in North Carolina. And let me tell you, my guess is making it happen. Now she’s originally from this little town up in Ohio by the name of Lisbon. If I’m saying it right anyway, she graduated up there from Kent state university. She’s got her degrees, she’s got a business management degree. She’s also got a degree in computer science technology. So back in and after 2008, she decided to move along with her two sons to North Carolina, where she determined to no longer just sit at a desk. She wanted to start her own business as a real estate investor. So after investing in her education and she’s got some phenomenal education, she’s a Ron LeGrand student, Larry Goins, Vena Cox Jones, and she’s even been to my life events as well. She’s learned about all the different facets of real estate investing and how to grow her business. Well, she continued her real estate investing education. She became a master’s student with Ron. She did mentor some fantastic brothers that Bo she, and I know, and I think she’s gonna share the story that actually her first real estate training came from yours truly. Anyway, that’s where the story began. And with that, I’m so excited to have you on the show. My good friend, Carly Manino hello, Carly. And welcome to the show.

Carly Mannino


Hey Jay, how are you?

Jay Conner


I am doing fantastic. Carly, I’m just so excited to share you with the folks that we’ve got here on the show and the podcast. My first question is, what did your real estate investing business look like before you started using private money? For all? I know you didn’t have a business before private money, but if you did, what was it like beforehand?

Carly Mannino


Oh, thank you, Jay. For having me. I did not really have one. I was learning I was studying, but I didn’t get to actually have a business. I didn’t have any way to start. I didn’t have any money to start. Cause I didn’t know quite what I was doing. So I started working on getting my education and learning the process of getting real estate. And then you happened to show up at a meeting. I was at talking about private money and who doesn’t wanna hear about getting more money that you don’t have? So it was a great way to start.

Jay Conner


There you go. So as I recall, you learned about private money at a real estate investing group that I was speaking at in Raleigh. Is that right?

Carly Mannino


Yeah, that’s right. That was back when it was TRIA. And you were the speaker at the main meeting that month.

Jay Conner


There you go. Well, let’s make sure that everybody’s on the same page here. What is your definition of private money?

Carly Mannino


Private money is having a relationship with an individual, not a company with an individual where you have a conversation and they commit a certain amount of money to invest in. And we secure that safely with a real estate piece of property and a note from the attorney, they receive that and they earn a good amount of interest and, their investment is safe and protected.

Jay Conner


So in your world of private money, you borrow money from individuals from human beings, right?

Carly Mannino


Yes. A hundred percent.

Jay Conner


So you’re not talking about hard money, right?

Carly Mannino



Jay Conner


No, no. So what is, what is the difference between a private lender and a hard money lender?

Carly Mannino


Well, from what I understand, cause I’ve never used hard money is O often it’s a company, but they also like to use these ugly things called points. And nobody likes those. And I deal with individuals. So I like to meet people, build a relationship with them, get to know them, explain what I’m doing, and make sure they’re comfortable. And we go from there and we build a relationship and we do multiple transactions and they get to make lots of money.

Jay Conner


So where do you find these private lenders?

Carly Mannino


Well, just kind of the same way I found you. They started at the, now it’s called the NC R, but I have gone and talked to people there. I do a lot of networking. If you ever see me at an event, I always tell my people when I get there, I’m gonna make some new friends today and I get my business card and I go, and I try to talk to as many people as I can find out what they’re doing and if I can help them and what if they can help me. So a lot of times I’ll meet people and they’ll find out, but I tell everybody I tell, I get a lot of referrals, cuz I tell all my friends and people know what I’m doing. And once I tell them they tell other people and then they’ll call me and say, Hey, I know this person, did you wanna talk to them? And they give them my information and we start talking. So a lot of my business, luckily in real estate and in private money has come from referrals.

Jay Conner


So your private money and your private lenders have come as a result of networking and referrals. Right?

Carly Mannino


Right. Because I didn’t feel like I knew people that had money cuz you know, you think all your friends don’t have any money, but then I went to your training and found out, we could really start looking through. People have a lot more money than they think, especially when they have IRAs and, and different forms of financial tools that they can use to create even more money for themselves.

Jay Conner


Right. So did you get private money lined up from your private lender or private lenders before doing your first deal? In other words, do you recommend focusing on getting private money lined up first, or were you in the process of being a real estate investor, do you recommend a real estate investor that’s particularly new getting private money lined up? When should they do that?

Carly Mannino


I recommend getting the money first. Absolutely. I happen to do it almost simultaneously on my first one, but my first one was very small. I only borrowed $12,000 and it was someone I met at the team meeting and the house I bought was only $6,900. And I ended up selling it for 60,000, but it kind of rolled. They were very close within a week or two of each other.

Jay Conner


Wait a minute. Now, did you say you bought a house for $6,900 and you sold it and you sold it for how much?

Carly Mannino



Jay Conner


$60,000. Well, how much money did you have to put into that house?

Carly Mannino



Jay Conner


So are you saying your profit was 60?

Carly Mannino


Well, if you want me to back up a little bit, so I borrowed 12,000, I put 6,900 to purchase the house and 200 to repair it. So I kept the difference. That was about $5,000. I then sold the house. I got a $6,000 down payment. So that put me back at 12, I received the monthly payments for six months. So that was another, maybe $4,000. I sold a partial on the note, got 17,000 to put in my pocket, and paid off my private lender. Next summer, that note will come back to me and I’ll get all those payments for another 15 years.

Jay Conner


So you really combined multiple strategies on that deal. You used private money to buy it. Yes. But then, but then you sold it with seller financing on terms I did. And you took a note back and then thirdly, you sold off a percentage or a part of that note to put money in your pocket to the tune of $17,000.

Carly Mannino


Yes. And then I’ll start getting those payments at the end of the year. And that’s my very first real estate deal ever.

Jay Conner


That is amazing. Carly. That is amazing. So, so let me ask you this. Am I remembering correctly? I saw you at an event within the past month and you told me that you had raised, was it over $900,000. I did it with private money.

Carly Mannino


Yes, I did with one.

Jay Conner


All right. All right. We want, we want to hear the story. I want to hear the story. Well, exactly. How much did you raise? 900. And how much? 900. And how much money?

Carly Mannino


Nine. I, I needed 800. So I figured if I needed 800, I might as well ask for 900.

Jay Conner


Wait a minute. Now, are you saying you always get lined up more than you need

Carly Mannino


A hundred percent.

Jay Conner


So you needed a hundred thousand say what?

Carly Mannino


Whether you need it or not, whether

Jay Conner


Do you need it or not? So you needed 800,000 for the deal, but you actually raised 900,000.

Carly Mannino


Yes, I did.

Jay Conner


I love it. All right. Let’s hear the story. How did you raise a hundred thousand? How did you contact them? What was the connection? What did you say to ’em? Did you try to talk ’em into anything? Did you present an opportunity? Tell us the whole nine yards.

Carly Mannino


Well, as I said, networking is very important to me. So this came about a few months ago. I had told my best friend in California that I was gonna be looking for some money, for some deals I was doing. And she had given me a gentleman’s name in Arizona. I just gave him a call. I said, I don’t have anything right now, but I just wanna talk to you, try to get to know you a little bit, know what your process is, how you know, how I do it, how you do it, you know, figure that out. And we left at that. It was maybe a half-hour conversation, just getting to know each other a little bit. And then I got this great offer presented to me last month, the wholes sailor had brought me a property. Unfortunately, his comps weren’t quite right, but they were selling the property at 800,000 and the ARV was 1.35.

Carly Mannino


So the wholesaler said, so I was looking for some private money and I started going through my Rolodexes. Ron likes to say, I have about 10 or 11 private investors right now. And I said, well, I’m gonna call him because I knew that he worked with a group of his friends that they invested and I called him. And like you said, I never present a deal when I’m asking for money. So I asked him, you know, what he had going on and what he was doing. And I love his talk, cuz people love to talk about themselves and let you know what they’re doing. And I love to listen to it. So I like to hear what he was saying. And it was very interesting. He asked me what I was doing. And I told him I was doing some lease options and terms. And he was very interested in that.

Carly Mannino


And I said, well, you know, I, I’m always looking for new investors. If you want to do, you know, to try you out, you know, we could do a small amount, you know, 50,000 or less. If you just wanna see how I do it, see how much money you get to make in the short term, and get that back. And right, as we were getting ready to hang up, I said, well, you know, as you know, I always do the lease options. I do terms, but I do have this one cash deal I’m working on and I’m looking to raise about $900,000. And you know, we talked for a little bit and he said, you know, that’s a little bit more than our group usually does. We usually try to keep it under half a million. And I said, okay, I understand. No worries. And he was quiet for a minute. And he said, you know, let me call my friend. I was like, oh sure. Yeah, no worries. You know, let me know what they say. And we talked for a few more minutes. I said, have a great day. I’ll talk to you soon. And he texted me not half an hour later and said, I got you 900.

Jay Conner


And I was wow.

Carly Mannino


That’s amazing.

Jay Conner


That is fantastic. Well, Carly, you just said something in your story. That’s very, very important. And I really, really want to, I really want to circle back around to this. You said in your initial conversation with this individual, you told him in that first visit that you didn’t have a deal right now, but you just wanted to get to know each other and see if you might possibly, you know, do business down the road. Did I hear that right?

Carly Mannino



Jay Conner


Well, I’ll tell you what is so important about that. Part of your story is I learned the hard way years and years ago when I started out attracting private money that I should never on a first visit, talk about private money and what it is that I’m offering in the private lending program. And also talk about a deal because I found out that makes me sound desperate. Even if I’m not trying to sound desperate, it sounds like I’m asking them to fund that deal. I’m gonna lose that deal. So my hat is off to you that you made that initial phone call just to establish that relationship thoughts on that?

Carly Mannino


Well, this very intelligent man once told me not to ever introduce a deal and ask for money at the same time. So thank you, Jake Connor. I took that. I took that to heart. And like I said, if you ever go to a networking event that I’m at and I’m always at a lot of them, I’m always up talking to people. And I always like to talk and get to know people better and, and find out their situation and what’s going on. And so it wasn’t too hard. Cuz like I said, a friend had referred me, I called ’em and said, Hey, my girlfriend gave me your number. And he was like, oh yeah, I love her. Do you know? And we started talking and it’s easy to build up a conversation when you have an introduction, even if it’s a cold introduction, she just gave me his name. She didn’t call him or anything. And we started talking and we went from there and it’s, you know, if you’re interested in people, they’re gonna be interested too. You, it can’t be one-sided. You definitely want to know what they’re doing, what’s going on with them, and how you can help them. And that helps you.

Jay Conner


You ed, you mentioned a moment ago that you’ve got 10 or 11 or so private lenders right now lined up. Tell us some more stories about how you’ve found those private lenders, and how much money they’ve pledged. So, you know, I can hear what kinda range of private money you’ve got from each one. But first tell us about how, how you met and started networking with these other people.

Carly Mannino


So I have about 10 now. I will say almost all of them have been through a networking event through a regroup of some sort I’m in different regroups throughout the country. Actually, after I got my first couple of deals, I flew to San Jose, California because I think that the investors out there when I ask ’em for 20 or $30,000, don’t think I can make any money with it. So I can ask them for a huge amount of money and I could do multiple deals instead of the amount that it would cost them to do one deal. So I went out there, I went to a networking event. I established a relationship with a couple of people there and they in turn introduced me to other people out there. So I built that group of people.

Carly Mannino


A lot of ’em I’ll start small just for their comfort level under 50,000, just so they could see because I can do that with a terms deal. I don’t need very much money if any, but then I have people that are up to four and 500,000 and now I have up to 900,000. So they do run the gamut. Luckily with the way I do lease options, I don’t need a whole lot, unless there are just some repairs, which I do have two properties right now I’m working on to have some heating issues. So those are gonna cost me a little bit of money to get set up. But otherwise, it doesn’t take too much and you can get it started, get a relationship, build that relationship and go up from there.

Jay Conner


So let me ask you this, Carly, how did it feel when you were able to really break through and really finally realize that private money was the thing that was gonna make so much difference in your business? What did it feel like when you got that first private letter that said, Hey, I’ve got X number of dollars. Yes. I wanna do business with you.

Carly Mannino


Yes. My first one, was $12,000 and that was the world to me cuz I didn’t have $12,000 and I didn’t really need $12,000. As you know, I only paid 6,900 for the house and 200 in repairs and I was just some drywall and it was amazing. It felt great. Cause I was like, wow, this really works. Like I could buy real estate. People would gimme money to do this, and they get to make money in return and it’s a win-win for everybody. And then we get to also help people move into homes that otherwise wouldn’t qualify for bank loans. So it’s really a full circle of being able to help people. Everybody wins in the circle.

Jay Conner


Absolutely. Has there been any kind of significant mistake that you’ve made so far in this world of private money that you would give as advice? Don’t do what I did. And you don’t do that anymore. Does anything come to mind?

Carly Mannino


Well, I have been blessed that I listen to everything you say and I do what you tell me to do thank God everything has gone smoothly. So I create continue to do so.

Jay Conner


All right. So really no, no big mistakes. No, no big hurdles to, to overcome. Well, I guess that sort of speaks to getting the right training up front, right?

Carly Mannino


A hundred percent because like you can see, I have all your programs here and I, I go step to my step. I make sure the attorney does all the paperwork. I don’t touch anything. I don’t touch the money. No one gives me a dollar. It all goes to attorneys. Everything is done legally. So we just make sure everybody is covered. Everybody is safe and everybody makes money.

Jay Conner


That’s awesome. When you first started actually raising money with that particular property in mind that you needed 800,000, how long did it take you to get the $900,000 pledged from the private lender?

Carly Mannino


That took no time at all? We were in Orlando when I was talking to you about it. I talked to Ron, the grand about it. I talked to you about it and we had just about gotten close to getting under contract. And I called this individual maybe three days later, maybe three days later. And he called me back within half an hour.

Jay Conner


So you got that $900,000 pledged literally within three days of actually looking for it. So to speak.

Carly Mannino


Yeah. And the other two days, I really didn’t look for it.

Jay Conner


So really you got it in one day, actually, you got it in 30, you got it in 30 minutes from the phone call. Right? I love it. Well, you know, Carl, you are such a Testament and a, and you know, I mean just proof that by taking action, knowing what your private lending program is that, you know, you want to offer to individuals, then it doesn’t take, you know, long at all. Now, one thing that you have mentioned a couple of times is how you use private money in conjunction with a lease option, or deal, talk through that as to how that works.

Carly Mannino


Well, that is great. You know, that helps a lot of people, especially if you’re just starting out in real estate, even if you’re not, but it does help you a lot. If you are just starting out, you might not have a lot of money to get started. When you build up these relationships and have these conversations with people it’s really helpful to start building up the money, cuz maybe you need a $10,000 down payment or if you need some earnest money or there are repairs and you don’t have that money, you build these relationships and raise this private money. So when you are ready, you can move very quickly. We like to close as quickly as possible a week, 14 days, and you can simply call your person, say here’s the property they wire to the attorney, they get there, their promissory note, and everything is legal. They get all their documentation, and everything that they need in order to go ahead and know that their money is protected and we can go ahead and close, and quickly help the seller out. Who’s usually having some kind of difficulty and we wanna help them out. So we help them out of their situation. And then we help the new buyer that won’t qualify for a bank loan and get them help as well. So it really is helpful all around.

Jay Conner


That is fantastic. What are your favorite reasons for using private money?

Carly Mannino


Well, originally it was putting money in my bank account cuz I needed some

Jay Conner


Well, let’s stop right there. How do you put money in your bank account by using private money?

Carly Mannino


Well, after we do the closing, whatever the difference is over the cost of the closing has to be refunded to someone. And in that particular case that someone is me. And then I decide from there what to do with the money, if it needs repairs or if we need to make some payments, sometimes we have mortgage payments coming up and insurance and different things. So that definitely covers that. And sometimes I just need money for myself. So,

Jay Conner


So, so what you just said is you’re actually getting money from the purchase of the house at the time you purchase it. And did you take any of your own money to the closing table when you bought that property?

Carly Mannino


No, never.

Jay Conner


So you borrowed more than you needed to buy it and you brought home a check?

Carly Mannino



Jay Conner


How can you go ahead?

Carly Mannino


A big check,

Jay Conner


A big check. Well, how can you bring home money from the purchase? I mean, how can you borrow more money than you need to buy it? Isn’t that like overleveraging the property?

Carly Mannino


No, not at all. So a wise man, J Connor told me I had to get paid three times when I buy a house. So always get paid when you buy a house, get paid when you sell a house, and then get paid in between. And so when I borrow the money, it’s never over-leveraged because we get the house a great deal and we’re borrowing a very small percentage compared to the total price of the house. So the seller or the lenders are never at risk because we don’t borrow a significant amount compared to the price of the house.

Jay Conner


So the reason you’re able to bring home a big check when you buy is that you’re borrowing, not based on a percentage of the purchase price, you are borrowing bases based on the percentage of the after-repaired value. Right? Right. So that house that you bought, what was it? 6,000 and some bucks.

Carly Mannino



Jay Conner


And you borrowed 12,000. So you’re bringing home like a $5,000 check or so let’s close in cost, but then did you, did I hear you say the after-repair value, you sold it with seller financing. The after-repaired value was like $60,000, right? Yes. So, your private lender that loaned you money of 12,000 is really very well secured because the value of that property that they loaned you money on was worth 60,000. But because you bought it at such a deep discount, you’re able to borrow more than you need to buy it. And therefore you bring him a big check every time. Right?

Carly Mannino



Jay Conner


I love it. I love it. Well, it sounds like your most favorite and effective way of raising private money is by networking, right? Yes.

Carly Mannino


For sure.

Jay Conner


Well, you’re a Testament to the fact that your networking ability is directly correlated to your net worth. Would you agree with that?

Carly Mannino


I would definitely agree with that.

Jay Conner


I love it. I love it. So, you know, in this market, Carly, it’s difficult for some real estate investors to find deals, particularly if they are relying on the multiple listing service. I mean, there’s no inventory, there’s nothing in the, I mean you put a house in the middle of listing service to sell and you know, it’s going just like that. Right? So that particular house that you bought for 6,000 and some bucks that were worth $60,000, how did you find that deal?

Carly Mannino


Well, this was a few years ago. This was shortly after my very first time coming to see you. So this one actually was on the MLS. Believe it or not. I think this is the one and only house I’ve ever done on the MLS. And this was before the market got too hot. This was about four or five years ago. They were asking more, but I’m a good negotiator. So we got ’em down to $6,900 on the negotiation. They were asking quite a bit more than that, but I did work with a real estate agent and she helped me. She, I tried to explain to her kind of what I was looking for and properties that have been on the MLS for a long time, over 3, 4, 5 months that hadn’t been selling. And we negotiated, it took a couple of weeks to negotiate, but they, we did get ’em down to the price I was looking for and we got it closed right away. But normally that’s the one and only house I’ve ever done on MLS. And I’m, I don’t really look there for my deals. As I said, I get a lot of referrals. I have a lot of wholesalers that bring me deals and we do some marketing as well.

Jay Conner


That’s awesome. Well, Carly, I tell you what I know that someone is listing that would love to be able to raise private money as you do, and like you have. And so I want to give away a free gift right now. I’m so excited about this brand-new private money guide that I just finished writing. And I wanna give it away for free. It’s called seven reasons why private money will skyrocket your real estate business and help you build incredible wealth. And if you wanna get on the FastTrack to private money, just like Carly has gone to You can download it, get on the FastTrack to private money and never miss out on a deal for not having the cash and the private money. Just like Carly. Manino gets on over to, and gets your private money just like Carly has as well. Well, Carly, obviously you have proven that you know what you’re doing and someone just might be interested in doing business with you since you’ve proven to know how to do it. So if we have someone that’s listening and wants to reach out to you, Carly, and talk about being one of your private lenders, how do they get up with you, Carly?

Carly Mannino


Well, there are several ways to get hold of me. You can always get my email at diamond capital assets. That’s the name of my company, You can call me on my office number. We have that in here in Raleigh 9 1 9 9 6 4 0 2 6 4. We do have a Facebook page under diamond capital assets. We’re also on TikTok. We are on Instagram. We are on, oh, the other one. I can’t remember Twitter. Thank you. So yes, we’re around. So you can definitely find us. My company’s name is diamond capital assets, cuz we’re in the capital of North Carolina. So diamond capital assets and reach out to us. We’re always looking to get new investors because we’ve got a lot of deals going on. I’ve got a new set of properties, probably a set of 40 houses. So a little bit of private money would probably be helpful for that one.

Jay Conner


Wow. And as you said, you create win-win scenarios. So again, Carly’s company, the name of it is Diamond Capital Assets, plural diamond, Like a diamond you wear. And that’s her Gmail address. Carly’s phone number is (919) 964-0264. And we’re gonna have this information in the show notes as well, but Carly’s phone number. She actually picks up the phone too is (919) 964-0264. And you can find her on her social media searching for Capital Diamond or excuse me, Diamond Capital Assets, all social media. Well Carly, what is your final advice to a real estate investor looking to get private money for their deals?

Carly Mannino


Just, I agree to say open your mouth, go talk to people. If you’re at an event, stand up, and talk to people. A lot of times they have the private lenders stand in the center of the room. Make sure you find out who those people are and go talk to them and just take an interest in other people and find out what they’re doing and what’s going on with them and let them know what you’re doing. And that way they’ll, you know, if you can either meet somebody that’s doing this or they can refer you to somebody and hopefully you can help them as well. And it’s a win for everyone.

Jay Conner


That’s awesome. Carly, thank you so much for sharing your story, your lessons, and your success.

Carly Mannino


Thank you. 

Jay Conner


Was nice to meet you. Thank you, Carly. Thank you, Carly. Well, there you have it. My friend, another amazing episode and story of a person just like you, that is attracting and raising hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars in private money. And she’s doing it by asking nobody for money she’s networking. She is sharing her story and offering a fantastic private money opportunity. And you can do the same thing I look forward to having you join us right here on the next episode. I’m Jay Connor, the private money authority wishing you all the best here to take your business to the next level right now with private money.


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