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A Vision Is What You Want Your Life To Be About | Alex Pardo & Jay Conner

A Vision Is What You Want Your Life To Be About

Why is it important to have a vision? What are some of the important factors that you need to consider when establishing your own vision?

Answers to these questions when you watch this short video by Alex Pardo & Jay Conner.

Alex Pardo is the Founder of Creative RE-Solutions, a home buying company based out of South Florida. The company’s purpose is to help people by providing solutions to unwanted properties.

In addition, Alex is the Co-Founder of ASCEND, a high-level mastermind and coaching community for Entrepreneurs that want to experience a better life and business.

Alex is also the Co-Founder of Holiday Mastermind, which was created to unite entrepreneurs that are passionate about go-giving, enhancing their businesses, all while doing so in a world-class setting.

Alex is the host of the Flip Empire Show, a top-rated podcast designed to help anyone achieve financial freedom through real estate investing. The show was launched in 2016, features industry thought leaders and cover a variety of topics like entrepreneurship, real estate investing, marketing, team building, systems and automation, personal development, vision building, and more.

Through his businesses, masterminds, coaching, and podcast, Alex is able to fulfill his purpose of helping others achieve Freedom, while passionately living his vision with his family.

For more valuable information click on this link and watch the complete episode: – “Ascend Your Success In Real Estate with Alex Pardo & Jay Conner, The Private Money Authority”

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Jay Conner is a proven real estate investment leader. Without using his own money or credit, Jay maximizes creative methods to buy and sell properties with profits averaging $64,000 per deal.

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Real Estate Investing With Jay Conner

Jay Conner:

I can tell you over that Thank goodness I learned the lesson years ago. I wish I had learned it earlier than I did, but over the course of my business career, every time that I got involved in some type of business or some type of opportunity and the main reason I was in it or the only reason I was in it was for the money and the profit. I never succeeded. And so, in all my businesses that I’m involved in like you, Alex, I have a much deeper reason that I am in the business. So again, it’s no doubt that we connect on these topics. Now, one thing you said a moment ago that you said is important and you also help entrepreneurs with, and that is helping people figure out or established and write down what their vision is. So multi-part question here about vision creating. Why is it important to have a vision? And before you even answer that define what you mean by vision. I mean, there’s vision there’s goals. But first define what you mean by vision. And then how does someone go about figuring out what their vision is?

Alex Pardo:

People have the wrong idea that people think that a vision is goals. Hey, I want to accomplish this, this, and this. Those are our goals. That’s not a vision for me. Think of your life as a blank canvas and you’re the artist, and you can create this image. You can create this masterpiece, so to speak, which is your life. If you could have it any way, how would you design your life? And for me a vision at least the way that I’ve done it is on one sheet of paper. And it’s broken down into eight categories. You know, we have spiritual family, health, money career and so on and so on, right? Hobbies, fun friends. So for me, it’s broken down into eight categories. And one of the first things that I do is I prioritize what’s most important in my life.

So spiritual and families at the top health is also up there. And I kind of go down the line. So a vision is what you want your life to be about. A vision is you know, we only get as cliché as it sounds. We only get one crack at this. It’s unfortunate that sometimes it takes a tragedy, it takes somebody close to us passing away or a celebrity, or it takes something happening for you to realize that we’re mortal. Like we’re here today and we can be gone in the next minute. And so one of the things I always ask myself, when I wake up is how am I going to squeeze the juice out of life today? Like, how am I going to live my vision and how am I going to live to the fullest? Understanding that again, the next minute, the next day isn’t promised.

And so for me, a vision is how I want to live in those different categories within my life. If I could have it any way without regards to money or time or any limiting beliefs, how would I live my life in those different areas? I prioritize it. And then I simply figure out what it is I truly want. And I’ll always ask myself, “What do I want? Why do I want it?” And then I’ll run it through one more filter. I’ll ask myself, “Is this what I think I want based on what I see others doing on social media or otherwise, or is this truly what I want?” Right. For whatever reason. And it’s important to your point, Jay, that you understand what the reason is behind it, because I think that reasons and the big, why is what’s going to push you through when the inevitable adversity comes, which we’re all going to face.

And so for me, I have a very specific on one page, one sheet of paper, I have a vision for my life and those different areas, spiritual family health and so on. Right. And my goal is to live that vision every single day. Now I falter, which is why I go back to it often. And then what I tend to do is I create goals that are in alignment with that vision, right? Because if your goals are not aligned with your vision, and you know, your goal is to take a company public and go a hundred million. Make a hundred million dollars in the next five years. But your vision is you want to travel a lot with your family and you want to serve people and you want to do this. Those goals is the goals and the vision aligned. Right. And that’s one of the things that I think people struggle with is not understanding that goals is not the same thing as having a vision.


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