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Vision Stacking & Holiday Mastermind | Alex Pardo & Jay Conner

Alex Pardo is a big advocate of “Vision Stacking”

But what is “Vision Stacking”? How can this help you set your goal and vision effectively?

Alex Pardo is the Founder of Creative RE-Solutions, a home buying company based out of South Florida. The company’s purpose is to help people by providing solutions to unwanted properties.

In addition, Alex is the Co-Founder of ASCEND, a high-level mastermind and coaching community for Entrepreneurs that want to experience a better life and business.

Alex is also the Co-Founder of Holiday Mastermind, which was created to unite entrepreneurs that are passionate about go-giving, enhancing their businesses, all while doing so in a world-class setting.

Alex is the host of the Flip Empire Show, a top-rated podcast designed to help anyone achieve financial freedom through real estate investing. The show was launched in 2016, features industry thought leaders and cover a variety of topics like entrepreneurship, real estate investing, marketing, team building, systems and automation, personal development, vision building, and more.

Through his businesses, masterminds, coaching, and podcast, Alex is able to fulfill his purpose of helping others achieve Freedom, while passionately living his vision with his family.

For more valuable information click on this link and watch the complete episode: – “Ascend Your Success In Real Estate with Alex Pardo & Jay Conner, The Private Money Authority”

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Have you read Jay’s new book: Where to Get The Money Now? It is available FREE (all you pay is the shipping and handling) at

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Jay Conner is a proven real estate investment leader. Without using his own money or credit, Jay maximizes creative methods to buy and sell properties with profits averaging $64,000 per deal.

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Real Estate Investing With Jay Conner

Jay Conner:

Your goals actually support what that canvas is going to look like that you are creating the vision about. Well, I’m glad you’re an open book Alex, cause I want to dig a little bit deeper. Will you share with me and the audience, a couple of examples of what your vision is for your life and for yourself and how that’s playing out? What are some of your priorities that you put in place? And what’s part of your vision look like?

Alex Pardo:

I’m a big advocate of something that I learned years ago called The Vision Stacking and vision stacking is when you can look at your vision, once you’ve outlined what you want your life to look like in a different areas, when you could start to stack visions and kind of accomplish and kill one bird with, or kill two birds with one stone, as they say. So holiday mastermind is a perfect example of that holiday mastermind. Like you said in the intro, it takes place in a world-class setting. So what is vision stacking, holiday masterminds, a perfect example of that. I love to serve. I love to give of myself and help people. I genuinely want to make an impact on people’s life. And so holiday mastermind is all about being able to raise money so that we can impact a charity that’s near and dear to my heart.

So I also enjoy masterminding and getting together with awesome people. I love to I’m constantly striving for growth and for pushing the limits on what I’m capable of. So I combined being able to raise a bunch of money for people through holiday mastermind with masterminding, with awesome people and also traveling. Traveling is also on my vision. So holiday mastermind takes place, in The Bahamas or in Jamaica or different places once a year. And so I essentially looked at my vision. I said, “How can I start the vision stack? I want to travel. I want to hang out with great people and grow and learn and push myself while impacting and serving people.” So there’s one example of me living my vision. Ascend is another one, you know Ascend is a successful business, but the goal of that business is not to make a bunch of money every single month, the goal of that businesses to impact and work with high-level entrepreneurs. So it’s very important that for people watching and listening, that you get crystal clear on what you want, why you want it, and then figure out how to reverse engineer the process to start to actually make that a reality. Most people just dream visions, allow you to take those dreams and make it a reality.


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