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How Private Money 5x's A 28-Year-Old's Real Estate Business | Raising Private Money with Jay Conner

Key Takeaways:

  • Will’s introduction to Private Money.
  • Will’s investment business before Private Money.
  • The difference between Hard Money Lenders and Private Money Lenders for Will.
  • Will’s rule of thumb when using Private Money.
  • Private Money in the days of COVID-19.
  • Will’s method of analyzing deals and how it stands out from others.
  • What’s changing in the market

Having access to private money always doubles, triples, or even quadruples your real estate investing business.

Today in Raising Private money, not only that my guest, William Denis double, triple, or quadruple his business, but Will 5xed his real estate business in less than a year by using private money!

Here at Raising Private Money, we speak with new and seasoned investors to dissect their deals and extract the best tips and strategies to help you get the money!

Why Learn From Will?

The Numbers:

Will’s background in finance has been a huge asset in his real estate investing career and earned him the nickname “Willy Numbers.” Students of Will learn how to analyze deals to maximize their potential gains.

The Process:

Knowing what to do, when, and why are all essential parts of what you’ll learn from Will. Businesses that hit scale are built upon a foundation of processes that give back time that goes back into revenue-generating activities.

The Mindset:

Real estate investing looks sexy from a distance, but there’s a lot of hard work involved — especially at the start. Getting your mindset right is critical to success, and Will teaches mindset to his students and followers.


0:01 – Raising Private Money with Jay Conner

0:57 – Today’s guest: William Denis

3:47 – Why Use Private Money In Your Real Estate Investing Business

6:07 – Private Money vs. Hard Money

8:48 – Closing Real Estate Deals Within 24 hrs When Using Private Money?

10:50 – How To Verify The Value Of A Property

12:31 – How To Get Big Checks? – Borrow More

17:28 – Hard Money Might Tighten Up But Not Private Money

19:30 – Bigger Is Better ( And Easier When Using Private Money)

22:13 – How to Double, Triple, or Quadruple Your RE Business

23:31 – Jay’s Free Money Guide:

24:28 – Analyze Deals, Maximize Profits!

30:38 – Connect & Learn With William Denis:

31:41 – William Denis, What Is Your Super Power?

33:15 – William’s Parting Comment: “ Find The Right People, It Will Accelerate Your Learning Curve”

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What is Private Money? Real Estate Investing with Jay Conner

Jay Conner is a proven real estate investment leader. He maximizes creative methods to buy and sell properties with profits averaging $67,000 per deal without using his own money or credit.

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How Private Money 5x’s A 28-Year-Old’s Real Estate Business | Raising Private Money with Jay Conner

Jay Conner


Welcome to Raising Private Money with Jay Conner. I’m Jay Conner, your host of the show, also known as the Private Money Authority. And today I am so excited on this show to have a good friend of mine, fellow mastermind member Will Dennis is his name, he’s got a huge background in finance. That’s been a huge asset actually in his real estate investing career. And it’s earned him the nickname. And I love his nickname, Willy Numbers. I gotta ask him when he gets on here. I don’t the word he got that nickname. But anyway, students of Will, actually learn how to analyze deals to maximize their potential gains. In addition to that, Will has raised private money. So we’re going to dig into his brain as well about his experience with private money. And with that, let’s welcome to the show. My good friend Will, Dennis will welcome you to the show.

William Denis


Thanks, Jay. Appreciate it.

Jay Conner


Will, first of all, tell everybody where are you located and where are you investing these days?

William Denis


Yeah, so we’re based out of South Florida, Fort Lauderdale primarily. And we’re doing the tri-county area, which is Palm Beach, Miami, dad, and Broward. And then we also do Pinellas Hillsborough, which is the Tampa area, and some other parts of Central Florida.

Jay Conner


All right, well I tell you what, for the sake of the podcast, which will be released in just a few weeks, let me go ahead and start out the podcast right now with this question.

William Denis


Go ahead. Will

Jay Conner


Tell me what did your real estate investing career look like prior to using private money? And then what did it look like after you started using private money?

William Denis


Well, it’s pretty simple. When you start off and, you know, I started off in wholesaling as many of us do. You know, as you grow up and as you move on, you start to take down deals yourself, right? And rehab them and fix and flip them more traditionally. And you start to use hard money with some money that you’ve saved up, right? So what happened was, I got to the point where we had done so many deals and built up a track record where our attorney actually reached out to us first, who was also our title attorney. And he said, Hey, if you guys ever, you know, he saw a loan come in one time and he said, you know, I, I, I’d, I’d love to fund this, you guys ever, you know, needed it. And I hadn’t really thought about it. So, you know, that kind of kicked it off for me, my background is in finance.

William Denis


And then I started to approach other people that started to see I was having success in real estate. Some of them approached me, and sometimes I approached them and it really got easy because I was able to leverage those relationships and take on a hundred percent financing, in most cases the rehab costs as well on that project. So I didn’t have to have my capital tied up to be able to, you know, put down 20% or 10% with a hard money lender. Right? So it allowed us to do a lot more deal flow and especially the quick ones, like the wholesales and stuff. So yeah, it, it definitely, it probably three, four acts my business from, from the numbers perspective,

Jay Conner


Yes, I’m the same way. I’ve, I’ve got a long list of reasons why I absolutely love private money. I tell you, I remember it like it was yesterday, what my business was like before private money. And that was, I was controlled by the banks. I was borrowing money from my local bank and then all of a sudden in January 2009, I learned on a phone call that I didn’t have any more funding at my bank. So I had to find a better and quicker way which is private money. And since that time I’ve not missed out on a deal for not having the funding. Now you said you started out in wholesaling, then you started staying in some deals, taking down some deals. So you mentioned private money and you also mentioned hard money. Now what is your difference You know, there’s, I was at an expo a couple of weeks ago on stage. And it’s funny, I was on, I was on stage with some hard money lenders. I don’t borrow hard money. I borrow from individuals’ private money. And different people even in the industry have their own definitions of what hard money is and what private money is. What’s your definition of a hard money lender and what’s your definition of a private money lender?

William Denis


I boil it down to speed and time. For me, a private money lender is someone that I can close tomorrow if I need it to. And I, and will fund me a hundred percent. It’s not worried about appraisals, not worried about any issues, and doesn’t really care about title issues. It’s more relationship driven. If, if I’m telling him or her, Hey, this is the deal I have, I need 300 grand tomorrow cuz it’s going to auction, the money will be there. No question. On the hard money side, it’s more of a process. Most of the time hard money lenders, there’s no right or wrong here, but most of the time they raise it from Peter to pay Paul, you know, that kind of structure. So there’s a little bit more red tape. They’re gonna want an appraisal, they might want a bpo, et cetera. So it definitely slows down what you can do. And also hard money typically is gonna require, you know, a 15 to 20% down payment if you have a good relationship, maybe a 10% down payment. Right? They’re also typically the first people to go in a down economy, like what we’re seeing right now. And they tighten up. My private lenders have not. So, it would be access to capital that, that would be my biggest differentiator.

Jay Conner


Will, your definition of hard money and private money is the same definition as mine. And the reasons that you started listing as to why you like private money, I say versus borrowing institutional money. So yes, my definition’s the same. A private money lender is an individual. It’s a human being just like you and me that we do business with and there’s no middle person involved. And like you said, in my experience, most hard money lenders, and by the way, I got a lot of friends that are hard money lenders, they raise money from private lenders, right? They raise money. You said to raise it from Peter, who’s the private lender to pay Paul, who is the hard money lender’s customer, right? The borrow and so hard money lenders a broker, middle person. And so in this world of private money, we’re just circumventing the brokerage and we’re just going directly to the individuals.

Jay Conner


I call these types of deals one-offs. And the reason I call ’em one-offs is I’m not having my private lenders invest in a fund, not even my own fund. It’s like they’re borrowing money and they’re loaning that money on a particular property and then their loan, their principal loan amount. That promiser note is being collateralized by that property. I wanna go back to what you were saying a moment ago. You started listing some reasons why you like private money quicker, I mean quicker. Why do you like it better? One of your first reason was quicker. Why do you like it better than you do hard money? The first thing you said is you can close the loan tomorrow. Yeah. When you’re using private money. So I wanna hang out on that again. Tell us again, why you can close with a private lender in 24 hours, but with a hard money broker, it might take best case, you know, two or three weeks.

William Denis


Yeah. So I’ve found in my experience is the short answer, the private money guy or girl already has the money. It’s already in their account. So whether it’s in a brokerage account or an IRA or a CiDRA or their own cash or a business account or a line of credit that they could tap into, it’s is usually one of those buckets and they’re ready to go. So they don’t have to think about it. It’s definitely relationship based. So with your track record, it’s gonna reflect the fact that I need to close tomorrow. So, that’s really the main reason they do have the capital. They don’t have to go borrow it.

Jay Conner


Exactly. And another reason you mentioned was appraisals. Very seldom do I even get appraisals done on the deals that I’m buying. When I’m using private money. I use my realtors, you know, comparative market analysis. So I actually know what the after-repaired value is of the property, but I don’t use appraisals either. How do you verify the value of a property before you make an offer?

William Denis


You’re saying when I’m making an offer with a seller or, or when I’m pitching?

Jay Conner


No, I’m sorry. With a seller, we were just talking about verifying and improving value. Yeah. But I sort of digressed off a product.

William Denis



Jay Conner


Money or you’re buying it creatively or, your intention is to wholesale it. How do you get you, how, how do you come up with the after-repaired value? I use my realtor and he gives me all the info in less than 24 business hours.

William Denis


Yeah. So I have, this is the way that I’ve structured it. I have a team, believe it or not, I have, I think we have like 13 VAs now and our team. So there are two VAs, sometimes three that have been taught how to run comps by myself or by my business partner. So I have a lot of videos and I don’t know how much detail you want me to go into, but I have a lot of videos that I’ve recorded screen share of me actually running comps verbatim, whether it’s on multifamily or single family. And that is copied by our VAs and they use the MLS or prop stream if it’s outside of our, of our primary markets. But I would say 90% of the time they’re using the MLS to do it. Those are the best comps. With that being said, I’ll just chime in and say, you know, it’s October 4th, so the economy’s kind of scaling here and it’s changing. We used to use with confidence six months in arrears for comps. We do not use that anymore. I’m only taking things about 45 to 60 days in arrears. So I’m tightening up those, those that comp timeframe.

Jay Conner


Yes, that makes sense. Another reason that you said you just really love private money is not only is it quick, not only do you not have to get an appraisal, but in addition to that, you mentioned that you’re able to get all the funding. It sounds like you do the same thing as I do, when you’re using private money, you don’t even have to come up with any money of your own to take to the closing table. In fact, will, if you’re like me, you always pick up a big check when you buy a property with private money. Is that the same for you?

William Denis


Yeah, so I, you know, check the wire, the same thing. But yes, we get cash to close for sure. If I, I, I just closed on one a little bit less than a month ago in Hollywood, the acquisition price was five 70. We figured we were gonna put five 50, or excuse me, 50 into it. So we got six 20 at closing. That was, that was the whole loan amount. So it’s easy.

Jay Conner


Yeah. That’s awesome. You know, my favorite phrase on my real estate attorney’s checks now they don’t wire out due to the fraud. I mean, you actually have to get a check from them. Sure. And so every time when I buy a property, there’s a phrase on the check stub of the, of the check, the funding check that we get. And it’s called excess cash to close. And I tell you what will, if you’re like me, you like yourself some excess cash when you’re buying. And you know, people say to me, they say, Jay, how in the world can, can you be getting a big check when you buy a property? It’s like, how does that work? And well, the answer is simple. You get a big check because you always borrow more than you need to buy the property. And they’ll go, Well, how can you do that?

Jay Conner


Well, the only way this works is if you’re buying these properties at a substantial discount. I’m interested in knowing what your criteria are. Well, my rule of thumb is I don’t want to borrow more than 75% when rehab is involved. I don’t want to borrow more than 75% of the after-repaired value. I didn’t say 75% of the purchase price. 75% of the after, for example, and I’m leading up to asking you what your bullet thumb is here in a second. So for example, let’s say that I’ve got a house here in Eastern North Carolina with an after-repaired value of $200,000. Well, I know in California you can’t even buy an outhouse for $200,000. But here in eastern North Carolina, you still can. So let’s say I got an after-repaired value of 200,000. Well, I buy houses that need rehab all the time at 50 cents, 50% of the after-repaired value.

Jay Conner


So I might buy that house for a hundred, a hundred thousand dollars and maybe it needs 30,000 or 35,000 in rehab. Well, I can borrow, if I’m borrowing 75% of the after-repaired value, I can borrow $150,000. In this example when the after-repaired value is 200,000, well, I’m gonna bring home a $50,000 check, let’s closing cost and I may use 30 or 35,000 of that for rehab. But I can use the rest of it anyway. I want to carry costs, maybe I’m paying my private lenders’ payments, maybe I’m not. What is your rule of thumb as to the maximum to borrow when using private money?

William Denis


I’m usually right around there. I’m in South Florida, so property values are a little bit higher than yours. When I get into northern Florida, it, it, it’s typically more like that scenario, the 200,000, 200,000 in South Florida really doesn’t get you much. But we do go off the market 95% of the time. So, it’s not uncommon for me to pick something up that the ARV is 400 and I’m picking it up for 200, believe it or not, tho those are bigger spreads that I’m definitely applying for hard money on unless I get offered some ridiculous assignment fee, which is fine. But yeah, it’s, it’s probably 75 to 80%. I, I, I don’t feel more, I don’t feel comfortable, especially now in this sliding economy. I’m, I’m being even more conservative. I, I, you know, we can get into that, but I, I’ve really gone back and made sure anything we’re closing on. So our rule of thumb used to be if we’re gonna close on it, we’d like a hundred k gross spread when we were closing on it, to fix and flip it. Now my new rule of thumb is I want 150 grand of growth spread. I’m just building in, you know, an extra 50% cushion just in case, you know, you never know. So some parts of Florida have already kind of taking a 20 to 25% hit right now. So, you

Jay Conner


Know, it’s, Yeah, well that’s, that’s a wise way to look at it. You said something a moment ago that I can for sure relate to and you said, you know, when the economy starts to tighten up then hard money does, but not private money. So I wanna ask about your experience, and I’ll share mine first. When Covid came along in March 2020 is sort of mine, my mark on the calendar. And as I say, I’ve got a lot of friends that are hard money lenders. I got a lot of friends that borrow hard money that, you know, don’t do private money the way that I do. And I tell you, what I heard is like shortly after Covid started hard money lenders, I mean, not only did they tighten up, they shut down. Like they weren’t loaning any money cause everybody was scared to death.

Jay Conner


And you know what’s interesting, Will I have more private money chase me in 2020? More individuals wanted to loan me money in 2020 and 2021 than I had ever had before. Now I think part of the reason for that is prior to Covid there was $18 trillion in cash sitting on the sidelines that could be used for private investment or private lending or whatever. But now on this side of covid, there’s 31 trillion that’s just in the marketplace in cash. I think part of that is because there’s, regardless of anyone’s political affiliation, there’s been more money printed in the basement of the White House since the current administration took office. But I mean, that’s just the fact there’s so much cash on the street. So, So what year did you start investing in real estate? Will?

William Denis


I started in 2017.

Jay Conner


  1. So you had been in it for three years when Covid came along in 2020, had you started using private money by 2020?

William Denis


Yeah. Yeah. So I, I actually ha I, I stumbled, I don’t know if we can curse on this show, but I stumbled ass-backward into, you know, private money. I figured it out by accident very early on. It was actually late 2017. I figured it out by structuring owner finance with a private note. Some people would call that syndication. I didn’t know what the hell it was called at the time, but I figured out how to buy 16 units using private money and owner finance. So that’s how I figured it out, you know, again, by mistake. And then I said to myself with them, this is pretty cool. And then, you know, it kind of as, as it grew and you know, more deals and stuff like that. And it really just opened my eyes. Cause I was like, man, if I can do this on 16 doors, which by the way was 10 times easier than doing it on one single family. So let’s just make that a point on the show. Bigger is better and it’s easier. That’s just my opinion and my experience.

Jay Conner


I love it. I love it. So, so you started using private money, and you started using it by accident. You backed into it. I did too. I mean, mine was outta necessity. I lost my line of credit at the bank and I had to find, a better and quicker way. Did you experience the same thing when covid come along? Did you have more private money chasing you as well?

William Denis


Yeah, I had more people contact me and, and reach out to me. I firmly believe that, yes, there was a lot of cash sitting on the sideline, but also they had nowhere else to put it in. And, my common conversation with people is that with real estate, it’s such an easy transition and excel if you will, or to frame the conversation because you’re securitized by a real asset first position. So it’s a no-brainer, you know, worst case scenario, you know, you could take it back and you can cash flow, god forbid. Right? But you know, and, and, and you have that, that margin built into it. So I mean, yeah, I definitely noticed there were a lot more people willing to loan. Not on the hard money side, those guys. No,

Jay Conner


No. Ran for the hills. And so you’re making a big point here. You’re making a big point here, particularly coming into a market as we are now where things are tightening up, you know, well when you’re, when you’re funding your deals with private money, you don’t have to worry about it tightening up. People are still wanting to make a high rate of returns safely and securely on either investment capital or their self-directed IRA funds. I’ve got 44 private lenders right now. Well, and over half of them are using their retirement funds in order to, you know, fund our deals. You know, you said something a few minutes ago as well, and that is, you talked about how private money three Xed and four Xed your business, whereas you were able to do so many more deals by just having the cash and the funding available. Did I hear that right?

William Denis


Yes, sir. Yeah. And, and I also, speaking on the covid transition I saw at the time there were so many people that had exited the space, the business guys that I was, you know, my quote-unquote competitors at the time. So we throttled down when it was around June, July of 2020, there was like a two-three-month span there where nobody knew where the heck the world was going and all that. We decided to double and triple down on marketing. But I also, when I started seeing the market pick up, particularly in south Florida, so many people were flowing in from other states. It helped our business tremendously. So I started taking on a lot more private money at the time because I knew, hey, if I could make a 30 k assignment fee, I could probably rip a 60 70 K exit, especially using a hundred percent financing, with private money. So that, that was my, you know, strategy during covid. So it, it allowed us to do a lot more deal and doing, you know, our operation does about 120 deals a year, so we have a lot to choose from, you know.

Jay Conner


That’s awesome. Will, that’s awesome. Will I want to go ahead and give a free gift to my listener here on the show, and then I want to dive deep with you into the other expertise that you have in addition to private money? So first of all, if you are wanting private money and you want to get deals funded and put yourself in the driver’s seat, I’m so excited about this brand new private money guide that I just finished writing. It’s called Seven Reasons Why Private Money will Skyrocket your Real Estate Business and Help you build incredible Wealth. This will put you on the FastTrack to private money. It’s absolutely free. You can download it at That’s This guide will get you on the fast track to private money. Well, in addition to private money you have other expertises, one of which is how you analyze deals you work with, you have students that you teach how to analyze the deals. So what is it about how you analyze deals that is, say different and maybe better than the way other people do it? And what is it that makes you, you know, stand out in you’re set apart from how you analyze deals?

William Denis


Yeah, so it’s a combination of things. Again, I always try to get my team the best tools for the job. You know, the MLS in my opinion is probably the most accurate and, and the most effective way, to, to run comps. But I understand that not everybody’s gonna have access. I do like prop stream over the years, you know, there are a lot of differences of opinions. I also taught my VAs how to run comps doing value add. So in South Florida, what I mean by that is if you’re analyzing a three-one, and I’ve given them parameters that I’ve learned over the years, but if you’re analyzing a three bed, one bath, right, for example, and it has 1200 square feet, well, in my eyes as an investor, I know that that’s a three bed, two bath. I know I can add a bathroom there no problem.

William Denis


And I can increase the value by 40, 50, or 60 grand. Right? So that’s gonna take a huge swing on how I can offer and how competitive I can be, right? So that’s one of the main points of how I teach my VAs how to do it and how we’ve taught ’em over the years and how I’ve made a lot of money. And, that’s what I mean by maximizing the value of a deal. Because if you’re running that comp, for example, and your arb as a three, one is two 50, but as a three two it’s, it’s three 10, that’s a significantly different offer. And, that becomes very true when I walk the property. So little things like that, if, if, if I see from an aerial view, right? Or on the property appraiser that, you know, there, there’s a, an addition in the back or some sort of utility closet, I check the sketches on the county level. You know, these are just little tricks and tips, that I use to know how I can maximize that house and make sure that I’m, I’m squeezing every dollar out of it.

Jay Conner


Well that’s, that’s a, a brilliant way to go about it. In other words, you’re not calculating value necessarily on just how that house is currently configured, but how much more profit could be, how much is it gonna cost and how much more profit, how much more valuable could it be once it’s rehabbed at a bath or whatever. I’ve got some friends that one thing they do as far as a value add, as far as a value add goes, one thing they almost always do, and I’m wondering if you have, one thing they almost always do is they will convert a garage into a heated and cooled square footage, depending on how big the garage, if it’s one car, it might be a bedroom. If it’s a two-car, it might be another living area. And I’m really curious as to your, and of course that gives us much more value to the house. Yeah. Cause it’s heated, heated, and cooled. But you know, some people don’t want a house unless it’s got a garage. So your answer may be, well it depends, but what is your answer to that on converting garages to heated and cooled square footage?

William Denis


Well, it does depend. I hate to brush your bubble on that one, but yeah, it does depend. I’m looking first at the area and I’m also looking at coms. So in that scenario, I’m gonna look at, okay, what has sold near this subject property? And are they selling, do I see a lot of conversions in the carport? Carports are really popular in Florida. So am I seeing a lot of carport conversions? Just from the Google Street view, I could tell, Hey, this was a carport, now it’s a bedroom, and it’s got a window in it. Now you, you can, it’s pretty easy to tell. So if I’m seeing that, then I’m gonna say, Okay, I’m probably gonna convert in this area. Assuming, you know, then you have to get into, it is a risk if you get caught by the city, if you’re not doing it with permits, right?

William Denis


It’s an illegal enclosure, whatever. It’s, it’s not, it’s rare, it doesn’t always happen, but that’s an issue. But if it’s a garage, and I’m seeing like in this property that I just told you about in Hollywood, it has a two-car garage. The highest and best use of that property is to keep it with a two-car garage. Because at an 800,000 plus dollar price point exit, that seller wants a two-car garage. They don’t care for an extra bedroom, in that scenario. Plus the house already affords two. So like I said, right, it depends, and I’m, I’m really looking at that. If I’m going at a lower tier price point in a maybe less desirable area, maybe 3 50, 400, I’m probably gonna, I want that type of buyer wants all the square footage they can get. So if I can do it, I don’t have a re-occupancy or anything like that on the municipal level, I, I’m gonna pull the trigger on it.

Jay Conner


So it really comes down to knowing your market.

William Denis



Jay Conner


And you make a very important point about the price point. I can see how an $800,000 home, you know, those people are gonna one or two-car garage, but if I heard you right, the lower price points, they may be more interested in more heated and cooled square footage. Or if it’s only a three bedroom, you know, a four bedroom or, or something like that. So point is well taken from

William Denis


There. Sorry. But it also, if I’m talking to a buy-in holder or if I’m talking to a guy who’s gonna keep this as a rental, I can promise you he’s gonna want more square footage as opposed to a carport. A carport doesn’t really do much for his rent, but if he has a three, two now, or a four-two, that’s gonna jack up his rent. If he’s going to section eight, it’s gonna increase his voucher. So, that’s definitely how I would read that.

Jay Conner


Gotcha. Will, your website is, What can someone learn by going to your website?

William Denis


Yeah, so I’m actually in the process right now of launching a course on, and, and it launches next week, but launching a course, how to teach someone who knows absolutely nothing about real estate part-time or full-time, how to get their first deal, and then how to continuously repeat that month after month and scale. It’ll be the first one to be in English and Spanish. So that’s pretty, pretty cool. They can also learn how to work with me, and how to join Venture, cause I do JVs across the nation. And then eventually, we’ll we will launch, a coaching program just, to work directly with me.

Jay Conner


All right, Well that’s fantastic. So that is, Will, what would you say is your superpower? What are you just like really good at that sort of sets you apart?

William Denis


Honestly, being relentless, it’s, it’s probably not the sexiest answer, but being relentless is, what I would consider my superpower. Staying consistent, especially through, through a tough market and starting out in this business or any business where you have to have so much sweat equity to get off the ground is kind of like a plane taking off. It uses most of its fuel on takeoff, not in flight, but once you get employed, it’s pretty easy, right? So I would say relentlessness is definitely my superpower.

Jay Conner


How do you stay relentless?

William Denis


I guess we all do it in different ways, but yeah,

Jay Conner


You just refuse to give up.

William Denis


Yeah, I anchor, I mean, I’m stubborn as hell, but I, I anchored my why, you know, why am I doing this? And, and going back to that kind of side of it and, you know, that could be spiritual, that could be family that, that, you know, my wife for a long time is, you know, my mom and my mother, single mom, single grandmother, and it was making enough money to be able to make sure that, you know, nothing would happen to them, you know, But if it, if it’s money, there’s nothing wrong with it. I, I’ve certainly had my job, I just wanna make a lot of money. It’s great, but it’s really from a guy who’s experienced it, it’s really only gonna get you that far. And it’s, at some point it’s, it’s not gonna, it’s not gonna keep driving you. That’s for sure.

Jay Conner


Awesome. Final words, final thoughts? Will,

William Denis


We’re recording this at a pretty interesting time. You know, the market is, in my opinion, it’s shifting and it’s correcting. I think a lot of opportunity is yet to come. And I think, I mean, I love real estate because of what it’s done for me personally and how many people I’ve met like yourself, you know, through masterminds and all that. I would say probably Mastermind and being around the right people has certainly accelerated my learning curve. You know, I’m probably where I’m at right now and it probably should’ve taken me 10 to 12 years as opposed to five and a half, right? So that, that would be my, my best piece of, you know, some final words here.

Jay Conner


Awesome. Well, thank you so much for joining me on the show.

William Denis


Thank you. I appreciate it.

Jay Conner


And thank you, my listener, for joining us here on the show. You are the reason that we are, are here and I need your help. I really need your help. I appreciate likes, shares subscribing. If you happen to be watching on YouTube, click that bell so you don’t miss out on any more notifications. And one more thing I need your help with, and please share this podcast with someone that you believe it could inspire and also help in their real estate investing business. I’m Jay Connor, The Private Money Authority, wishing you all the best. Here’s to taking your real estate investing business to the next level. And we’ll see you right here on the next episode of Raising Private Money.


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