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Favorite List For Direct Mail | Corey Reyment & Jay Conner, The Private Money Authority

In real estate, direct mail is a posted mail that advertises your real estate business. It’s the most common marketing strategy and is still widely used by realtors.

The key to a successful direct mail is finding your potential list of buyers and sellers.

In this short video, Corey Reyment guest of Jay Conner shares some of his favorite lists in sending direct mail to find probable leads.

Corey Reyment is a full-time real estate investor originally from Green Bay.

Corey and his wife Carrie bought their first duplex at the end of 2016 and parlayed that into 115 doors within three years of that first purchase using the BRRRR Strategy almost exclusively creating a portfolio now worth over $8 Million dollars.

They also run Fox Cities Home Buyers and Wisconsin Discount Properties, the largest real estate wholesaling company in Wisconsin, where they did about $2 million in revenue in 2020.

They teach students across the country who are looking to get their first BRRRR Deal and run a Mastermind Group called Launch, which helps businesses go from working in their real estate business to working on their business.

For more valuable information click on this link and watch the complete episode: – “Discover the BRRRR Method with Corey Reyment and Jay Conner, The Private Money Authority”

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Jay Conner is a proven real estate investment leader. Without using his own money or credit, Jay maximizes creative methods to buy and sell properties with profits averaging $64,000 per deal.

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Real Estate Investing With Jay Conner

Jay Conner:

Direct mail has been working for a long time and it still does. I’m doing direct mail right now. What are your favorite kinds of lists? You can get all kinds of lists to mail to from absentee owners, to vacants, to probates, long lists. What’s your favorite list to mail today?

Corey Reyment:

We have some specialty lists that we get that we don’t have no idea what they are. Actually, we pay a provider and they use their algorithms and stuff I don’t understand. And then they give us the list and some of those are our best, but they’re our biggest, most expensive lists. Some of the old bread and butters that have just been consistently working is we call it “Pend”. P-E-N-D. So, Probate, Evictions, Notice of default, and Divorce. Those are consistent and those we can continually get in our state just from a public record. So we don’t need to hire anybody outside of a- We have a virtual assistant that goes in every week and pulls all those and puts those lists together. And they’re pretty consistent. Probates are, you know, we don’t do a lot with them. It’s kind of one of those things where morally, we sometimes are like, “Oh, I know we’re helping some families,” but other families we’re like, “Oh, I don’t know.” We just don’t do a lot. And they get hit really, really hard in our market by other people. So we don’t do as well with those, but we still get some deals now and then. Evictions are great. It’s a little tougher to find evictions now because of the moratorium and stuff like that. There haven’t been as many people filing evictions, but it’s still an old bread and butter.

Jay Conner:

So on the evictions, what you’re looking for there is a tired landlord, right?

They had to go through the eviction process and they’re just sort of like done. I liked the acronym that you just, that you gave out. It was like a Panda. Tell everybody about it again. One more time. What does PEND stand for?

Corey Reyment:

Yeah. P as in “Probate,” E as in “Evictions,” N as in “Notice of default,” and D as in “Divorce.”


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