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Josh Culler’s Story In Real Estate With Jay Conner, The Private Money Authority

Josh Culler has been in the real estate investing industry since 2013 and has been a part of hundreds of deals as a marketing director.

Owner of Culler Media and REI.VIDEO, Josh focuses his services on active real estate investors and real estate influencers providing content marketing.

Primarily video content and podcasting. REI.VIDEO services those who film their video content but need editing done. Culler Media services those who need a more white-glove approach, including content production, copywriting, and distribution.

Josh has two podcasts to educate you on content marketing and real estate marketing! The Content Marketing Playbook and the REI Marketing Weekly can both be found on any podcast platform.

For more valuable information click on this link and watch the complete episode: – “Social Media Marketing for Your Real Estate Business with Jay Conner & Josh Culler”

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Jay Conner is a proven real estate investment leader. Without using his own money or credit, Jay maximizes creative methods to buy and sell properties with profits averaging $64,000 per deal.

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Real Estate Investing With Jay Conner

Jay Conner:

How it is that you got into real estate. What’s your background story and how are you qualified to do what you do?

Josh Culler:

Long story short, you gave an incredible introduction for me there and I appreciate that. So like he said, I’ve been in real estate for going on close to close to eight, nine years now. Since 2000 early, 2013. The funny thing, Jay, is that like, when I got started in this industry, you know, Gary Harper, he’s the one who brought me in and actually started training me. And I was, I’m only 27 right now. So do the math. Like I was really, really young when I got into this. And that’s an incredible blessing, but I’ve always had a mind for marketing and being creative and doing video work and graphic design, stuff like that. And so Gary just kind of pushed me into that role and said, “Hey, I want you to do this marketing role.

It’s a position that needs to be filled and I’m willing to help you and train you and give you any resources that you need for it.” And so I got pushed in that role and really started learning everything. Now here’s the thing, in that era, when I got started in that, we were doing zero acquisitions marketing. Absolutely none. All the marketing we were doing with dispo marketing – dispositions marketing – which meant, selling the houses. So we were a wholesaling company. And I remember time and time again, we had a list of spreadsheets of deals that we had on a contract. And it was more times than not, no less than 30, 40 deals that we had on that spreadsheet. And we were just trying to dispo. So all the marketing we were doing was building cash buyers lists and getting in touch with landlords, people that were working for people that had assets that they were looking to acquire even more because the areas that we were in, in the Midwest, it’s all great turnkey rental markets and that kind of thing.

So that is kind of how it got started. And so we started mastering that, got really good at dispositions marketing on the acquisition side, you could snap your fingers, get a deal from HUD. Jay, you remember those days, those were wonderful, wonderful days of being able to just pick up a deal at any given time that you wanted to. And then right around 2016-ish, late 2016, going in 2017, it kind of flipped over. And I remember almost overnight the Acquisitions Department we still call them the Acquisitions Department. They were the people that just placed bids on HUD. The manager came up to our office and said, “There’s no more deals on HUD. What do we do?” And Gary and I looked at each other, like, “I guess we’ve got to start marketing to get motivated sellers.” So we started digging into that and figuring out what that process looked like.

And so we started getting really, really good at that. in 2017, we did about 300 wholesale deals in that. And that’s kinda like how I got my grounds in that era. So, kind of fast forwarding it now, what I focus on, I’ve pulled out of the actual act of real estate investing game at that point and focused on what we’re really, really good at, which is content marketing. And so, you know, you believe in content marketing, you have a podcast here, you do videos, you do audio and all that kind of stuff, social media. And that’s what we focus on. So, obviously, like, our core niche is with real estate influencers, people that are educators, they got programs to teach people how to do real estate, but we do also work heavily with active investors. And so a lot of that has focused around social media with video content. And I’m not going to have to preach here, hopefully, Jay, about how important video content is. But that goes to your website, social media, Google My Business, all that stuff. And so that’s where I’ve gotten the grounds for it at this point. And that’s what we focus on. But I think that answers your question, Jay, if not, then feel free to steer me in the right direction.


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