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What You Read, Tells Who You Are | Jay Conner, The Private Money Authority & Henry Washington

Books like the “Alchemist” that talk about living in your purpose and fulfilling your dreams and passions are what motivates Henry Washington in helping other entrepreneurs achieve their financial freedom and his own success as well.

Henry is an author, entrepreneur, and real estate investor with more than 65 rental units and dozens of house flip under his belt.

He built his rental portfolio in just 3 and a half years, allowing him to achieve his goal of financial freedom.

Henry has been featured in numerous online and television publications like FOX Business Morning Show FBN: AM, Yahoo Finance, Business Insider, NBC, CBS, CourseMethod & BiggerPockets – where he enjoys showing others the power of real estate investing and financial freedom.

He strongly believes that helping other people is what helped him become successful in the real estate business.

For him, every investment is going to involve risk, and the most successful people in the world are successful because they take calculated educated risks.

For more valuable information click on this link and watch the complete episode: – “Henry Washington, Helping Real Estate Investors Achieve Financial Freedom with Jay Conner”

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What is Private Money? Real Estate Investing with Jay Conner

Jay Conner is a proven real estate investment leader. Without using his own money or credit, Jay maximizes creative methods to buy and sell properties with profits averaging $67,000 per deal.

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Real Estate Investing With Jay Conner, The Private Money Authority

Jay Conner:

That’s what I attributed myself, my wife, Carol Joy, our team to such great success is, you know, back to what Zig Ziglar says, “You help enough other people get what they want,” You know, paraphrasing, “You don’t have to worry about yourself.” In fact, in our foreclosure business, where we market to people that are in foreclosure when they respond to our marketing, the very first question that we ask them is, “Do you want to keep your property?” Right? And if they want to keep their property, then I can’t give them legal advice. I can’t give them accounting advice, but I can give them advice from our experience. And we’ve got a 10-point checklist as to some areas that they may not have thought about as to how they could keep their property. And if they ended up keeping their property, is there anything in that directly for me and my team? No, there’s nothing in it directly, but I truly believe in this. When you’re focusing on the other people, the law of reciprocity always comes into play and I’m not going to have to worry about me and my team if we help enough, you know, other people. You know, Henry, I believe that what people read in the books that people read, tells a lot about a person. So my question for you now is what book have you given as a gift to other people more than any other book?

Henry Washington:

That’s a great question. I love, “The Alchemist.” I’m more of an emotional, touchy-feely kind of guy than I am like a “how to tell me exactly how to do this process.” And so books like, “The Alchemist,” where it talks about living in your purpose and fulfilling your dreams and passions, stuff like that really gets me pumped up. It really motivates. I truly believe that, as I said, I found this business in the middle of the night and I immediately knew it was for me. Right? It was what I was meant to do. And I feel like when people live in their purpose and their passion and you start to enrich others because you’re living in your purpose and your passion, that just so much success keeps coming and so much growth happens. And so I get, I love to give that book as a gift.


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